7M05310 Physics
2016 y.
Awards, prizes for scientific achievements.
Holders of the title "The best university teacher" in 2016:
1.Candidate of Higher Education, Professor Spabekova R. S.
2.Candidate of Ph.D., Professor Omasheva G. Sh.
Awards, prizes for scientific achievements.
- PhD, Professor Spabekova R.S.

In 2019, the gold medal of the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after A. Baitursynov.
2020 y.
Awards, prizes for scientific achievements.
- PhD, Professor Spabekova R. S.
Winner of the republican contest "The best teacher of physics – 2020" diploma of the 1st degree.
- PhD Doctor, Associate Professor Abdualieva M.A.
Diploma of the 1st degree of the winner of the republican competition "100 best articles of teachers of Kazakhstan: education, science, methodology."
- 3. Winner of the Republican independent public competition "The Best Teacher", organized by the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.
2021 y.
Awards for scientific achievements
- The winners of the competition " Auezov University: 100 new names":
Nomination Pedagogy and Methods – c.phys-math.sc., Associate Professor Abekova Zh.A.
Nomination science – c.chem.sc., Associate Professor Spabekova R.S.
Nomination personnel reserve - PhD doctors associate professor Abdualieva M.A.
Awards, awards for scientific achievements
- March 8, Honorary diploma of the rector, Serikbaev G.
- March 8, Letter of thanks from the akim of the Abai district of Shymkent. PhD Doctor, Associate Professor Abdualieva M.A.
- 12 April. Research Fellows Day, Honorary Diploma of the Rector. PhD Doctor, Associate Professor Abdualieva M.A.

Information on advanced training and retraining of personnel of the department «Physics» over the past five years
in accordance with the profile of the disciplines taught
Full Name |
Topic name |
Place and period of training |
Name of the organization where the training took place |
Number of hours and work experience |
Completion Form |
1 |
Saidakhmetov Pulat Ablatyevich |
Modernity in higher educational institutions within the updated educational content pedagogical technologies |
d. Shymkent 23.06.2018 _ |
Experience 47 years 240 hours. |
Certificate №0281524 |
STEM-festival: integrated approach to Stem teacher training |
d. Shymkent 21.12-25.12. 2020 |
Yuku im. M. Auezova |
72 ch. |
Certificate №20280 |
«Applied physics / Fundamentals of optoelectronics / Alternative energy and the physical basis of its conversion to electrical energy» |
Turkestan 23.08-04.09.2021
72 h.
Certificate №2470 |
«General physics and astronomy (astronomy, mechanics, molecular physics, electricity and magnetism, optics, atomic and nuclear physics)» |
Turkestan 20.09-2.10.2021
72 h.
Certificate №2615 |
«Selected chapters of solid state physics, fundamentals of physical processes in condensed media and research methods» |
Turkestan 06.09-18.09.2021 |
«Galymnur» |
72 h.
Certificate №2525 |
« Theoretical physics (mechanics, electrodynamics, statistical physics and thermodynamics, quantum mechanics)» |
Turkestan 13.10-26.10.2021 |
72 h.
Certificate №2730 |
2 |
Abdraimov Rahimzhan Turisbekovich |
«Computer methods of physics and computer models in physics» |
Online 09.08.2021-21.08.2021 |
Non-governmental quality assessment center |
20 years of experience 72 h. |
Strong effect NCOC-7.900
Online 06.07. 2021-18.07.2021 |
Non-governmental quality assessment center |
72 h.
Strong effect NCOC-5.63
Methodology of teaching professional subjects, experimental methods of solid state physics and experimental methods of studying condensed states |
Turkestan 17.01-30.01.2022 |
«Galymnur» |
72 h.
Certificate №0037-А |
Selected chapters of the General Physics course and Diffraction Structure Analysis |
Turkestan 10.01-23.01.2022 |
72 h.
