6B11110 Tourism
Undergraduates are trained by highly qualified teachers, including the holders of the grant "The best university teacher": Doctor of Economics, Professor Nurasheva K.K. (2010) and (2022).
Doctor of Economics, Professor Nurasheva K.K. was the head of the project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan AR05132706 "Development of an economic mechanism for regional development in Kazakhstan based on financial regulatory instruments (in particular municipal securities) to ensure investment attractiveness and high competitiveness of the territory" from 2018 to 2020. Scientific and pedagogical activity of teachers of the department is marked with badges: D.Professor Nurasheva K.K. - for achievements in the field of pedagogy with the badge "S.Altynsarin" (2015), a medal for the 80th anniversary of South Kazakhstan Region (2012).Nurasheva has the qualities of a leader, has extensive experience in organizing and solving problems of pedagogical, scientific and innovative directions, she has developed educational and methodological complexes in a number of disciplines, electronic textbooks, collections of tasks. business games and educational specific situations (cases). She has published over 470 scientific papers in publications of the Republic of Kazakhstan, countries of the near and far abroad, including: 7 monographs, 2 textbooks, 21 articles in journals with an impact factor, 45 teaching aids.
2023 жылғы 23 ақпанда Қ. Б. Нұрашева Оңтүстік Қазақстан университетінің Ғылыми Кеңесінің шешімімен.Әуезовке М. Әуезов атындағы ОҚУО құрметті профессоры атағы берілді.
Umbetaliev A.D. was awarded the Order "Kurmet" (2011), the medal "Eren enbegi Ushin" (2003) For the period of scientific activity, he published more than 130 scientific papers. Among them, educational and methodological developments: 2 monographs, 5 textbooks, 8 textbooks.
2023 жылғы 23 ақпанда Қ. Б. Нұрашева Оңтүстік Қазақстан университетінің Ғылыми Кеңесінің шешімімен.Әуезовке М. Әуезов атындағы ОҚУО құрметті профессоры атағы берілді.
Currently, he is an academician of the Kazakh National Academy of Natural Sciences (KazNAEN), the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAE), a corresponding member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (ASN RK). He has awards, namely: the Order of "Kurmet" (2011), the medal "Yeren enbegi ushin" (2003), the medal "Kazakhstan Republikasyn tauelsizdigine 20 zhyl" (2011), the festive medal "Kazakhstan Constitution 10 zhyl" (2005), the medal - badge "Belsendi kyzmet usin"NDP "NUR OTAN" (2012), medal "Kazakhstan Republikasyn karzhy politsiyasy organdaryndagy uzdik kazmeti ush" (2006), medal - badge "20 years of Kazakhstan police" (2013) medal - badge "Kazakhstan Republikasy Memlekettik kyzmet isteri Agenttigine "10 zhyl" (2008), badge "Salyk kyzmetinin uzdigi", Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2013), Badge "Y.Altynsarin" (2014), Letter of Thanks from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev (2011) and others.
The head of the Department "International Tourism and Service" Ph.D. Associate Professor Esenova A.E. is a member of the section of the RUMS of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the OP "Tourism" at the Academy of Sports and Tourism and was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (December 2022).

Teaching staff of OP 7M11110 - Tourism regularly participate in seminars, trainings on advanced training in order to improve the quality of education conducted by the M. Auezov SKU.
Advanced training of teaching staff is carried out according to the approved schedule of advanced training courses at specialized educational courses, advanced training of teaching staff of the system of technical and vocational education, as well as in leading scientific and educational centers abroad.
In 2020-2022, the following internships were held at the leading enterprises of the region, as well as in the countries of the far and near abroad: Doctor of Economics, Professor Afanasyev E.O. – "Russian International Academy of Tourism" (Moscow), Doctor of Economics, Professor Nurasheva K.K. – "Online courses "Technology of blended learning" (Republic of Belarus). Doctor of Economics, Professor Umbitaliev A.D., PhD, Esenova A.E., PhD Duisembekova G.R., PhD, Tleukeev Zh.A. – "Scientific and Methodological Center "ZIAT" (Astana). Professor Nurasheva K.K. completed a scientific internship at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, 2022. on the problems of corporate governance and innovation in the field of Eurasian integration, in the amount of 100 academic hours. And also K.K. Nurasheva completed a full course of study under the Coursera program: "Foundations of Project Management". In 2022, she completed English language courses under the IELTS program.
