6B03130 Psychology
On February 24, 2023, in Astana, the Minister of Higher Education and Science - Sayasat Nurbek awarded the medal and certificate of the winner in the competition "Best Teacher of the Year" to Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Zholdasbekov Abdimanap Abdrazakhovich, Professor of the Department of Psychology and Special Pedagogy, Faculty of History and Pedagogy, SKU named after M. Auezov. Our professor was awarded this title three times, that is, in 2005, 2011 and this year, in 2022. In addition, the staff of the department and the dean's office congratulate Professor Zholdasbekov A.A. with the title of "Excellent student of higher education and science"! The staff of the department expresses hope for a fruitful continuation of scientific research, activities in the field of educating young people as an example for the younger generation.

Almost the entire faculty of the department has high achievements in their activities, being actively engaged in science, publishing textbooks, scientific articles, preparing doctoral students; traveling abroad with lectures. So the teacher Karakpaeva S.K. became the winner in the nomination "The Best Teacher-Psychologist" and was awarded for active participation in the republican competition "Excellence in Education-2023", organized by the Association of Teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Besides, professor of the department, teacher Karakpaeva Sarbinaz Kuanyshbekovna was awarded with the nomination "Best pedagogue-psychologist" for his active participation in the republican competition "Excellence in Education-2023" organized by the Association of Teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In SKU named after M. Auezov, at the Faculty of History and Pedagogy, educational courses of the popular Coursera platform have started. . The initiative was launched with the aim of raising the quality of higher education to a competitive level and opening access for Kazakhstani students to world educational information. The main effect of the project is to provide Kazakhstani students with access to courses on international educational platforms. 10,000 courses have been created on the Coursera platform by authoritative subject matter experts representing world-class universities or industry-leading companies (Stanford, Columbia, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Yale, Meta, Google).
Translated 50 Coursera courses cover 9 areas: Innovation, Strategic Leadership and Management, Mathematics for Engineering, Marketing, Logic and Critical Thinking, Python Specialization, Career Success Specialization, Mechanics, Cybersecurity for Business. These courses are used in the framework of such educational programs as psychology, automation and control, radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications, electric power industry, architecture, economics, management, mechanical engineering, accounting and auditing, and so on. As part of the above educational programs, Coursera courses are applied in such disciplines as general psychology, applied psychology, management psychology, psychology of media communications, creative psychology, strategic innovation, innovation initiative management, computer graphics, architectural graphics and layout, business fundamentals, automated control systems enterprise, physics, algorithmization and programming.
At the Department of "Psychology and Special Psychology", students of the specialty 6B03130 - "Psychology" and 6B01910 - "Defectology" - Abdulova Sabina, Akhmetova Diyara, Sharakhmatova Sharakhnoz, Ayropetyan Hasmik, Timuruli Ayan, Khayridinova Munisa, Muratbek Elvira successfully completed their studies and received certificates in the following courses: .Leading Teams: Developing as a Leader/Team Leadership: Developing as a Leader, Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional, The Art of Negotiation/Искусство ведения переговоров, Think Again I: How to Understand Arguments/ Think Again I: How to Understand Arguments/ Think Again IV: How to Avoid Fallacies/ Creativity Toolkit I: Changing Perspectives

Head of the Department of "Psychology and Special Pedagogy" A. M. On the initiative of Usenova, the "Leider" club was opened by selecting active students in order to strengthen students' ties with society and increase the activity of young people.

Teachers of the department "Psychology and Special Pedagogy" gave lectures to officers and soldiers of military unit No. 6506 in Shymkent, established close ties, and teacher Aldiev Akhatbay Aitpenovich was awarded a letter of thanks from the head of the military unit for his contribution to their lives.

Students of the Department of "Psychology and Special Pedagogy" in the educational program "Psychology", from the group TP-20-13-TK Dzholdasbekova Akmaral, Abbaz Aruzhan, Tokan Ulbosyn, Tolegen Asel from April 20-21, 2023 took part in the 15th Republican disciplinary Olympiad in EP Psychology, organized by the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, exchanged experience with other students of the university and replenished their knowledge. Group curator: M.Sc., Senior Lecturer Auelova K.E.
The purpose of the Olympiad: disclosure of creative abilities, selection and support of the most talented and gifted students; assistance in the formation of the intellectual potential of students; involvement of students in solving scientific problems of our time; development of interest in scientific activity.

