6B07321 Technology of industrial and civil engineering
In the 2022-2023 academic year, at the traditional Spartakiad of teachers and staff under the program "Healthcare" and "Rukhani Zhangyru" of M. Auezov training, the Department of "Construction and Building Materials" was awarded the II place in the game "togyzkumalak" and the III place in the game "tug of war".

1. "research and development of energy-saving structures using effective insulation materials with heat-reflecting coatings to increase the level of thermal protection of the building " - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Rysdauletov R. A.
2. " development and scientific substantiation of energy-active structures of external fences of residential buildings with high thermal efficiency " - responsible executor Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor M. A. Kambarov.
Deadlines for the implementation of scientific projects a plan has been drawn up for 2018-2020 and executed in accordance with the calendar plan. Due to the expiration of the project deadlines, based on the results of the fully completed work, a final report for 3 years was compiled and submitted to the NC NTA and highly appreciated by experts.
In addition, the head of the department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor Kopzhasarov Bahadyr Tastanbekovich was awarded the gold medal named after A. Baitursynov for his great contribution to the development of the country's higher education system and great work in training new generation specialists.
The number of scientific articles of the Department of "Technologies of building materials, products and structures" in 2020-2021 - 70, articles of Impact factor - 5 and SCOPUS - 10 (2018-2021), collections of articles in scientific journals of the Higher Attestation Commission - 5, at conferences - 30, including at international conferences of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 10, republican - 17 , regional conferences-43 published.
Associate Professor of the Department Kambarov M. A. on the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a public organization is awarded the badge of the Turkestan regional organization of the Kazakhstan Branch Trade Union of Workers "education and science".
He took part in the contest "The Best Candidate of Sciences-2020", organized by the National Innovative Research Center "Bilim Orkenieti", received a badge and a certificate. (Rysdauletov R. A., Kambarov M. A.)
In 2020, Associate professor of the Department Rysdaulet Rayymberdy Amanovich took part and became the winner of the competition "The best university teacher", announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

SМ-21-7к1 |
1 |
Karzhaubay Dias Baglanovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
2 |
Zhetp Orazkhan Zhenisbekuly |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
3 |
Abdulla Daryn Zhanalyuly |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
4 |
Abuarira Assel Abdrakhmanovna |
Training" construction and construction materials " CAF. Shymkent city |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
5 |
Aliaskar Sultan Askhatovich |
Training" construction and construction materials " CAF. Shymkent city |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
6 |
Amirbekov Chingiz Kurbanovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
7 |
Artykbay Nurbakyt Begalievich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
8 |
Arystan Duman Rustemovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
9 |
Bakadyr Madiyar Kuanyshuly |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
10 |
Burikhanov Adil Azimkhanovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
11 |
Yeshimkul Nurgisa Dinmukhammedovich |
Training" construction and construction materials " CAF. Shymkent city |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
12 |
Ibraeva Kamila Rafaelovna |
Training" construction and construction materials " CAF. Shymkent city |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
13 |
Izatulla Niyet Yerikovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
14 |
Kuanyshbay Laura Nurkenovna |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
15 |
Musaev Samat Sultanovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
16 |
Nurdilla Karima Nurzhanovna |
Training" construction and construction materials " CAF. Shymkent city |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
17 |
Naltaev Dinmuhammed Yerlanuly |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
18 |
Turar Zangar Baidullauly |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
19 |
Tleubek Nurzhigit Nurymkhanovich |
Training" construction and construction materials " CAF. Shymkent city |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
20 |
Tokmyrza Zarina Maratovna |
Training" construction and construction materials " CAF. Shymkent city |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
21 |
Tulegen Nurbakyt Yerzhanovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
22 |
Shymyrbay Dulat Muratovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
SМ-21-7к2 |
1 |
Akylbay Zeynep Yergalievna |
Training" construction and construction materials " CAF. Shymkent city |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
2 |
Abduvaliev Asadbek Bakhtiyarovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
3 |
Abu Kanagat Nurlanovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
4 |
Abylai Sagyndyk Amangeldiuly |
Training" construction and construction materials " CAF. Shymkent city |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
5 |
Akhmedov Bayram Muratzhanovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
6 |
Bakir Mukhit Bakhytovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
7 |
Bayali Ayan Alibekovna |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
8 |
Duysen Miras Yermakhanuly |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
9 |
Zhunus Ramazan Sakenovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
10 |
Zhanedil Sayat Bolysbekovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
11 |
Kozhikhov Madiyar Nurmanovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
12 |
Kulakeev Rakhat Kairatovich |
Training" construction and construction materials " CAF. Shymkent city |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
13 |
Kurban Meruert Aidarovna |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
14 |
Nasrulla Dinmukhamed Madisherovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
15 |
Ospan Bekzat Esmakhanbetuly |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
16 |
Sapardinov Dinmukhamed Bakhytzhanovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
17 |
Smile Alikhan Serikovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
18 |
Turlybekov Magzhan Akramovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
19 |
Temurbayev Miras Malikovich |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |
20 |
Ualikhan Bakytzhan Askaruly |
Training center" technologist " Mashat. Shymkent |
Otarbayeva G. M. teacher |