Associate Professor Esenova A.E. took advanced training courses at the Nazarbayev University from 13.04.-18.05.2022, and also completed a full advanced training course at the Auezov SKU "Modern processes of transformation of the development of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the era of digitalization".
The results of professional development are reflected in the issued certificates, monographs, scientific articles, textbooks, manuals, methodological guidelines, as well as in the acts of implementation of research and development in the educational process. The organization of continuous professional development of teaching staff ensured an intensive growth of their activity in terms of scientific achievements and contributed to the creation of a scientific school.

The main types of research work of the department: "International Tourism and Service" are: Implementation of the topics of the main research directions; Training of scientific personnel; Organization and holding of conferences; Participation in scientific conferences of various levels; Self-supporting scientific and diagnostic activities; Publishing activities; Organization of work of the student scientific Society and the Council of Young scientists
The teaching staff of the department: "MTiS" of the Faculty of "Sport and Tourism" carried out certain work during the reporting period, which was carried out according to the thematic plan of the M.Auezov SKU within the framework of the state order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The scientific directions of the departments' work are related to the development and organization of innovative technologies and are aimed at fulfilling the following problem-organizational issues: Improving the effectiveness of tourism development in solving socio-economic problems, forming a healthy lifestyle. Organizational, legal, resource and information support for improving tourism activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Improvement of the system of professional training and advanced training of personnel in the field of tourism. Determination of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of adaptation and rehabilitation of the individual in modern conditions.
Topic of research activity of teaching staff of the department "MTiS" Research-21-04- 09 "Innovative development of territorial tourist and recreational systems of the Republic of Kazakhstan" corresponds to the Strategic plan of the Research of the University for 2021-2025, approved by the minutes of the meeting of the Department No. 5 dated December 21, 2020. Supervisor: PhD, Associate Professor – Esenova A.E.
Performers: Teaching staff of the department.
Training manuals:
- Yesenova A.E., Akhelova A.L. Meiramkhana isi 5B090200, 6B11110 – "Tourism" zhane 6B11111 - "Meiramkhana isi zhane konakuy business" BB bagdarlamasy boyynsha studentterine arnalgan oku kuraly. Shymkent, 2022 -160 b.
- Yesenova A.E., Arapova GM. Turismdegi zharnama-akparattyk kyzmet 6B11110 – "Tourism" zhane 6B11111- "Meiramkhana isi zhane konakuy business" BB bagdarlamasy boyynsha studentterine arnalgan oku kuraly, Shymkent, 2022 -160
- Seidakhmetov M.K.,Esenova A.E. Konakuy nomerlerinde kyzmet korsetu6B11110 – "Tourism" zhane 6B11111- "Meiramkhana isi zhane konakuy business" BB bagdarlamasy boyynsha studentterine arnalgan oku kuraly, Shymkent, 2022 -130
1."Turismdegi zharnama-akparattyk kyzmeti" paninen elektrondy oku kuraly oku procesine engizildi No. 257 01.06.2022 wasps aktimen rastalady,
- This act confirms that the results of the research "The role of ethnoparks as one of the means of the Rukhani Zhangyru program" have been introduced into the educational process on the topic "Trends and prospects for the development of ethnoparks in the areas of socio-cultural activities" No. 291 dated 26.06.2022 Tleukeev Zh.A., Esenova A.E., Arapova G.M.
- This act confirms that the results of the research "The role of the development of IT blockchain technologies in the field of tourism and hospitality" have been introduced into the educational process on the topic "Tourism as an information industry" No. 209 dated 13.06.2022. Zhumagulova A.M., Baitursunov A.A., Akhelova A.L.
