Equipment manufacturing and repair department

The department for the manufacture and repair of equipment
The department for the manufacture and repair of equipment is a structural subdivision of the Department of Testing Laboratories (DTL) of the Mukhtar AuezovSouth Kazakhstan University (SKSU).
The department for the manufacture and repair of equipment is staffed with qualified specialists in the maintenance and repair of test and research equipment, monitoring and measurement tools.
The main activity of the department is aimed at ensuring the operability of testing equipment, research, laboratory and other devices and installations of the Department of Testing Laboratories (DTL).
Engaged in accounting, checking the technical condition of equipment. Carries out scheduled maintenance work on equipment maintenance and repairof the DTL:
- Provides technical support for the installation and commissioning of new equipment, instruments and installations conducted by the DTL.
- Provides technical support for the installation and commissioning of new equipment, instruments and installations conducted by the DTL.
- Prepares a plan and schedule for maintenance and repair.
- Makes a list of spare parts and consumables for repair and restoration of equipment of the DTL.
- Develops instructions and techniques for the operation of equipment, the use of software and hardware.
- Provides technical assistance to other departments of the university for the selection, installation and commissioning of research, laboratory and other types of equipment.HUMAN RESOURCE:

Department head
Nogayev Temirkhan
Address:160012, Shymkent city,
Tauke khan ave. 5, build. Б, office 103
Telephone: 8-7252-30-08-36
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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