8D07120 Machine engineering




Name of the EP

8D07120 Machine engineering

Code and Classification of Education

8D07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Civil Engineering

Code and Classification of Areas of Training

8D071 Engineering and Engineering Trades

Group of educational programs (EP)

D103 Mechanics and Metal working

Language learning

Kazakh, Russian, English

The complexity of EP

180 credits

Distinctive features of EP


Partner University (JEP) -


Purpose of the EP


training of highly qualified, competitive research scientists and teachers capable of innovative activities in the field of science, education and production management in the machine-building industry.

Name of the degree awarded

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Field of professional activity

• scientific and managerial activity in universities, research and production centers, research institutes;

• Managerial functioning in the structural divisions of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

• planning and organization of scientific research in the field of mechanical engineering to solve research, information retrieval, methodological problems of technological processes

• organization of the educational process in educational organizations according to the profile.

Learning out comes

LО1. Generate new ideas when solving research and practical tasks, including in interdisciplinary fields, as well as follow ethical standards in professional activities by carrying out a critical analysis and evaluation of modern scientific achievements.

LО2. It is scientifically justified to make original decisions in the field of design, modeling and production of machines, drives, equipment, as well as means of technological equipment of production.

LО3. It is reasoned to present scientific hypotheses and research results, taking the initiative in situations of technical and economic risk.

LО4. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the field of research in the organization and planning of experimental work, teaching activities in universities, research centers and in the workplace.

LО5. Design production and technological processes based on an understanding of methods for increasing productivity during technological preparation of production and instrumental support of modern equipment.

LО6. To carry out independent scientific research and management of scientific projects based on modern methods and methodology, characterized by academic and scientific integrity, taking into account social and economic aspects;

LО7. Perform analysis and evaluation of the reliability efficiency of machine-building equipment, analyze and evaluate the product life cycle through the synthesis of various concepts, theories, objective patterns used in assessing the strength and reliability of objects in mechanical engineering;

LО8. It is scientifically justified to choose modern materials, knowledge–intensive and additive technologies in the implementation of production and technical activities.

LО9.  Apply modern technologies of open production and open source, virtual (VR) and augmented (AR) reality, reverse engineering and 3D modeling technologies, prototyping and the use of Big Data Analytics in the design and management of production.


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