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Academic council

Academic Council

of M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University


Academic Council, being the elective body, performs the general management of the university. It is one of the forms of the collective management of the higher educational institution.

The activity of the Academic Council is based on the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the rules of M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, as well as standard rules of Academic Council activities of higher educational institutions. (Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan, order № 574, 22.11.07).

Academic Council meetings are held at least once a month in accordance with the confirmed plan of the work for the academic year.

The aims of the Academic Council activity are to develop priorities and principles of the university development, creation of the legislative mechanism for the qualitative training of graduates, preservation and increase of the material resources as well as teacher’s staff qualification, effective activity of the collective.  

The competence of Academic Council includes:

  • approval of the university structure;
  • introducing changes and additions to the university rules;
  • creation, reorganization and liquidation of academic and research university departments (laboratories, chairs, faculties (institutes) and others);
  • definition of the university development concept;
  • solving problems on all aspects of organizing educative, research and economic university activity;
  • listening to annual reports of the rector, vice-rectors, the heads of the structural departments both forms and methods of Academic research, educational, financial, economic, information and international activities;
  • consideration and recommendation for publication of textbooks, tutorials and methodological instructions;
  • making decisions on transferring students from the commercial form to education on grant basis and to external form of education;
  • approval of themes and scientific supervisors, consulting students of Master’s and Doctor’s studies on dissertation research;
  • control organization of the university financial and economic activity;
  • choosing the way for using extra budget means as well as directions for reinvesting incomes, gained by the university through commercial educational services and realization of the produced production;
  • approval and awarding scientific / honorable titles, personal scholarships and bonuses;
  • considerations of questions on selecting the university lecturers, creative collectives to governmental awards and honorable titles;
  • consideration of other questions, concerning the current university activity, demanding the collective solution.




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