6B01720 Russian Language and Literature



Name of the EP

6В01720 – Russian language and literature

Code and Classification of Education

6В01 – Pedagogical Sciences

Code and Classification of Areas of Training

6В017–  Teacher training in languages and literature

Group of educational programs (EP)

В017 –  Teacher training in Russian language and literature

Language learning


The complexity of EP

240  credits

Distinctive features of EP


Partner University (JEP) -


Purpose of the EP

Training of highly qualified teachers of Russian language and literature for the updated content of education in accordance with the demands of the labor market.

Name of the degree awarded

Bachelor of Education

Field of professional activity

•     educational;

•     educational and educational;

•     scientific research.

Learning outcomes

LО1 To use the system of knowledge and skills in the field of Russian linguistics and literary studies for the successful implementation of educational, educational and research tasks.

LО2 To carry out effective teaching of the Russian language and literature in schools with Russian and non-Russian languages of instruction, using interdisciplinary connections and innovative technologies, including in the context of inclusive education and UGS.

LО3 Demonstrate the skills of linguistic analysis of language units, linguistic-stylistic and literary text analysis based on deep subject knowledge, including using the methods of statistical data processing, theoretical and experimental research.

LО4 Apply in professional activities basic knowledge in the field of pedagogy and cyberpedagogy, psychodidactics, age-related physiology, multicultural and inclusive education, contributing to the upbringing and spiritual and moral development and increasing the functional literacy of the personality of students, including those with special educational programs.

LО5 Use the second (Kazakh) and foreign (English) languages in oral and written communication in the field of professional activity, including in the context of intercultural dialogue.

LО6 Apply scientific research methods based on natural science, social and socio-economic knowledge in educational, research and professional activities, demonstrating a healthy lifestyle, showing active citizenship and the desire to serve society.

LО7 Possess modern information and communication and digital technologies in educational, research and pedagogical activities in the design and conduct of classes, the development of teaching materials, monitoring and evaluation.

LО8 Master the methods of describing linguistic facts in synchrony and diachrony, styles, genres, rules and norms of oral and written communication, methods of analyzing folklore or artistic works based on understanding the laws of the literary process, the originality of the writer's work, the place of Russian literature in the system of national and world culture.

LО9 For the purposes of professional growth and self-education, apply critical thinking skills and acquire new knowledge, be ready to implement new pedagogical ideas and learn in conditions of increasing dynamism of change, taking into account the challenges of the present and future.

LО10 Understand the high social significance of the teaching profession, demonstrating professional values (commitment to the teaching profession, citizenship, professional ethics, responsibility and proactivity), carrying out professional activities on the basis of respect and responsibility, honesty and fairness.

LО11 To make independent decisions and apply entrepreneurial skills in the implementation of educational tasks in difficult situations of professional activity, including in conditions of uncertainty.

LО12 To solve professional tasks, work effectively individually and in a team, correctly defending your point of view, while showing tolerance to different cultures and opinions.

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