The goal is to develop and support the University's partnership with the Executive authorities, employers and businesses in the implementation of government programs aimed at supporting entrepreneurship.

Tasks and functions:

- involvement of scientists, doctoral students, undergraduates and students in active business activities, assistance in the implementation of their ideas and projects;

- organization of training for working professions of University students and external students;

- organization of the process of interaction between science and business at the initial stage, promotion of innovative entrepreneurship in the educational environment

- creation of business schools, training centers, organization of master classes, trainings, seminars, conferences, exhibitions at the University.

Tasks of student business incubator:

- creation of conditions for the organization and effective activity of research and innovation teams and small businesses, including University students for the implementation of business projects, innovative, scientific, technical and social ideas.

- providing students with additional opportunities for commercialization of scientific, technical, innovative ideas for business by providing office space and a range of consulting services.

- formation of entrepreneurial competencies for business among students, as well as the ability to competently formulate research, design, technological, organizational tasks.


Main activities:

1. Development of partnerships the University has signed a number of memorandums and cooperation agreements with the akimats of the South Kazakhstan region and Shymkent city, JSC "Entrepreneurship development fund "Damu" JSC National company "Socio-entrepreneurial corporation "Ontustik", Chamber of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken", "Department of entrepreneurship and industrial-innovative development of SKR", GU "Management of coordination of employment and social programs of SKR", etc.

2. The University takes an active part in the implementation and is the coordinator of training under the state programs "Business road map-2020", "Employment road map-2020" in the South Kazakhstan region.

3. The University together with the regional branch of South Kazakhstan region JSC "Entrepreneurship development fund "Damu" implements projects "Business Advisor", "School of young entrepreneur", "school start-up" within the program "Business road map-2020".

4. On the basis of the University organized and conducted training courses "Fundamentals of entrepreneurship", training and retraining courses for workers for the participants of the program "Employment roadmap 2020".

5. In order to ensure social partnership, the University-employer, the University on a regular basis organized and conducted jointly with the akimats of South Kazakhstan region and Shymkent city, the regional branch of South Kazakhstan region of JSC "Entrepreneurship development fund "Damu", business representatives, public associations, successful entrepreneurs, industrial enterprises of the region-exhibitions, workshops, conferences, training seminars, round tables, open days.

6. On the basis of the University training courses are organized for 23 working professions for students of the University on a free basis and employees of industrial enterprises and external students on a contractual basis. Bases for carrying out these occupations are created together with the production enterprises educational, scientific and production complexes.

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