4.This act confirms that the results of advanced training of Zhumagulova Aseli Mutalievna, teacher, Master of the Department of "International Tourism and Service" in LLP "NMC "ZIAT", Nur-Sultan on the topic: "Tourism and restaurant and hotel business" in the period from January 17 to January 29, 2022 were introduced into the educational process on the subject: "Fundamentals of turismology" for students of specialties: 6B11110 - "Tourism", 6B11111 - "Restaurant business and hotel business" from 06/15/2022 Act No. 281
5.This act confirms that the results of advanced training of Baytursynov Alibek Abdikh-Shimovich , Ph.D. in Economics, senior lecturer of the Department "International Tourism and Service" in LLP "NMC "ZIAT", Nur-Sultan on the topic: "Tourism and restaurant and hotel business" in the period from January 17 to January 29, 2022, the following subjects were introduced into the educational process: "Fundamentals of turismology" for students of specialties: 6B11110 - "Tourism", 6B11111 - "Restaurant business and hotel business" from 06/15/2022 Act No. 281
- The results of research are confirmed by publications in the scientific journal "Bulletin of the Association of Universities of Tourism and Service" volume 15, No. 1 performed by Doctor of Sciences Ramashova Aisulu Nurmambekovna, Master of Bekbol Mariam
Zhailaubekovna; Master Baizhanova Sholpan Baizhanovna and introduced into the educational and methodical and educational process: topics of the lesson: The role of tourist infrastructure in the development of tourism in the discipline of the subject: Tourism infrastructure from 06/28/2022
- This act confirms that the results of research have been applied in the discipline "Psychology of tourist activity" on the topic "Psychological sales of tourist products" in the production and economic activities of Al–chat-tech LLP, No. 288 dated 06/22/2022 Duisembekova G.R., Zhumagulova G.S.
- This act confirms that the results of the research on Innovative development of the industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the leader of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, are formed in a holistic view of the historical forms of functioning of the tourism infrastructure, which will reveal the essence of the theoretical problems of modern tourism in order to improve the domestic industry. The results of research and development have been introduced into the production and economic activities of the KAMKOR IIP No. 190 dated 10.06.2022
Zhumagulova A.M., Baitursunov A.A., Akhelova A.L.
Journals with impact factor (0,100)
- Esenova A.E., Akhelova A.L. - Updating the status of alphabetization for those who need professional training. The modern context of education and psychology in Europe and Asia. May 2021. Volume 9. SPE (3), E 1152
- Nurasheva K.K. - Central Asian Countries: Competitiveness, Prospects for cooperation and integration Intellectual Economy, Volume 15, No. 2021 (1), pp 116-139 DOI https://doi.org/10.13165/IE-21-15-1-08 IF in Scopus
- Тлеукеев Ж.А.. – Green Algae as a Way to Utilize Phosphorus Waste, Jornal of Ecological Engineering 202122(10) 235-240
International scientific and practical conference "Auezov Readings – 20: The legacy of Mukhtar Auezov – the heritage of the nation" dedicated to the 125th anniversary of M.O. Auezov, Shymkent, South Kazakhstan – 2022:
- Yesenova A.E., Akhelova A.L., Yerkaraev B.R. – "Scientific foundations of the definition and formation of tourist entrepreneurship", volume 4, pp. 195-201
- Akhelova A.L., Azhiev S. – "Analysis of competitiveness of construction materials of Turkestan region" volume 4, pp. 195-201
- Baitursunov A.A., Babash G.A., Zhumagulova A.M. – On the need to form a professional culture of future teachers", volume 3, pp. 74-78
- Zhumagulova A.M.,Akhelova A.L.,Baitursunov A.A. – The role of development of IT-Blockchain technologies in the field of tourism and government, volume 4, pp. 74-78
- Akhelova A.L., Zhumagulova G.S., Zhumagulova A.M. – Strategy for the development of entrepreneurial activity.- Proceedings of the MNPC dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Higher School "Management and Business" and the 70th anniversary of the Doctor of Economics, Professor Niyazbekova R.K. – Shymkent: M. Auezov SKU, 2022
- Esenova A.E., Akhelova A.L., Kalbaeva N.T. –The current state and prospects for the development of tourist activity in the region. Proceedings of the MNPC dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Higher School of Management and Business and the 70th anniversary of the Doctor of Economics, Professor Niyazbekova R.K. - Shymkent: M. Auezov South University, 2022
- Arapova G.M., Zhumagulova G.S. – Tourism salasy eldin ekonomikasyn damytudyn catalysts. Proceedings of the MNPC dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Higher School of Management and Business and the 70th anniversary of the Doctor of Economics, Professor Niyazbekova R.K. - Shymkent: M. Auezov South University, 2022
- Baizhanova Sh.B., Bekbol M.Zh., Babash G.A– Ecologiyalyk tourism –turistik kyzmetti kalyptastyrudyn manyzdy kuraly retinde. Proceedings of the MNPC dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Higher School of Management and Business and the 70th anniversary of the Doctor of Economics, Professor Niyazbekova R.K. - Shymkent: M. Auezov South University, 2022
