Programs of study of Kazakh, Russian, En..." />

Department of language development

Language Development Department of M. Auezov Educational Institution:

programs for teaching Kazakh, Russian, English and other foreign languages;

translation services (Kazakh, Russian, English);

provides, organizes and conducts counseling services for English-taught teachers and students studying subjects in English.


Zhamantaeva Aktolkyn senior lecturer, fluent in Kazakh and Russian languages.

Winner of the "The best Kazakh language teacher", 2008 competition, held among teachers who teach Kazakh language to employees of state institutions.

In 2013, with the support of JSC "Orleu National Center for Professional Development", she passed the advanced training course "Innovation of University Pedagogy and Methodology in the Higher Education Area" at the International Department of INTAMT in Dusseldorf, Federal Republic of Germany.


Winner of the category "Best linguist of M. Auezov SKSU", in 2016.She was awarded the "Certificate of Honor" on behalf of A. Kabayev, Chairman of the Language Policy Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2022)

Her articles have been published in several scientific journals, socio-political newspapers, at the regional seminar-training "Technologies of teaching the state language to representatives of other nationalities", and at the international scientific-practical conferences "On the Road to Education". Kazakhstan society: innovative direction in the development of science, education and culture". , "Language teaching, teaching methodology and features of language assessment" seminars were shown at events organized at the university, city, regional level and were awarded with letters of thanks.

Her article titled "The Use of Metaphors and Idioms Related to Four Types of Livestock in Kazakh and English Languages" was published in the Republican scientific journal "QAZAQTANU". (2022)

Her article titled "Why is the Language of Youth Becoming Mixed?" was published in the socio-political newspaper "Shymkent Kelbeti". (2023)

A.A. Zhamantayeva has published over 30 scientific and methodological works, including 1 teaching manual.

She was awarded the badge of the order "For Merit to the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers". (2022)

These statements appear to be describing the professional achievements and publications of A.A. Zhamantayeva, including her articles, publications, and recognition in the field of education and linguistics.

Employees and teachers

All teachers of the Department of Language Development have extensive experience in creating dictionaries, programs and curricula for teaching students on national and international programs in various directions.

One of the teachers of the English language course at the department had completed an internship at a foreign university and has various international certificates. Lessons are conducted using various methods and games according to the author's educational programs for each level. In addition, Dutch and Pakistan’s teachers also teach.

Ahmed Waqar

English teacher.

Tungyshbek Aruzhan

English teacher.

Coster Renze

English teacher.

Murataliyeva Galiya

English teacher.

Bazarbekov Alkuat

Translator of the Kazakh language.

Seidikerim Nurgulsim

Highly qualified specialist in the national.

Isabaeva Raikhan

Highly qualified specialist.

General information
Advising and assisting students and teachers in teaching special subjects in English
Recommended methodological tools for the language development department:
Training in courses
Support Services

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