Certificate №0036-А |
3 |
Tursynbayev Abai Zakirovich |
«Pedagogical education of the 21st century: new challenges and solutions»
d. Minsk 10.11-01.12.2021
Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tanka |
29 years of experience 72 h. |
Certificate №01240
«Methods of teaching physics subjects according to updated educational content» |
Nur-Sultan city. 10.01-04.02.2022
«Astana jobalary» International and republican project organization center |
72 h. |
Certificate №001293
«Physics of whole medium, X-ray structural analysis and computational methods of physics» |
Turkestan 05.09-16.09.2022 |
72 h.
Certificate №0854 |
«Modern school textbook in the context of updated educational content» |
Almaty 28.02-11.03.2022
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
80 h.
Certificate №008570
«Physics of whole medium, X-ray structural analysis and computational methods of physics»
Turkestan 05.09-16.09.2022 |
72 h.
Certificate №0854 |
«General physics and astronomy (astronomy, mechanics, molecular physics, electricity and magnetism, optics, atomic and nuclear physics)» |
Turkestan 08.008-19.08.2022 |
72 h.
Certificate №0756 |
4 |
Kabilbekov Junior
Modern teaching technologies in physics
Shymkeng city 27.05.-7.06.2019 |
YUK G U im. M. Auezova
Experience - 53 years 72 ch. |
Strong effect №573 |
«General physics and astronomy (astronomy, mechanics, molecular physics, electricity and magnetism, optics, atomic and nuclear physics)» |
Turkestan 20.09-2.10.2021
72 h.
Strong effect №2617 |
«Computer methods and modeling in physics, methods of using electronic textbooks in physics classes, modern computer methods of experimental data processing» |
Turkestan 23.08-4.09.2021 |
«Galymnur» |
72 h. |
Strong effect №2472 |
«Theoretical physics (mechanics, electrodynamics, statistical physics and thermodynamics, quantum mechanics)» |
Turkestan 13.10-26.10.2021 |
72 h.
Strong effect №2731 |
School experiment technique
Turkestan 17.01-30.01.2022 |
72 h.
Strong effect №0069-А |
«Physics of semiconductors and dielectrics»
Turkestan _ 05.09-16.09.2022 |
«Galymnur» |
72 h.
Strong effect №0852 |
5 |
Spabekova Roza Spabekovna
«fundamentals of physical processes in condensed media» |
Turkestan 17.01-30.01.2022 |
«Galymnur» |
72 h. |
Certificate №0077-А |
«Phase transitions of metals and alloys. Selected chapters of materials science» |
Turkestan 23.06-04.09.2021 |
«Galymnur» |
72 h. |
Certificate №2476 |
«Selected chapters of the course of Theoretical Physics and general physics» |
Turkestan 17.01-30.01.2022 |
«Galymnur» |
72 h. |
Certificate №0131 |
6 |
Omasheva Gauhar Shapaevna |
Shymkent , 25.12.20 |
Yuku named after M. Auezova |
Experience-36 years |
Certificate 807723 |
STEM-festival : integrated approach to Stem teacher training |
Shymkent 21.12.-25.12.20 |
Yuku named after M. Auezova |
72 h.
Certificate №20280 |
STEM-festival : Modern practices of Stem education in physics |
Shymkent , 25.12.20 |
Yuku im. M. Auezova |
72 h.
Certificate №301 |
Measurement technology of assessment
Turkestan 17.01-30.01.2022 |
72 h.
Certificate №0071-А |
Methods of non-destructive monitoring of objects in production, experimental methods of solid state physics, diffraction structural analysis» |
Turkestan 08.08-19.08.2022 |
72 h.
Certificate №0755 |
Saydullaeva Nurila Saidullaevna |
Shymkent, 22.01-03.02.2018 |
Yukgu im. M. Auezova
Experience-38 years 72 hours. |
Certificate №24 |
«General physics and astronomy (astronomy, mechanics, molecular physics, electricity and magnetism, optics, atomic and nuclear physics)» |
Turkestan 20.09-2.10.2021
«Galymnur» |
72 h.
