Attraction of foreign scientists into educational process
Full name |
Scientific degree |
Speciality |
Country, city |
University |
Period of stay |
1 |
Ivakhnuk Grigory Konstantinovich |
Doctor of chemical professor, head of the department |
6М060800-"Ecology" |
Russia, St.Petersburg |
St Petersburg state tecnological institute (Technical university) |
28.10.2015-12.11.2015 |
2 |
Stephano Perni |
Doctor of philosophy, professor |
6М072000-"Chemical technology of inorganic substances", 6М060600-"Chemistry", 6М075300-"Chemical technology of nonmetallic and silicate materials" |
Great Britain, Cardiff |
Cardiff University |
01.12.2015-15.12.2015 |
3 |
Polina Prokopovich |
Doctor of philosophy, professor |
6М072000-"Chemical technology of inorganic substanses", 6М060600-"Chemistry", 6М075300-"Chemical technology of nonmetallic and silicate materials" |
Great Britain, Cardiff |
Cardiff University |
01.12.2015-15.12.2015 |
4 |
Samonin Vyacheslav Viktorovich |
Dr. Tech.SC., professor, head of the department |
6М073100, 6D073100-"Safety of life activity and environmental protection" |
Russia, St.Petersburg |
St Petersburg state tecnological institute (Technical university) |
09.11.2015-30.11.2015 |
5 |
Radoslav Pankevich |
Doctor of sciences, professor |
6М072100, 7D072100- "Chemical technology of organic substances" |
Poland, Poznan |
Adam Mickiewicz university in Poznan |
26.10.2015-15.11.2015 |
6 |
Emelin Alexey Vladimirovich |, professor of physical faculty |
6М072000, 7D072000-"Chemical technology of inorganic substances" |
Russia, St.Petersburg |
St Petersburg state university |
26.10.2015-11.11.2015 |
7 |
Phlisuk Oleg Mikhailovich |
D.Tech.Sc., professor, head of department "The processes and apparatuses of chemical productions" |
6М072400, 7D072400-"Technological machines and equipment" |
Russia, St.Petersburg |
St Petersburg state tecnological institute (Technical university) |
26.10.2015-12.11.2015 |
8 |
Ostroverhov Nikolay Yakovlevich |, professor automation of electromechanical systems and electric drive |
6М070200-"Automation and control" |
Ukraine, Kiev |
National technical university "Kiev Politechnical institute" |
26.10.2015-11.11.2015 |
9 |
Kostikov Andrey Olegovich |, professor of Department of thermal physics and molecular physics |
6М071700-"Heat power engineering" |
Ukraine, Kharkov |
V.N.Karazin Kharkov national university |
28.09.2015-17.10.2015 |
10 |
Voloncevich Dmitry Olegovich |
Dr. Tech.Sc., professor, head of department "Information technologies and systems of wheeled and tracked vehicles named after A.A. Morozov" |
6М071300-"Transport, Транспорт, transport equipment and technology" |
Ukraine, Kharkov |
National technical university "Kharkov politechnical institute" |
28.09.2015-17.10.2015 |
11 |
Philin Sergey Alexandrovich |,, associate professor, professor |
6М052000-"Business administration" |
Russia, Moscow |
G.V.Plehanov REU |
25.10.2015-07.11.2015 |
12 |
Philippov Vasilii Rudolfovich |, leading scientific assitant, professor |
6М020300-"History", 6М020800-"Archeology and ethnology" |
Russia, Moscow |
M.V. Lomonosov MSU |
26.10.2015-08.11.2015 |
13 |
Nordin Abdrahman |
PhD, professor |
6М042000-"Architecture" |
Malaysia, Kuala-Lumpur |
Putra Malaysia University |
29.10.2015-11.11.2015 |
14 |
Gribkov Sergey Vladimirovich |
Member correspondent of REA Член.корр. РИА, leading worker of FSUE |
6М071800-"Electricity" |
Russia, Moscow |
N.E.Zhukovsky Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute |
28.10.2015-10.11.2015 |
15 |
Ved Valeryi Evgenievich |, professor of department integrated technologies, processes and apparatuses |
6М070800-"Oil and gas business" |
Ukraine, Kharkov |
National technical university "Kharkov politechnical institute" |
27.10.2015-12.11.2015 |
16 |
Vetohin Sergey Sergeevich |, associate professor, head of "Physico-chemical methods of products certification" |
6М073200-"Standartization and sertification" |
Republic of Belarus, Minsk |
Belorusian state technological university |
25.10.2015-07.11.2015 |
17 |
Avramov Konstantin Vitalyevich |, professor, head of department "Theory and computer-aided design of mechanisms and machines" |
6М071200-"Mechanical" |
Ukraine, Kharkov |
National technical university "Kharkov politechnical institute" |
28.09.2015-17.10.2015 |
18 |
Kharchenko Valeryi Vladimirovich |, professor, leading scientigic assistant |
6М071800-"Electricity" |
Russia, Moscow |
All-Russian Institute of electrification of agriculture |
28.10.2015-10.11.2015 |
19 |
Solovyev Alexandr Alexeevich |, professor, academic of RANS |
6М071800-"Electricity" |
Russia, Moscow |
M.V. Lomonosov MSU |
28.10.2015-10.11.2015 |
20 |
Hon Chzhi Chzhon |
D., professor |
6М072600-"Technology and designing of products of light industry" |
South Korea, Seoul |
Sogang University |
01.10.2015-29.10.2015 |
21 |
Boguslava Leska Marya |, professor department of supramolecular chemistry |
6М060600-"Chemistry" |
Poland, Poznan |
Adam Mickiewicz university in Poznan |
26.10.2015-15.11.2015 |
22 |
Izabella Novak Justina |
Professor, head of department applied chemistry |
6М070100, 6D070100-"Biotechnology" |
Poland, Poznan |
Adam Mickiewicz university in Poznan |
26.10.2015-15.11.2015 |
23 |
Inga Tsiprovicha |
Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Food Technology |
6М072800 – "Technology of processing industries" |
Latvia, Jelgava |
Latvia University of Agriculture |
14.12.2015- 27.12.2015 |
24 |
Petropavlovskiy Igor Aleksandrovich |
Professor, doctor of technical sciences, Professor of the Department "Technology of inorganic substances and electrochemical production" |
6M072000 - Chemical technology of inorganic substances in "Synthesis of multicomponent mineral fertilizers" |
Russia, Moscow |
D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia |
6.12.2015-20.12.2015 |
25 |
Garabadzhiu Alexander Vasilievich |, professor, Vice-Rector of St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (technical university) |
6M070100, |
Russia, St.Petersburg |
St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (technical university) |
14.12.2015- 28.12.2015 |
26 |
Nara Vjacheslav Nicolaevich |, professor of the Department "Technology of Electrochemical Production» |
6M075300 - "Chemical technology of refractory non-metal and silicate materials" |
Russia, St.Petersburg |
St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (technical university |
14.12.2015- 28.12.2015 |
27 |
Nikonov Oleg Yakovlevich |
Doctor of chemical sciences, professor, head of Department «Information technology and mechatronics» |
6М070300 – "Information technology" |
Ukraine, Kharkov |
National technical university "Kharkov politechnical institute" |
07.12.2015- 28.12.2015 |