Baibolov Каnаt Seitjanovich - Vice Rector for educational and methodical work

Baibolov Kanat Seitzhanovich, Candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor is the pro-rector of M.Auezov SKSU of Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan. He is responsible for instructional work and IT.

He was born on 9, August, 1966 in the village Baidibek of Baidibek district of South Kazakhstan region. He has higher education, in 1990 he graduated from Kazakhstan Chemical-Technological Institute (building engineer), in 2006 he graduated Almaty Economic University (economist).
Since 1990 he worked as an engineer at the chair “Architecture of building and constructions of Kazakh Chemical-Technological Institute”, since 1993 he was a student in further education (aspirant).
Since 1995 he was a teacher, then a senior teacher.
In 2004 he was appointed as a manager of the instructional sector of Instructional methodical department of the university and leading specialist of graduates employment department.         
For 3 years (2005-2007) he was the head of the chair “Technology and constructions of building materials”, and since 2007 he was the head of Center of post graduate education of M.Auezov SKSU.
In 2009 he got the position of the dean of the faculty “Construction, machinery building and transport”.
Since 2010 he is the pro-rector responsible for instructional work and IT.
Since 2018 he is the  Vice Rector for educational and methodical work .

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