- Bekbol M.Zh., Baizhanova Sh.B., Ramashova A.N.– Kazakhstan Republikasi turistik sektordagi shagyn kasipkerlikti digitlandyrudyn industrialdy mani men damu erekshelikteri. Proceedings of the MNPC dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Higher School of Management and Business and the 70th anniversary of the Doctor of Economics, Professor Niyazbekova R.K. - Shymkent: M. Auezov South University, 2022
- Esenova A.E.,Tleukeev Zh.A. – Modern trends in the development of the tourism cluster of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Proceedings of the MNPC dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Higher School of Management and Business and the 70th anniversary of the Doctor of Economics, Professor Niyazbekova R.K. - Shymkent: M. Auezov South University, 2022
- Sukhorukov A.I., Tleukeev Zh.A. – Ensuring the security of socio-economic systems. Proceedings of the MNPC dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Higher School of Management and Business and the 70th anniversary of the Doctor of Economics, Professor Niyazbekova R.K. - Shymkent: M. Auezov South University, 2022
- Umbitaliev A.D., Esenov E.K. – International experience of insurance of tourist services in order to improve their safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Proceedings of the MNPC dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Higher School of Management and Business and the 70th anniversary of the Doctor of Economics, Professor Niyazbekova R.K. - Shymkent: M. Auezov South University, 2022
- Ramashova A.N., Sadykov Zh.Zh. – The role of transport infrastructure in the development of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Proceedings of the MNPC dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Higher School of Management and Business and the 70th anniversary of the Doctor of Economics, Professor Niyazbekova R.K. - Shymkent: M. Auezov South University, 2022
- Esenova A.E., Sadykov Zh.Zh. – Alemdik ekonomikada integratsiyalangan innovatsiyalyk kurylymdardy kalyptastru. Proceedings of the MNPC dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Higher School of Management and Business and the 70th anniversary of the Doctor of Economics, Professor Niyazbekova R.K. - Shymkent: M. Auezov South University, 2022
- Baitursunov A.A., Akhelova A.L., Zhumagulova A.M. – Innovative development of the industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the leader of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Proceedings of the International scientific and practical Conference dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the program "Rukhani Zhangyru": "New Kazakhstan – in a New world" – Shymkent: M. Auezov SKU, 2022, pp. 224-229
- Yesenova A.E., Duisembekova G. R.,Akhelova A. L.– Turkistan oblysynn turistik kasipkerlik kyzmetinin damuy. Rukhani zhangyru- Elimizdin rukhani damu arkyly, damygan memleket boludyn naqty bagdary. "Rukhani zhangyru" bagdarlamasyn 5 zhyldygyn orai atkiziletin "Zhana Kazakhstan – zhana alemde" atty halykaralyk gylym-tazhiribelik konferenciyasynyn enbekteri, 291-294
- Zhumagulova G.S.,Babash G– Rukhani zhangyru- Elimizdin rukhani damu arkyly, damygan memleket boludyn nakhty bagdary. Rukhani zhangyru- Elimizdin rukhani damu arkyly, damygan memleket boludyn naqty bagdary. "Rukhani zhangyru" bagdarlamasyn 5 zhyldygyn orai atkiziletin "Zhana Kazakhstan – zhana alemde" atty halykaralyk gylym-tazhiribelik konferenciyasynyn enbekteri, 224- 229
- Zhanat B. Kaldybekova, Guldana A. Kozhabekova, Elmira T.Kanseitova, Gulshat E.Koshtaeva – Features of canned plums enriched with citrus fruits, IX International Annual Conference “Industrial Technologies and Engineering – ICITE-2022" Volume II December 9-10, 2022 Pp. 92-97
- Duisembekova Gulzhan Rakhmetovna, Kurmasheva Moldir Bizhigitovn Abdibaeva Kamila Dauletkyzy
Baizhanova Sholpan Baizhanovna –«Current state and prospects of the tourism industry development in the economy of the re-public of Kazakhstan». Proceedings of IX International Conference «Industrial Technologies and Engineering» ICITE – 2022, Interna-tional Forum “Green economy is the main trend of the new decade” .M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University Shymkent, Kazakhstan, December 10, 2022
- Kulmira M. Arapova, Ayman E.Yesenova, Zhandos M. Ketpen, Moldir B. Kurmasheva. Development of the hotel business in kazakhstan. Proceedings of IX International Conference «Industrial Technologies and Engineering» ICITE – 2022, Interna-tional Forum “Green economy is the main trend of the new decade” .M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University Shymkent, Kazakhstan, December 10, 2022
- Ayman E. Yesenova, Kulmira M. Arapova, Zhandos M. Ketpen, Zhandos Zh.Sadykov – Peculiarities of conductiong ethographic excursions. Proceedings of IX International Conference «Industrial Technologies and Engineering» ICITE – 2022, Interna-tional Forum “Green economy is the main trend of the new decade” .M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University Shymkent, Kazakhstan, December 10, 2022
- Zhanbolat A.Tleukeev, Alma T. Kulbaeva, Akmaral L.Ahelova, Dilnyra M. Kaplanbek, Gulsana A. Babash, Nurzhan B. Ainabekov– The concept of "historical silk road; one belt - one road" in the context of the interests of the republic of kazakhstan.
