Sembiyev Ordabay Zaitayevich - Vice-Rector on Innovative Activity

Sembiyev Ordabay Zaitayevich was born on March 10, 1958, at Kosagash village of Kazygurt district, South Kazakhstan oblast. In 1975, he entered Kazakh State University on “Mathematics” specialty and graduated this university in 1980. After graduation of the university from 1980 to 1984, he worked as a teacher of “Higher mathematics” chair at Kazakh Chemical-Engineering Institute. From 1984 to 1988 – trainee-researcher and aspirant of Moscow aviation institute. From 1988 to 1997 – senior teacher of “Numerical and applied mathematics” chair at Kazakh Chemical-Engineering Institute (SKSU later). In 1992, he defended his candidate dissertation on “Numerical investigation of non-equilibrium flows taking into account distributive mass flux” theme at Moscow aviation institute and awarded academic degree of Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences. In 1997, he worked as Associate Professor of “Informatics” chair at M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University. From 1998 to 2001 – doctoral student by 05.17.08 “Processes and apparatus of chemical technologies” specialty. From March 2002 to April 2008 – head of “Informatics” chair at M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University. In 2007, he defended his doctoral dissertation by “Scientific bases of modeling of afterburning toxic substances in high-temperature processes theme and awarded academic degree of Doctor of Engineering.

He is the best teacher of the higher educational institution of the year 2008.

2010 – 2011 – dean of faculty of postgraduate study and further training of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University.

In 2011, by decision of Committee on management in the sphere of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan he was awarded academic title of Professor by “Informatics, computer science and management” specialty.

2011 – 2012 – head of “Computer science and software” chair. From 2012, Academician of International Academy of Informatization.

2012 – 2014 – Professor of “Computer science and software” chair.

2 candidates of sciences, 1 PhD, 20 masters of sciences were prepared under the supervision of O.Z. Sembiyev. Sembiyev O.Z. published 105 scientific-methodical works in international and republican journals, collections of international conferences.

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