6B03120 Political science



Name of the EP

6B03120 Political Science

Code and Classification of Education

6B03 Social sciences, Journalism and Information

Code and Classification of Areas of Training

6B031 Social sciences

Group of educational programs (EP)

B040 Political science

Language learning

Kazakh, Russian

The complexity of EP

240 credits

Distinctive features of EP


Partner University (JEP) -


Purpose of the EP


Preparation of highly qualified bachelors of Social Sciences majoring in 6B03120 "Political Science" with professional competencies capable of carrying out organizational and managerial, expert, consulting, research and other types of professional activities.

Name of the degree awarded

Bachelor of Social Knowledge

Field of professional activity

A system of political knowledge, a set of political processes at various levels of government, subjects of political processes, in the field of political communications and consulting, the process of political decision-making, as well as scientific research of politics

Learning out comes

LO1 Communicate in state, Russian and English, including in the professional field, with an understanding of principles and culture and academic honesty

LO2 Interpret the theories and methods of modern political science, as well as the main directions of evolution and regularities of the development of political science in the world space and in Kazakhstan

LO3 Have information and computational literacy, the ability to generalize, analyze and perceive information, set goals and choose ways to achieve it.

LO4 Apply research, entrepreneurial and working skills in an uncertain environment

LO5 Demonstrate the ability to adequately navigate various political situations, the ability to work in a team, correctly defend your point of view, offer new solutions

LO6 Analyze current problems of political science using methodological tools for each specific object of study

LO7 To work independently with scientific literature from various sources for its interpretation on aspects of political life and assessing their theoretical and practical value, demonstrating political culture and ethical norms.

LO8 Demonstrate humanitarian, social, socio-economic and other knowledge in professional activities and adapt them to the changing political reality.

LO9 Manage human resources and analyze political and management technologies in the field of politics based on knowledge of the theory of power, public administration.

LO10 Prepare explanatory notes with scientific and analytical forecasts of political processes, political and legal documents, participating in political diagnostics and expert activities.

LO11 Perform applied policy research, determining the causal relationships of political processes and phenomena;

LO12 Assess the surrounding reality on the basis of worldview, civil and spiritual positions, social responsibility and methods of scientific research.

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