The experience of the best teachers at the scientific forum “Digital Pedagogy: Educational Trends”!!!
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On November 10-11, 2021, VІII International Annual Conference “Industrial Technologies and Engineering – ICITE-2021” will be held at M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, which will be held under the auspices of “The 30th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the time of Creation in the name of people” and dedicated to the World Science Day.
The experience of the best teachers at the scientific forum “Digital Pedagogy: Educational Trends”!!!
Within the framework of the conference, the Republican Pedagogical Scientific Forum “Digital Pedagogy: “Educational Trends” will be held. Teachers of schools and colleges of Kazakhstan are invited to participate in the forum. Moderator: Dzherenova Raushan Omarkhanovna – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, director of “Daryn” center of Department of Education in Shymkent city.
The purpose of the forum is to discuss the tasks set by the Head of the State Tokayev K-Zh.K. to the teachers of the country in his Address to the people of Kazakhstan “THE UNITY OF THE PEOPLE AND SYSTEMIC REFORMS ARE A SOLID FOUNDATION FOR THE NATION’S PROSPERITY”.
The following honored teachers of the country will make presentations: Orynbekov Arman Shymbaiuly “Honored teacher of Kazakhstan”, “The Best teacher – 2019”, Shabden Zhadyra Rakhmankulkyzy “The Best teacher – 2020”, Makhmudov Gavkharbek Raushanbekovich “The Best tutor – 2021” and The Best teachers of 2021 – Kharchenko Tatyana Viktorovna and Turyshova Assel Muratbekovna. The invited guest is Zhumabekov Askhat Sovetkhanovich – finalist of “Global Teacher Prize” competition.
The forum will be held on November 11, 2021, at 10:00 in a mixed format.

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