Our university continues events dedicated to the month of science and technology in the framework of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Our university continues events dedicated to the month of science and technology in the framework of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
One of the series of meetings of students, undergraduates and doctoral students took place today on April 21, 2021 with a leading scientist, academician of the Chuvash Academy of Sciences, a member of the Union of Writers of Russia and Chuvash - Abdukadyr Dautbekov.
At the meeting "The Way of a Scientist" professor, famous turkologist Abdukadyr Dautbekov spoke about his world-class discovery in the history of the Turks of Eastern Europe. “On the Research Questions of the Secrets of the Zbruch Idol Creation”.
A study of the ancient peoples living in Eastern and Western Europe showed that in the IV century the Huns began the Great Migration, which was led by Balamer. All tribes and clans that migrated to Europe had the same TAMGU. Among them were Kazakh tribes. In the west of Ukraine in 1848 the ancient sculpture “ZBRUCH IDOL” was discovered - it was proved that the sculpture has Turkic roots.
One of the scientific direction of the professor is the deciphering of ancient Turkic words that were found on the stone blocks of the Khan Krum's Palace.
The professor noted that research in these areas will open new horizons for young scientists to realize themselves in the future.