Certificate №2616
«Selected chapters of solid state physics, fundamentals of physical processes in condensed media and research methods» |
Turkestan 06.09-18.09.2021 |
«Galymnur» |
72 h. |
Certificate №2526 |
On the course of theoretical physics: . Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Statistics, Physics and Thermodynamics, Quantum Mechanics |
Turkestan 10.01-23.01.2022 |
72 h.
Certificate №0038-А
Experimental methods of solid state physics |
Turkestan 17.01-30.01.2022 |
«Galymnur» |
72 h.
Certificate №0072-А |
8 |
Baiman Gulzagira Bolysbekovna |
From the subject of physics « Modern teaching technologies «
1. Shymkent, 21.12-31.12.2020 |
Yuku im. Auezova
Experience-20 years 72 hours. |
Certificate №1434
«Computer methods and modeling in physics, methods of using electronic textbooks in physics classes, modern computer methods of experimental data processing» |
Turkestan 23.08-4.09.2021 |
«Galymnur» |
72 h.
Certificate №2471
«Mechanics, molecular physics, electromagnetism, optics, atomic and nuclear physics» |
Turkestan 17.01-30.02.2022 |
72 h. |
Certificate №0129 |
«Experimental data processing» |
с. Moscow 01.02.-15.02.2022 |
72 h.
Certificate №101511933 |
Methods of studying the structure of objects and materials |
Turkestan 17.01-30.02.2022 |
«Galymnur» |
72 hours
Certificate №0073-А |
Methods of measuring physical quantities, Applied Physics and astronomy. |
Turkestan 10.01-23.02.2022 |
72 hours
Certificate №0039-А |
«Nanotechnology and physical foundations of high technologies» |
Turkestan 05.09-16.09.2022 |
72 hours
Certificate №0855 |
Head of the Department «Physics» Tursynbaev AZ

2017 y.
Scientific monographs
- Spabekova R. S., Kabylbekova B. N.
«Scientific foundations of physic-chemical studies of phase equilibriums of praseodymium with transition metals». Monograph. Shymkent, Typography «Alem», 2017. P.146. ISBN 978-9965-07-475-2.
2020 y.
Publication of scientific monographs
"Formation of methodological knowledge of the future mathematics teacher in the use of electronic didactic equipment"
PhD Doctor, Associate Professor Abdualieva M.A.
Intellectual property protection -8
- Spabekova R. S. "collection of problems in Atomic and nuclear physics". "I don't know," he said. registration of the object of intellectual property. No. 1943. 3. 08 2017
- Spabekova R. S. "Nuclear Physics and elementary particles". "I don't know," he said. registration of the object of intellectual property. No. 1589.30.06 2017
- Spabekova R. S., Omashova G. Sh."mechanical and electromagnetic vibrations and waves". "I don't know," he said. registration of the object of intellectual property. No. 1588.30.06 2017Kabylbekov K.A. Electrodynamics. Electronic textbook. Computer program. Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright No. 11434 dated July 24, 2020
- Spabekova R.S., Kabylbekova B.N. Scientific foundations of physic-chemical studies of phase equilibrium of praseodymium with transition metals. Monograph. Certificate of State registration of the intellectual property object. No. 1121 13.04.2018 5.
- Omashova G.Sh ., Saidakhmetov P., Spabekova R. "Problems in general physics: mechanics". Electronic teaching manual. The Content Center of the M.Auezov SKSU. Shymkent, 2021.174 Mgb.
- Omashova G.Sh., Saidakhmetov P.A., Spabekova R.S. "Problems in general physics: mechanics". Certificate of State registration of the intellectual property object.. No. 18887 22.06.2021.