Proceedings of IX International Conference «Industrial Technologies and Engineering» ICITE – 2022, International Forum “Green economy is the main trend of the new decade” .M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University Shymkent, Kazakhstan, December 10, 2022
Republican, regional and other conferences
The teaching staff of the department is doing a lot of work to involve students in research activities.
Under the guidance of teachers, students actively participate in subject Olympiads, conduct research work, which is reflected in presentations at conferences of various levels, publications in scientific journals and the preparation of scientific papers that are submitted to competitions, including Republican ones.
On November 24 and 25, 2022, the XXVI–th student scientific and practical conference "Healthy lifestyle and a bright future within the framework of sports and tourism" was held, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of M. Auezov of the Faculty of Sports and Tourism of the M. O. Auezov UCU. 29 students and teachers of the department took part in the section "Tourism – el bolashagi". According to the results of the conference, the faculty of the department and the participants identified the following students' reports and speeches, which are the best and took places of honor and were awarded diplomas.
- The current stage of the state and trends in the development of the hotel business in Kazakhstan
Turgunbayeva E is a student of the ST–20-8p group
Scientific supervisor: PhD, Associate professor Esenova A.E.
- Tourism development strategies on the example of Shymkent
Husanov A is a student of the ST-20-8p group
Scientific supervisor: Ph.D., senior lecturer Tleukeev Zh.A.
- Onustik Kazakhstan oblysyndagy recreationalyk resursstar
Ibrahim D –ST 22-9k tobyn studenti
Gylym zhetekshi: aga okytushy Isakhova Zh.B
. 4. Sustainable tourism development in the changing world
Bogatyreva D ST-22-9r tobyn studenti
Gylym zhetekshi: aga okytushy Kurmasheva M.B.
- Modern technologies of sales of tourist services
Appazova E- student of the group ST -20-9r
Supervisor: senior lecturer Kulbabayeva A.T.
- Blockchain, ICO – anyktama, zhumys mechanisms, koldanu adisteri
Abduzhabbarova Odina.-ST-19-8dtk tobyn studenti
Gylym zhetekshi: aga okytushy Arapova G.M.
On November 21, 2022, the Department of Tourism and External Relations of Shymkent organized a competition for scientific student projects. Shymkent today has become a powerful financial, innovative, cultural center of the republic and one of the largest megacities at the stage of sustainable development of Kazakhstan. In this regard, students of the educational program "Tourism" "Restaurant business and hotel business" of the M. Auezov University of South Kazakhstan have prepared proposals for special tourism and entrepreneurial projects.
9 contestants of the OP "Tourism" and "Restaurant business and hotel business" took part in the competition, among which they took prizes. The winners were awarded with diplomas and prizes.
Thus, as can be seen from the above, the ability to set tasks and choose research methods, interpret and present the results of scientific research in the field of tourism is purposefully, pedagogically justified, using the latest scientific achievements.
In order to improve their skills, exchange experience, as well as create new international relations, faculty of the department participate in various international events, including seminars, round tables, webinars and conferences, festivals, etc. Within the framework of academic mobility and the "ErasmusMundus+" program, students study in the countries of the near and far abroad, as well as in universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Varna University of Economics, Bulgaria, Varna). (Turiba University, Riga, Latvia), (Yassky University A.Cuzy, Romania, Iasi), Balikesir University (Republic of Turkey), Upper Silesian Economic University named after L.V. Korfantogo, Katowice (Poland), Akdeniz University (Republic of Turkey).
