Project C3QA
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C3QA «Promoting the internationalization of research through the creation of a quality assurance system of 3rd level education in line with the European agenda"
In 2016 M.Auezov SKSU became a member of higher education institutions consortium of the European project C3QA «Promoting the internationalization of the research through the creation of a quality assurance system of 3rd level education in line with the European agenda.
Project implementation period: October 2016 - October 2019.
The purpose of the project: To contribute to the creation of a society based on knowledge in Armenia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Ukraine through the development and introduction quality assurance system for reliable internationalization of educational programs of the 3rd Cycle.
The project participants are universities and accreditation agencies in France, Spain, Poland, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Mongolia.
Within the project planned to:
- Develop and implement an effective system of external quality assurance (EQA) at the national level.
- Develop, test and implement in high schools the internal quality assurance system (IQA).
- Ensure implementation of doctoral education in accordance with Salzburg principles and European quality standards.
- Conduct a pilot accreditation of doctoral programs "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" in accordance with the updated standards.
In the framework of the project was performed:
- A pilot accreditation of “Chemical technology of inorganic substances” doctoral program, according to updated standards.
- Created guidance of doctoral quality assurance planned by the project.
The C3QA project working group of M.Auezov SKSU is headed by the first vice-rector of the university Nurmanbetov K.E.
The project will develop and implement a common approach of the state policy in ensuring the quality of educational programs of doctoral studies PhD, external and internal quality assurance systems, new standards for the accreditation of educational programs of doctoral studies PhD. An important contribution to the development of an independent quality assurance system will be accreditation of a number of Kazakhstan educational programs of PhD with new quality standards. In addition, the project in each institution participating in the project will be equipped with a project office for the development of doctoral education.
Kick off meeting
February 3, 2017 in Yerevan at the base of French University in Armenia (UFAR) held an organizational meeting of the consortium of the project Erasmus + Contest II (2016) C3QA «Promoting the internationalization of research through the creation of a quality assurance system of 3rd level education in line with the European agenda".
The event was attended by European partners Universite Jean Moulin Lyon III (France), Universite d'Auvergne Clermont-Ferrand 1 (France), Haut Conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'ES (France), Universidad de Alcala (Spain ), Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego W Kielcach (Poland), as well as universities and accreditation agencies of the partner countries of Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Mongolia and Armenia.
The Kazakh delegation was represented by the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan, Independent Quality Assurance Agency in Education, M.Auezov SKSU, Kazakh Humanitarian Law University. On behalf of M.Auezov SKSU meeting was attended by Director of the Center of Bologna process and academic mobility Irina Yefimova and Head of Accreditation Bakhyngul Abdizhapparova. In the meeting have been approved the working group to determine the composition of the Steering Committee and the coordinators of each working group and discussed the financing of the project, reporting and dissemination of project results.
Country Coordinator of the project in Kazakhstan is the Independent Quality Assurance Agency of Education-IQAA.
Milestones of C3QA project implementation
Year 2017
- Information for the review of doctoral education in the Republic of Kazakhstan is prepared.
- Collection of regulations and recommendations of the European higher education area in the field of doctoral education is compiled (Collection of regulations and recommendations of the EHEA in the field of doctoral education).
- Guidelines for the organization of training in doctoral studies are developed and published (METHODICAL RECOMMENDATIONS on the organization of ВЗ and scientific-research work of doctoral students).
- Guidelines for the protection of doctoral theses are developed and published (GUIDELINES for the defense of doctoral theses).
- Training on quality assurance system of C3QA team members (Kyiv, Ukraine, Madrid, Spain).
- Equipment for the office of doctoral students is purchased.
Year 2018
- An office for doctoral students (repair, establishment of the Internet, corporate network and purchased equipment) is prepared.
- The experience of doctoral studies of European partners (Poland) was translated into Russian (Poland_EUcountry_presentation RUS) and Kazakh (Poland_EUcountry_presentation KAZ) languages.
- Guidelines for internal quality assurance in doctoral studies are developed. The structure of the Guidelines is fully consistent with the Standards and Guidelines for ensuring the quality of higher education in the European Higher Education Area (ESG - 2015), it takes into account the Salzburg Principles ( , GUIDELINES for IQA in doctoral studies SKSU).
- A seminar was held for doctoral students of the Higher School of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (10.10.2018) to familiarize themselves with the goals and objectives of the C3QA project, to present the guidelines for internal quality assurance in the doctoral studies of SKSU, to familiarize themselves with the European code of conduct regarding the integrity of research. A feedback of doctoral students is obtained.
- The project participants made presentations at a conference on the dissemination of the experience of doctoral education (Astana, October 2018) on following topics:
• Assuring quality in Cycle 3 (doctoral programmes) through creation of a proper organizational context, research environment and admission: SKSU experience
• Effective research training in Cycle 3 (doctoral) programmes
• Doctoral student supervision, progress monitoring, and procedures and criteria for QA of Doctoral dissertation and its final assessment: SKSU experience
- Guidelines for internal quality assurance in doctoral studies were officially adopted at the Academic Council of SKSU (minute No. 5 dated from December 26, 2018).
- Training on quality assurance system of C3QA team members (Lyon, France).
Year 2019
- A self-assessment report on the educational program 6D072000 - Chemical technology of inorganic substances was prepared for accreditation according to new IQAA standards for doctoral studies ( ).
- A site-visit of IQAA experts (March 11-12, 2019) for the accreditation of the specialty 6D072000 - Chemical technology of inorganic substances (/en/accreditation-audit-framework-erasmus-programme ) was held.
- At the meeting of the Accreditation Council (March 30, 2019) the educational program 6D072000 - Chemical technology of inorganic substances was accredited for 5 years (/en/great-news-0 ).
- On the basis of the knowledge and experience gained during the project, a seminar "Doctoral studies: realities and trends" was held for the teaching staff of doctoral programs (April 17, 2019) (/en/seminar-doctoral-education-realities-and-trends ).
- Team members Seitmaghzimova G.M. (SAFAA, Fine Arts, Design and Decorative Apl. Arts) and Abdizhapparova B.T. (YSU, Biology) participated as academic experts in pilot accreditation of doctoral programs of Armenian universities on April 29-30, 2019.
- In order to disseminate gained experience, head of department “Chemical technology of inorganic substances” Seitmagzimova G.M. was invited to participate with the report “Experience of participation of the university in external audit in the framework of accreditation of doctoral programs in accordance with the standards developed in the framework of the Erasmus + project (C3QA)” at the international conference of experts on quality assessment in education organized by IQAA on May 27, 2019 ( ).
Published articles
- «На пути к качеству» / Панорама Шымкента. – 27 июля 2017 года ;
- «Новый уровень образования» / Университет, №10-11 от 08.11.2017 года;
- Обеспечение качества в докторантуре // Современное образование №2 (110), 2018. – С. 106-108 .
- Aspects of quality assurance in european doctoral education // труды II Международного форума педагогов новаторов «Современное образование: вызовы, тренды», 2019 г.б с.206-208.
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