- Kabylbekov K.A. Electronic textbook. Solutions of problems in statistical physics and thermodynamics. Computer program. Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright No. 11553 dated 06. 08. 2020
- Kabilbekov K.A. e-learning tool. High school electrodynamics problem solving methodology. computer program.
2021 y.
The results of research, introduced into production (in the educational process) (confirmed by the act) implemented in the educational process:
- Spabekova R.S. " Laws of geometric and electronic optics" Video lecture, Implementation Act No. 71, 05/11/2021
- Spabekova R.S. " Mechanical vibrations and waves" Video lecture, Act of implementation No. 72 05/11/2021
- Spabekova R.S. “Magnetic field and its properties” Video lecture, Act of implementation No. 73, 05/11/2021
- Spabekova R.S. " Phenomenon of electromagnetic induction" Video lecture, Act of implementation No. 75, 05/11/2021
- Spabekova R.S. " Laws of geometric and electronic optics" Video lecture, Implementation Act No. 71, 05/11/2021
- Spabekova R.S. " Electromagnetic vibrations. Laws of alternating current"" Video lecture, Implementation Act No. 76, 05/11/2021
- Spabekova R.S. " ight Polarization" Video lecture, Act of implementation No. 77, 05/11/2021
- Spabekova R.S. " Light interference" Video lecture, Act of implementation No. 78, 05/11/2021
- Spabekova R.S. " Light Diffraction"" Video lecture, Act of implementation No. 79, 05/11/2021
- Spabekova R.S., Abdualieva M.A. "Molecular physics" electronic textbook No. 480, 06/28/2021
Intellectual Property Protection
- Pazylova D.T. "Electrical technologies in the production of inorganic substances" No. 25264 dated 04/20/2022
Research results introduced into production (in the educational process) (confirmed by the act)
1 Dosimetric negativity of physical shamalara. Act No. 174, dated 06/21/22 Nuridin A.Zh. Spabekova R.S.
2 Potential and problems of production of rare earth elements in Kazakhstan Act No. 175, dated 21.06.22 Pakhirdanova M.T. Spabekova R.S.
3 Katty oksidti otyn elementterinin artyқshylyktary men kemshіlіkterі. Act No. 176, dated June 21, 22. Spabekova R.S.
4 Cape-manganese negіzіndegi қorytpalardyn fizika-mekhanikalyқ kasietterі. Act No. 177, dated June 21, 22. Tulegenova N.M. Spabekova R.S.
5 "R&D MBB-21-12-01. Physico-mechanical properties of phase transitions in metal and metal alloys”: Zharyk tolkyndarynyn kasietteri. Act No. 224, dated 14.06.22 Spabekova R.S.
6 "R&D MBB-21-12-01. Physical and mechanical properties of phase transitions in metal and metal alloys”: Arnay salystyrmalylyk theoryy. Suyyktar men gazdardyn mekhanikasy. Act No. 225, dated 14.06.22 Spabekova R.S.
7 "R&D MBB-21-12-01. Physico-mechanical properties of phase transitions in metal and metal alloys”: Atomdyk physics of elements. Sutegi atomic spectleri. Act No. 226, dated 14.06.22 Spabekova R.S.
8 "MB GZZh B-21-12-01. hysico-mechanical properties of phase transitions in metals and metal alloys" project: Elements of electronic optics. Act No. 228, dated 14.06.22 Spabekova R.S.

The status of contracts for practice bases on EP 7М05310-Physics
EP name |
Name of practice bases |
Contract period |
7М05310-Physics |
2025 |
Public Association" Environmental Society "BIOS" |
2025 |
South-Kurylys Tu LLP |
2025 |
South Kazakhstan humanitarian and economic college |
2025 |
Shymkent, Technical Lyceum |
2024 |
Shymkent, No. 9 IT school-lyceum named after O. Zoldasbekov |
2024 |
Turkestan Region, Sayram District, Aksukent Village, Babyr Secondary School No. 7 |
2024 |
Shymkent city, No. 89 IT school - lyceum |
2024 |