At the beginning of April, 2023, the Republican Forum "Contribution of women scientists to the development of modern Kazakh society" was held in Almaty, organized by the Society of Women Scientists of Kazakhstan (Kazakstandyk galym ayelder kogami). Venue: National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The round table was attended by the organizer and speaker of the Forum is Doctor of Philology, Professor of KazNPU.Abaya Ayapova Tanat Tanirberdievna. The event was held online and offline.
The leitmotif of the main reports were the multilateral aspects of the fruitful activities of Kazakhstani women in various fields of science and industry. In particular, the contribution of women scientists of Kazakhstan to pedagogical science, medicine, philology, digitalization, etc. is worthy of attention.
A significant event of the Forum was the presentation of volume 1 of the Encyclopedia "Woman and Science: famous women scientists of Kazakhstan", released under the auspices of "Kazakstandyk galym ayelder kogami". From the Southern region of Kazakhstan, two women scientists from the M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University are included in the Encyclopedia: Rector, PhD, Professor Kozhamzharova Daria Perneshovna and PhD, Professor of the Department of Psychology and Special Pedagogy Kabylbekova Zauret Berdikulovna.
The quality of education is the quality of teachers' work. And in order to achieve this quality, to organize the process of advanced training in accordance with modern requirements, many short-term and long-term courses are conducted to improve the professional training of teachers. In teaching work, the skills of planning, setting goals for the organization of one's actions and predicting results are extremely important. This is what the activities of the faculty of the department for advanced training were aimed at.
Professor teachers of the department have improved their qualifications by participating in the course "Gestalt counseling. Personal development in Gestalt format" according to the program of the Moscow Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama (MIGIP), the basis of professional training in the field of the Gestalt method and in accordance with the accreditation requirements of the European Association of Gestalt Therapy (EAGT).
In the period of 16.01 to 27.01.2023, the head of the department «Psychology and special pedagogy» - Ussenova A.M. and associate professor of the department Shomanbayeva A.O. within the framework of the Winter School, they underwent advanced training in the course "Development of innovative educational programs and learning outcomes" in the amount of 72 hours. The advanced training was organized by EMA and DAV University.
Program lectures were read by Naukenova A.S., Adyrbekova G.M., Kurbanbekov K.T. All training were organized in an interactive mode of training work using such methods as brainstorming, creating and defending group projects.

At the Department of Psychology and Special Pedagogy in the 2022-2023 academic year, a number of works are being carried out to ensure the quality of professional practice of students of 1,2,3,4 courses in OP 6B03130-Psychology-276 students study Psychology according to OP6B03130. On the 1,2,3,4 course, 4 types of practice are provided:
- Educational practice (1st year); 2. Industrial practice (2nd year); 3. Pedagogical practice (3rd year);
- Pre-graduation (4th year).
In order for students to complete the above types of practice at a high level , contracts have been concluded with the following institutions:
1.Named after Z. Kosmedemyanskaya.Lyceum School No. 23 Shymkent, Baytilenova 18
2.Named after K. M. M. O. Zholdasbekov Lyceum No. 9IT Shymkent, Kazybek bi-40
3.Gymnasium school No. 75 Shymkent, Kazieva 26 a
4.Named after A. S. Pushkin.Gymnasium No. 1 Shymkent, Ryskulbekov 12
5.Military unit 6698 of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan Shymkent, Alpysbayev-125
6.Military unit 6506 of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan Shymkent, Adyrbekova -139
7.LLP city polyclinic No. 1 Shymkent, Tauke Khan Ave.-35 8.Shymfarm, Shymkent, Shymkentcity-10
9.City polyclinic No. 8 Shymkent, Baitursynova-2
10.Innovation and psychological center "AI-Aru" Shymkent, ul. Kaitpasa-1 Kusherova-87
11.Support center for children in difficult life situations No. 2 Shymkent, Mamin-Sibiryak-6-3
12.Interdistrict Juvenile Court Shymkent city, Turkestan street-87
13.Shymkent"Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemical and biological direction " Shymkent, Nursat ma, 1a
14.Secondary school No. Talant Shymkent, Zhangeldina str.-43
15.ALEM LLP school Shymkent, Adyrbekova-87
16.Practice and psychological center "BOLMUS" Shymkent, Terskey-7
17.Social Protection Center "TEN QOGAM" of the Department of Employment and Social Protection of the city of Shymkent, Aimautova-130
18.KSU Youth Resource Center Shymkent, Turkestan str.-1
Students of the department of "Psychology and special pedagogy" undergo practical work experience in relevant institutions (kindergarten, school, military unit, clinic, social assistance centers) in order to practice the theoretical knowledge acquired on the basis of educational programs.
Conference of students' placement in practice.
Students of the "Psychology and special pedagogy" department are undergoing pedagogical practice at school
According to the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Current selection" to attract foreign scientists to teaching positions in SKU named after M. Auezov in 2022, the "Psychology and special pedagogy"department for students of the educational program "Psychology", was invited PhD, Professor of the University Gazi, Ankara, Turkey - Yuzhel Gelishli A lecture was held on the topic “Destructive Behavior Among Youth”.
In the lecture, along with consideration of the psychological theories of the genesis of aggressive behavior, the features of the adolescents’ aggressive behavior were considered, and the ways and means of influencing adolescents prone to aggressive behavior were analyzed. Students shared their theoretical and practical knowledge related to the topic. Feedback was provided through free discussion, through questions and answers.
The first subject Olympiad among students of the educational program «6B03130-Psychology»
On 15.03.2023 The first subject Olympiad was held among students of the educational program "6B03130-Psychology". The main purpose of the Olympiad is to identify talented students with theoretical and practical knowledge in accordance with the educational program "6B03130-Psychology", to increase students' interest in research work and participation in subject Olympiads in the field of spiritual and moral education. In total, 6 groups took part in the Olympiad: "Zhalyn", "Stimulus", "Divergent", "Kemel Adam", "Creative", "Empathy". The 1st place was taken by the group "Kemel Adam" received a 50-thousandth certificate issued by sponsors, the 2nd place was taken by the group "Creative", distinguished by its creativity, received a 30-thousandth certificate awarded by sponsors, the 3rd place was taken by the group "Empathy", distinguished by its erudition, received a 20-thousandth certificate. The group "Zhalyn" was awarded for cognitive activity, the group "Stimulus" for methodological knowledge, and the group "Divergent" for scientific acumen. We express our gratitude and gratitude to the main sponsor of the student event - the chief director of the company GGX KAR TS Toktar Smakhanuly.

