On November 10-11, 2021, VІII International Annual Conference “Industrial Technologies and Engineering – ICITE-2021” will be held at M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
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On November 10-11, 2021, VІII International Annual Conference “Industrial Technologies and Engineering – ICITE-2021” will be held at M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, which will be held under the auspices of “The 30th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the time of Creation in the name of people” and dedicated to the World Science Day.
The conference will be held in promising areas in the field of chemical technology, nano- and biotechnology, agro-industrial complex and food industry, textile technologies, mechanics, ecology and environmental management, renewable energy and energy-saving technologies, IT technologies, socio-economic development, engineering education.
Within the framework of the conference, International round table dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of Academician Balabekov Orazaly Satimbekovich “Academician Balabekov O.S. – close associate, scientist and teacher” will be held.
Balabekov Orazaly Satimbekovich – Academician of the Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the International Engineering Academy, Honorary Chemist of the USSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
The activities of Balabekov O.S. are continuously connected with M. Auezov SKU (former Kazakh Chemical Technological Institute), where he has gone from an assistant to the vice-rector for scientific work. He worked at the chair “Machines and apparatuses of chemical production” (currently “Technological machines and equipment”) for 33 years, including 25 years as the head of the chair. He introduced progressive forms and methods of teaching and training specialists into the educational process.
Scientific activities of Balabekov O.S. are devoted to the creation of a new scientific direction in Kazakhstan – development of theoretical foundations of processes and apparatuses of chemical technology and industrial ecology.
Balabekov O.S. is the author of more than 500 scientific works, including 22 monographs, 110 inventions, GOST and four technical regulations (TR), 3 scientific discoveries and scientific hypothesis, recognized by scientific communities and academies of foreign countries.
Scientists of universities and research institutes of the Republic of Kazakhstan are invited to participate in the round table.
The purpose of the round table is to remember the years of joint scientific and educational activities, the achievements of Balabekov Orazaly Satimbekovich in science, training of scientific and engineering personnel. The round table will be held on November 10, 2021, from 14:00 to 16:00 in a mixed format.
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