6B03120 Political science
Educational program (EP)
Professional development of teaching staff
Proceedings and projects of teaching staff
Authors: S.M. Turkeeva, J.K. Simtikov, S. Mazhinbekov
Editor-in-chief: Kozhamzharova D. P.-rector of the University named after M. Auezov, doctor of historical sciences, professor, academician of NAS RK
LOwner-Kazakh tarikh LLP
Chairman of the editorial board A. K. Kusainov, doctor of technical sciences, Prof.
A. zh. Ismailov, Psychol.Ph. D., Prof. Deputy editor-in-chief Akhmetov K. A., doctor of technical sciences, Prof.
Executive secretary T. V. Krivoshchapova, Ph. D., Prof.
A. zh. Ismailov, Psychol.Ph. D., Prof. Deputy editor-in-chief Akhmetov K. A., doctor of technical sciences, Prof.
Executive secretary T. V. Krivoshchapova, Ph. D., Prof.
Editor-in-chief: Kozhamzharova D. P.-rector of the University named after M. Auezov, doctor of historical sciences, professor, academician of NAS RK
Republican scientific journal "QAZAQTANÝ"
By order of the Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, rector of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov dated 30.01.2019, No. 39-od, the scientific journal of the Republican level "QAZAQTANÝ" is published from the university as an official scientific periodical 4 times a year, every quarter: at the end of March, June, September, December.
The scientific journal is registered with the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and communications and issued a certificate "on registration, re-registration of a periodical publication, Information Agency and network publication" dated 30.01.2019, No. 17493.
Subscription index-76112. registered in the database of the Russian scientific citation index (RSCI) (Contract No. 260 dated 05.05.2019).
Responsible structure for the preparation and publication of the scientific journal-M. Auezov educational, " social-
scientific center" History and Ethnology "of the research institute" humanities
The scientific journal is registered with the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and communications and issued a certificate "on registration, re-registration of a periodical publication, Information Agency and network publication" dated 30.01.2019, No. 17493.
Subscription index-76112. registered in the database of the Russian scientific citation index (RSCI) (Contract No. 260 dated 05.05.2019).
Responsible structure for the preparation and publication of the scientific journal-M. Auezov educational, " social-
scientific center" History and Ethnology "of the research institute" humanities
Geopolitical competition between America and China for transport corridors in Central Asia and regional security issues
Author: S.M. Turkeeva, A.K. Izbairov
The main problems of modernization processes in Egypt (40-70 years of the XIX century.)
Authors: Zh. E. Turekulova, G. K. Otarbayeva
History of the development of Egyptian cities in the XIX century
Authors: Zh. E. Turekulova, M. U. Zhumabekov
Historical background and political and economic significance of the construction of the New Suez Canal
Authors: Zh. E. Turekulova, G. Zh. Esirkepova
Journal "Bulletin of Уassawi University"
Berkimbayev K. M.
- Deputy editor-in-chief, doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Pilten Pusat
- Deputy editor-in-chief, associate professor, Ph.D.
- Deputy editor-in-chief, doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Pilten Pusat
- Deputy editor-in-chief, associate professor, Ph.D.
Academic mobility
Student mobility
Students targeted for mobility
Wydział Prawa i Administracji
International relations
Erasmus+ KA171
Spain, Valladolid
International law
Laura Sansyzbayeva Yerkinkyzy
Erasmus+, Spain, Valladolid, Valladolid University
Award ceremony✅
Grant Award Agreement✅
Learning agreement ✅
Erasmus Student Guide✅
Medical insurance in Spanish✅
Wydział Prawa i Administracji
International relations
Erasmus+ KA171
Spain, Valladolid
International law
Laura Sansyzbayeva Yerkinkyzy
Erasmus+, Spain, Valladolid, Valladolid University
Award ceremony✅
Grant Award Agreement✅
Learning agreement ✅
Erasmus Student Guide✅
Medical insurance in Spanish✅

Places of practice
Faculty of history and pedagogy
Department of" political science"
Department of" political science"
- Department of civil service affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Shymkent (2023-2028)
- Youth Resource Center (2023-2028)
- Office of the mayor of Al-Farabi District of Shymkent (2023-2028)
- Shymkent City branch of the Amanat party (2023-2028)
- Shymkent City branch of the Akzhol party (2023-2026)
- Department of internal policy and affairs of the city of Shymkent (2022-2025)
- Akimat of Satpayev city of Karaganda region (2022-2025)
- Shymkent City Department of Internal Affairs (2021-2025)
- Assembly Of Peoples Of Kazakhstan (2021-2024)
Practice agreements

Places of practice:
- Shymkent City Department of the agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs
- Youth Resource Center of Shymkent
- Office of the mayor of Al-Farabi District of Shymkent
- Akimat of Satpayev city of Karaganda region
- Assembly of people of Kazakhstan of Shymkent
- Department of internal policy and Youth Affairs of the city of Shymkent
- Shymkent City branch of the Amanat party
- Shymkent branch of the Akzhol party
- Department of internal policy and Youth Affairs of the city of Shymkent
- Department of Religious Affairs of Shymkent
- Shymkent branch of the Akzhol party of the unPC
- Shymkent City branch of the unPC" AMANAT " party
Research work of students
On 03.04.2024, the Department of" Political Science " carried out Career Guidance work to City Schools, in particular, schools-gymnasiums number 40, 47 and 1 under the leadership of the head of the Department S. A. Mazhinbekov, propaganda work was carried out and booklets were distributed.The university is one of the most prestigious universities in Central Asia.An educational institution that works tirelessly to train specialists.In addition, for graduates of the school 6b03120-"Political Science"

On 02.04.2024, in honor of the Open Day, the Department of Political Science organized a meeting with schoolchildren on Career Guidance work for the 2023-2024 academic year and showed the University. He familiarized himself with the base of the educational institution, providing information from educational programs.


EP Bachelor
ЕР Magistracy
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