V International Forum of Innovative Teachers "MODERN EDUCATION: CHALLENGES, TRENDS AND STRATEGIES"
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V International Forum of Innovative Teachers
Country: Republic of Kazakhstan, Venue: Shymkent, Tauke Khan Avenue, 5
Date: April 28-29, 2025
Time and place of the plenary session: 10.00, Assembly Hall, main building, online and offline modes.
Organizer: M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
The purpose of the forum: to summarize and promote professional experience, reveal the creative potential of teachers, promote the improvement of the scientific and methodological level and quality of teaching, as well as to expand activities to introduce and implement the main directions of modernization of professional and pedagogical education in the light of improving the quality of human capital and sustainable development.
Forum objectives: to expand the forms of communication and exchange of experience between higher education institutions, organizations of preschool, secondary, technical and vocational, post-secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries and to support the professional growth of teachers.
The V International forum of innovative teachers is held in the following areas:
1. Global trends and strategies in modern education.
2. Modern challenges:
- Sustainable development and education: Inclusion of sustainable development concepts in educational programs to prepare students to address global challenges.
- Environmental literacy: Growing need to teach the principles of ecology, climate change and sustainable lifestyle.
Teaching staff of higher education institutions of RK and foreign universities, college teachers, preschool teachers, teachers of comprehensive schools, lyceums and gymnasiums are invited to participate in the forum.
The forum will include open lectures, presentations of innovative projects, master classes, round tables and trainings. Among the topics of interests of the Forum are issues of elite education, artificial intelligence in education, Kazakhstan's model of innovative, informational and health-saving education.
Materials developed and published in the period from September 2021 to April 2025 are presented for participation in competitions and exhibition of innovative developments.
There is a possibility to make presentations remotely in the videoconference mode and to introduce new competitions by recommendation of participants.
The forum will be held in online and offline formats. The address of online platform will be announced additionally.
Working languages of the forum: Kazakh, Russian and English. Applications for participation in the forum (according to the attached form), paper texts in printed (in 2 copies) and electronic versions and a copy of the receipt of payment of the registration fee (in the amount of 3500 tenge) are accepted until April 20, 2025 inclusive by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to the address: 160012, Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, Tauke Khan Avenue, 5, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, main academic building, 2nd floor, office 205, responsible secretary of the Organizing Committee of the forum is professor Khamitova Barna Makhamatovna.
Based on the results of the Forum, it is planned to publish a Forum proceeding.
For all questions please contact the Organizing Committee of the Forum.
Phones: +7(7252) 21-06-48, mobile: +77013509420, +77018228207
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
160012, Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, Tauke Khan Ave., 5.
Bank details: JSC "Eurasian Bank"
РНН 582100003432
ИИК KZ 9894815KZT22032170
Код 16 БИН 990240005557
ОКПО 39140473
Код ОКЭД 85420
Код КАТО 511013100
Forum fee can be paid via Kaspi application
It is necessary to follow the route "Payments" - "All" - "Education" - "Universities and Colleges" - indicate “M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University” - "Faculty" (in this column indicate "International Forum of Innovative Teachers, 2025") "Course" (in this column indicate the area of the forum in which the article will be published) - Author's full name - Author's Individual identification number (IIN) - Purpose of payment – “Article publication”, Amount - Select an account for payment - Payment - Continue - Confirm and pay.
In the field “Purpose of payment”, indicate "International Forum of Innovative Teachers, 2025"
It is obligatory to send a scanned copy of the receipt for the transfer of the registration fee to the email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Travel, meals and accommodation for Forum participants are at their own expense or at the expense of the sending organization.
Application form
for participation in International Forum of Innovative Teachers
April 28-29, 2025
Full name of author (coauthors)
Name of employer
Academic degree and academic title
Number and title of section
Title of article (report)
Participation in competition:
1) name of competition
2) conducting open class (specify type of lesson, its topic) (online/offline)
3) participation in exhibition
4) conducting (participation) master-class, training (specify topic, required training equipment and contact to organizing committee)
5) participation in teleconference/distance participation
Contact phone number
Postal address (if it is necessary to send a proceeding)
Hotel booking (yes, no)
Formatting requirements for paper
The report text (up to 3-6 pages in A4 format, including figures and tables) should be typed in Microsoft Word, using the Times New Roman font (font size – 11, line spacing – 1, all margins – 20 mm, paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm). The material should be organized as follows: the first line indicates the UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) in both the original language and in English. After a line - in capital letters the title of the report in the original language (in bold) is provided. After a line - the initials and surnames of the author(s) in the original language is provided. The number of authors is limited (no more than three authors). After a line - the full name of the organization, city, country and e-mail address (e-mail) in the original language is written. On the following line, in italics – for reports in Russian: түйін and abstract, for reports in Kazakh: резюме and abstract, and for reports in English: abstract (100-150 words). After a line break, provide keywords (at least 7 words) in the original language. Then, after another line break, the main text of the paper in the original language is printed.
The reference list should appear at the end of the main text with a line break, ensuring that these references can be considered when analyzing citations of authors and journals.
The paper text is final and must not be edited, as it will be published as an original work. The proceedings of the forum will be compiled by direct copying.
Materials that do not meet the specified requirements will not be accepted for publication, will not be considered, and will not be returned.
Please pay attention to the necessity of submitting materials that are carefully edited and comply with all the aforementioned requirements, as the listed organizational fees are non-refundable.
Sample of formatting article:
UDC (10 pt) INNOVATIVE APPROACHES IN EDUCATION: THEORIES AND TEACHING METHODS (11 pt) Khamitova B.M. (11 pt), PhD, Associate Professor (11 pt) M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan (10 pt) Аbstract: (10 pt) 100-150 wordsKeywords: not less than 7 words Main Text of the Report (11 pt)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References (11 pt) |