Professional competition of students in the specialty "Defectology".
With the organization of the scientific circle of students "Young defectologist" of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, the faculty "History and Pedagogy", the department "Psychology and Special Pedagogy", a student competition "My specialty is my pride" was held. majoring in Defectology.
The purpose of the competition is to identify and support future talented young professionals, as well as to create a unique educational space for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of special and inclusive education, the selection of students who will go to the subject Olympiad for schoolchildren.
November 16, 2022 at 12:00 in the assembly hall of building No. 7.
Students of 3-4 courses, the teams "Kun Shuak", "Intellect", "Demeu", "Unity" took part in the subject Olympiad of students in the specialty "Defectology".
According to the competition program, the participants of the competition held 5 stages of the competition: “Introducing yourself”, “Brainstorming”, “Speech therapy kaleidoscope”, “Pedagogical skill”, “Turn a thousand knowledge with one wrist” (testing stage). The preparation of teams and the passage of all stages of the competition showed high performance and excellent preparation of students.

Students of the Department of "Psychology and Special Pedagogy" in the educational program "Psychology", from the group TP-20-13-TK Dzholdasbekova Akmaral, Abbaz Aruzhan, Tokan Ulbosyn, Tolegen Asel from April 20-21, 2023 took part in the 15th Republican disciplinary Olympiad in EP Psychology, organized by the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, exchanged experience with other students of the university and replenished their knowledge. Group curator: M.Sc., Senior Lecturer Auelova K.E.
The purpose of the Olympiad: disclosure of creative abilities, selection and support of the most talented and gifted students; assistance in the formation of the intellectual potential of students; involvement of students in solving scientific problems of our time; development of interest in scientific activity.

In the period of 16.01 to 27.01.2023, the head of the department «Psychology and special pedagogy» - Ussenova A.M. and associate professor of the department Shomanbayeva A.O. within the framework of the Winter School, they underwent advanced training in the course "Development of innovative educational programs and learning outcomes" in the amount of 72 hours. The advanced training was organized by EMA and DAV University. Program lectures were read by Naukenova A.S., Adyrbekova G.M., Kurbanbekov K.T. All training were organized in an interactive mode of training work using such methods as brainstorming, creating and defending group projects.

A total of 13 schools belonging to the Turkestan region and Shymkent city allocated by the faculty to the "Psychology and special pedagogy" department of the "History and Pedagogy" faculty, including TO Tulkibas aud. Kershetas village, Zh. Zhandarbekov State University, Zhiynbay village, Zhiynbay State University, Keltemashat village, S. Seifulin State University, and Shymkent city, M. Auezov State University No. 96 Ali Akbaev State University No. 101 professional orientation was conducted