In the period from November 01-28, 2021, students and undergraduates of the department of gr. MEF 21-8 nrEsenova A., Baydar B. ST 19-8k, Ermek A. ST 19-8k, Altai S. ST19-8k, Orynbai A. ST 19-8k, Mahmuda N., ST 19-8k. They were trained at the international winter school "RUDN Youth forum leaders of Eurasia 2021" on the basis of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow).
For the spring semester of 2022, students of specialties 6B11111-Restaurant business and hotel business, gr. ST 20-9 r Muratov S. and 6B11110-Tourism, gr. ST-19-8r3 Nyshanbayeva S. Were trained at the University "Turiba" (Riga, Latvia), order No. 214-lc dated 12/15/2021.

The Master's degree program includes two types of practices: pedagogical (4 credits) and research (7 credits).
Pedagogical practice is carried out in order to form practical skills and master the methods of teaching professional disciplines for the implementation of pedagogical activities on credit technology. The research practice of the undergraduate is conducted in order to familiarize himself with the latest theoretical, methodological and technological achievements of domestic and foreign science, modern methods of scientific research, processing and interpretation of experimental data. The content of the research practice is determined by the topic of the dissertation research.
The place of the research internship is the department, the Department of Tourism and External Relations, travel agencies, hotels, etc. The places of internship are fixed by annual (or long-term) contracts of the SKU with enterprises, organizations, institutions. The bases of practice of master students in EP 7M11110-Tourism are: the Association of Individual Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities "Industry Tourism Association of Central Asia", "Khadisha Hotel" LLP, the Department of Tourism and External Relations of the city of Shymkent, the Department of Tourism of the Akimat of Zhambyl region.
There are contracts with organizations identified as a base of practice, including for scientific internships.
The requirements for the organization of all types of practices are determined by the QMS of SKSU P 7.05-2020 "Rules for the organization and conduct of professional practice of students".
The practice has a status equivalent to an academic discipline, and is a component of the educational trajectory of a graduate student. The practice is included in the individual training plan, while the undergraduate is required to master a minimum of theoretical basic courses required to complete the internship program.
The internship is carried out in accordance with the curriculum and the approved program of practice, distribution to practice and ends with the preparation of a report on practice and its protection. One month before the start of the internship, an internship agreement is signed. The terms of the internship are set in accordance with the curriculum and academic calendar. For the management of the practice, the department is preparing an order on the appointment of the head of the practice. The heads of the practice are appointed leading associate professors and professors of the department in the specialty. The practice begins with an introductory conference and ends with a final scientific and practical conference held by the head of the practice of master students at the places of practice.
The result of the practice is an assessment, which is issued by the head of the practice on the basis of observations of the independent work of the intern, the performance of individual tasks, characteristics and preliminary assessment of the head of the practice from the organization. At the end of the internship, the master's student makes a written report and submits it to the head of the practice. The results of the defense of the report on the results of the practice are evaluated according to the established point-rating and letter rating system (GPA), which are included into the transcript.

In order to improve their skills, exchange experience, as well as create new international relations, faculty of the department participate in various international events, including seminars, round tables, webinars and conferences, festivals, etc. Within the framework of academic mobility and the "ErasmusMundus+" program, students study in the countries of the near and far abroad, as well as in universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Varna University of Economics, Bulgaria, Varna). (Turiba University, Riga, Latvia), (Yassky University A.Cuzy, Romania, Iasi), Balikesir University (Republic of Turkey), Upper Silesian Economic University named after L.V. Korfantogo, Katowice (Poland), Akdeniz University (Republic of Turkey).
Professor K.K. Nurasheva, Doctor of Economics, took part in the conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, which was held in Osaka, Japan, according to the Faculty mobility program.

№ |
Name of events |
1 |
Preparation of graduates' resumes |
2 |
Distribution and delivery of graduates' resumes to hotel enterprises and firms of the tourism industry in Shymkent, South Kazakhstan region |
3 |
Alumni meetings with employers |
4 |
Tours of employers' facilities |
5 |
Familiarization of graduates with the work and structure of organizations, potential employers |
6 |
Meetings and interviews of graduates with graduates of previous years |
7 |
Conducting a "Job Fair" for graduates |