Student initiative

M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University STUDENT INITIATIVE on observance of safety measures in chemical and specialized laboratories


We, representatives of the students of  M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, gathered at the university in Shymkent for a meeting of the Student Council on December 22, 2014. On behalf of the students of our university, we took the following initiative to comply with safety precautions when working in chemical and specialized laboratories.



The Student Council of  M. Auezov SKSU considers this initiative as an important step towards achieving an understanding by students of the importance of observing safety precautions when working in laboratories. This initiative is accepted by all university students whose specialties include laboratory classes in chemical and specialized laboratories. The basis for the adoption of this initiative was the students’ lack of understanding of the importance of observing safety rules when working in laboratories and the need to improve the procedure for familiarizing students with safety requirements.


Possible risks


We understand that the requirements of safety rules when working in chemical and specialized laboratories are aimed at reducing the risk during laboratory and practical work. Risk factors include thermal and chemical burns, poisoning by poisonous vapors, cuts, and electric shock. We realize that it is very important to know, understand and strictly comply with the requirements of labor protection instructions when working in a chemical or specialized laboratory. We confirm that before working in the laboratory it is necessary to undergo training on labor protection, a medical examination and not to have contraindications for health reasons.


Safety requirements

We undertake to comply with:


- the following safety requirements before starting work:

1.Pre-plan work with the teacher;

2. When working with toxic and aggressive substances, prepare personal protective equipment for use;

3. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.;

4.To prepare the necessary equipment, laboratory glassware, reagents, devices, raw materials for work;

5. Verify that the ventilation system is in good condition and that the fume hood and oven are working properly;

6. Check the availability of individual fire extinguishing and first aid equipment: medical kit, fire extinguisher, felt or wool blanket, sand box;

7. In case of equipment malfunction or any signs of possible malfunction (smoke, flame, smell, etc.), inform the instructor immediately.


- requirements for the use of personal protective equipment:

1. When working in the laboratory, it is necessary to wear a dressing gown made of cotton fabric. Hair should be removed;

2. When performing work related to the release of toxic gases and dust, respirators or gas masks and other protective equipment should be used to protect respiratory organs;

3. When working with caustic and toxic substances, it is additionally necessary to use aprons, personal protective equipment for eyes and hands;

4. To protect hands from the action of acids, alkalis, salts, solvents, it is necessary to use rubber gloves;

5. Gloves should not be cut, punctured or otherwise damaged. Wearing gloves, sprinkle them with talcum powder from the inside;

6. To protect the eyes, it is necessary to use glasses of various types, shields, and masks.

- the following safety requirements during operation:

1. While working in the laboratory, observe cleanliness, silence and order at the workplace;

2. You must not taste any substances;

3. If necessary to determine the smell of the gases released during the reaction, you need to direct a stream of gas from the throat of the vessel to yourself with a gentle movement of the palm of your hand and inhale carefully;

4. In the process of work, it is necessary to ensure that substances do not get on the skin of the face and hands, since many substances irritate the skin and mucous membranes;

5. Experiments should be carried out only in clean dishware;

6. Bottles with substances or solutions must be taken with one hand by the neck, and the bottom supported;

7. Solutions must be poured from the vessels so that when tilted the label is on top (label in the palm of your hand!). Remove the drop remaining on the neck of the vessel with the top edge of the dishes where the liquid is poured;

8. When using a pipette, it is strictly forbidden to draw the liquid in by mouth;

9. Take solid chemicals only with a spatula, tweezers or a spoon (not with your hands!).

10. Work with solid alkalis should be carried out only with goggles and gloves;

11. Pour liquids through chemical funnels. The bottle from which the liquid is poured must be kept with a label on the hand to prevent damage to it;

12. When heating liquid and solid substances in test tubes and flasks, their openings cannot be directed towards oneself and neighbors. You can also not look from above into openly heated vessels in order to avoid possible damage as a result of a chemical reaction;

13. All experiments with toxic and odorous substances should be carried out in a fume hood;

14. When heating solutions and substances in a test tube, use a holder. The opening of the tube should be directed away from oneself and other workers;

15. When diluting concentrated acids and alkalis in small portions, pour acid (or concentrated alkali solution) into water, and not vice versa;

16. Hazardous reaction products should only be drained into appropriate cans in a fume hood;

17. All rules for using electrical appliances must be observed.

Before connecting the device to the electric circuit, it is necessary to visually check the serviceability of conductive wires and grounding. During operation, do not leave the appliance unattended. It is not allowed to handle the parts of the device that are in motion, the pulley of the electric motor and electrically conductive parts of the devices. Do not lubricate or clean the device during operation. At the end of work, the device must be disconnected from the mains. In case of accidental electric shock, immediately turn off the current and call a doctor;

18. Do not leave on electric heating and other electrical appliances after completion of work;

19. It is strictly forbidden to touch open contacts on laboratory shields, as well as on contacts on electric motors, electric heaters, etc .;

20. When working at installations with parts, you must be especially careful: do not touch these parts and make sure that they do not get the hanging edges of clothing;

21. With all arising questions immediately contact the teacher;

22. It is strictly forbidden to pour concentrated solutions of acids and alkalis into the sinks, as well as various organic solvents, strongly smelling and flammable substances. All waste must be poured into a special glass container with a capacity of at least 3 liters with a lid (for subsequent disposal);

23. It is strictly forbidden to take food in the laboratory.

- the following safety requirements at the end of work:

1. Tidy up the workplace;

2. Do not pour out unspent reagents and do not pour them back into those vessels from which they were taken;

3. Drain the spent reagent solutions into a special glass container with a lid with a capacity of at least 3 liters (for subsequent disposal and destruction);

4. Turn off laboratory equipment, exhaust ventilation and other electrical appliances;

5. Remove protective clothing and personal protective equipment;

6. Wash hands thoroughly with soap;

7. Carefully ventilate the room.

- the following emergency safety requirements:

1. In cases with broken laboratory glassware, do not collect its fragments with unprotected hands, but use a brush and dustpan for this purpose;

2. Clean up spilled and scattered reagents, being guided by the requirements of the instructions for safe work with the corresponding chemical reagents;

 3. In the case of a spilled flammable liquid and its ignition, immediately inform the nearest fire department and proceed to extinguish the source of fire with primary fire extinguishing means (fire extinguishers, sand or cover with a felt blanket);

4. If there is a break in the water supply, all valves must be shut off. Particular attention should be paid to taps, from which water flows through rubber pipes;

5. Upon receipt of an injury, immediately provide first aid to the injured, inform the administration of the university, if necessary, send the injured to the nearest medical institution;

6. In case of electric shock, it is necessary to immediately move the injured away from the wires by means of a non-conductive object, while taking measures to turn off the current.

7. If during operation a malfunction of laboratory equipment or other electrical devices is detected and the person working with them feels at least a weak current, the work should be stopped immediately, the faulty electrical device must be de-energized and the supervisor informed of the failure to arrange for repair.


We confirm that all points of the above safety requirements are clear to us, and we commit ourselves to observe and follow them during study and in our professional activities.

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