Within the framework of the VІII International Conference “Industrial Technologies and Engineering – ICITE-2021”on November 10, 2021, the Republican Forum "Digital Economy" was held at the Higher School "Management and Business".
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Within the framework of the VІII International Conference “Industrial Technologies and Engineering – ICITE-2021”on November 10, 2021, the Republican Forum "Digital Economy" was held at the Higher School "Management and Business". This forum is organized in accordance with the concept of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tokayev Kassym-Zhomart Kemelovich - the month of November is "Month of Industrial and Innovative Development and Digital Economy".
Scientists from both foreign countries and Kazakhstan took an active part in the work of the forum:
- Iulian Romeo Ihnatov, Finance, Money and Public Administration Department, Associate professor, PhD, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania
- Chuprina N.N. – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean of Faculty of Economics, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology
- Nazarov A.D. – Director of Science Department, Institute of Digital Economy and Law, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
- Stefan Dyrka – Doctor of Economics, Professor, University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
- Afanasyev O.E. – Professor, Russian State University of Tourism and Services Studies
- Mustafa Nursoy – PhD, Mugla University, Mugla, Turkey
- Cemal Okuyan – Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey
- Suits V.P. –Doctor of Economics, Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University Head of Department
- Aitymbetova A.N. – c.e.s., Head of the Department "Finance"
The moderator was Urazbayeva Gulnara Zharasovna - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Deputy Dean for Science and Innovation of the Higher School "Management and Business".
The work of the forum, discussion and discussion of the most relevant areas of development of the digital economy aroused a keen and significant interest among listeners: students, undergraduates, doctoral students, young scientists, faculty of higher education and other participants.
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