The main task is the professional competence of the teacher
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The society needs qualified teachers to train competent specialists. Therefore, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University pays special attention to the process of professional development of the teaching staff and conducts systematic work in this direction. The Center for Additional Education and the Department of Journalism and the Kazakh Language of M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University organized a refresher course on the topic from February 14 to 25, 2022: "Theory and genres of journalism, actual problems: analysis, practice".
The course program includes such important modules as:
- History and experience of Kazakh journalism. Analytical journalism;
- Ways of forming the skills of a journalist;
- Fundamentals of journalistic creativity;
- TV journalism, radio journalism, photojournalism: theory, practice, abstract;
- Artistic journalistic genres;
- Theory and genres of journalism.
Highly qualified specialists from L.Gumilyov ENU and Al-Farabi KazNU were invited as lecturers of the course. Among them are Ph.D., Professor, L. Gumilyov ENU, Dean of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science of Sak Kairat Omirbaevich, Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Press and Electronic Media of the Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Sultanbayeva Gulmira Serikbayevna and others.
The course program includes such important modules as:
- History and experience of Kazakh journalism. Analytical journalism;
- Ways of forming the skills of a journalist;
- Fundamentals of journalistic creativity;
- TV journalism, radio journalism, photojournalism: theory, practice, abstract;
- Artistic journalistic genres;
- Theory and genres of journalism.
Highly qualified specialists from L.Gumilyov ENU and Al-Farabi KazNU were invited as lecturers of the course. Among them are Ph.D., Professor, L. Gumilyov ENU, Dean of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science of Sak Kairat Omirbaevich, Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Press and Electronic Media of the Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Sultanbayeva Gulmira Serikbayevna and others.
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