7M04112 Economy
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Chair “Economy” Abdikerimova G.I. is the winner of the "Best University Teacher" of 2021.
Center of Climate Economics named after Nobel Prize Laureate Rae Kwon Chung was opened together with the Chair “Economy” on October 31, 2022.
Lectures were given to undergraduates and doctoral students by foreign professors Stefan Dyrka (Poland), Nihat Batmaz (Turkey), Himed Karadal (Turkey) within the framework of international cooperation).

Scientific consultants:
• Esirkepova Altyn Makhmudovna — Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economics at M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University;
Filin Sergey Alexandrovich — Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Corporate Governance and Innovation, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow, Russia).

Over the past three years, the teaching staff of the department have undergone advanced training in the leading universities of the world and the country: Turkey, Spain, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan. Also, the teaching staff of the department improved their skills at the enterprise LLP "Bal Tekstil", Shymkent, NWE RK "Atameken", Nur-Sultan, the International Academy of Innovative Technologies in Almaty, JSC "National Center for Advanced Studies ORLEU" Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty, Training Center "Global Professional Development", Almaty. During three years, the teaching staff of the department underwent advanced training in 44 universities and organizations and received certificates.
In the current 2023-2024 academic year, it is planned to take advanced training courses:
- Advanced training courses, M. Auezov SKU: Polezhaeva I.S., Aliyeva E.M., Zhakeshova A.P.;
-RK International Academy of Innovative Technologies, Almaty, January 2024: Ilasheva S.A., Yesirkepova A.M.; -
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, January 2024: Aidarova A.B., Tulemetova A.S.
All teaching staff have certificates and certificates based on the results of professional development.
Professional development is also carried out within the framework of international cooperation. International cooperation is conducted in the following areas: participation of teaching staff in international educational or scientific projects and programs, international scientific, scientific-practical and scientific-methodological conferences, symposiums; invitation of foreign lecturers to give lectures; conclusion of cooperation agreements with foreign universities; participation of undergraduates in international educational or scientific projects and programs.
The head of the Department of Education, the Department of Personnel Management, the Center for Planning and Advanced Training are responsible for the selection, selection, certification and advanced training of teachers involved in the implementation of the program.

The Chair «Economy» concludes contracts for the professional practice of students and annually updates them with the leading organizations of Shymkent city and Turkestan region: the Department of Strategy and economic development of the Turkestan region, the Department of Agriculture and veterinary medicine of the Turkestan region, the Department of Finance of Shymkent, Akimats of Shymkent and Turkestan region, «Bal Textile» LLP, «Shymkentmai» JSC and others.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor G.Abdikerimova and PhD, associated professor A. Yesbolova completed a scientific internship from November 22-28, 2021 at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. There were meetings with professors of the Department of Engineering Economics of the Faculty of Economics and Business Elena de la Posa, Navidad Omeda and other members of the department.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor G.Abdikerimova and PhD, associated professor A. Yesbolova completed a scientific internship at Mugla University (Turkey). There were meetings with the university management. Guest lectures were held.