On April 23, 2021, the Institute of Postgraduate Education for graduate students held a webinar on the ZOOM platform with a live broadcast on Instagram @auezov_postgrade on the topic "Rules for admission to doctoral studies".
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On April 23, 2021, the Institute of Postgraduate Education for graduate students held a webinar on the ZOOM platform with a live broadcast on Instagram @auezov_postgrade on the topic "Rules for admission to doctoral studies".
In addition to undergraduates, the webinar was also attended by university staff. Director of the Institute Konarbayeva Zulfiya acquainted the participants with the new rules for admission to doctoral studies.
The rules for submitting an application on the NCT website, the form of the entrance exam, which consists of three blocks: writing an essay, passing a test to determine readiness for training and an exam on the profile of a group of educational programs, were explained.
Compared to last year, this year, for the first time, applicants will take entrance exams in electronic format in regional testing centers. Changes have also occurred in the content of the entrance exam, if earlier it was enough to provide an international certificate of proficiency in a foreign language and pass the exam in the specialty within the walls of the university, then this year the blocks for writing essays and tests for determining readiness to learn have been added. After completing the report, the participants asked questions to which they received reliable and satisfactory answers.