Department of science and production
Objective: concentrate the university science and create mechanism for realization of scientific developments to increase effectiveness of scientific activities.
- determine, clarify, form common priority research areas of the university on the basis of analytical studies;
- identify scientific ideas, prepare them in the form of projects and present them at various financed competitions;
- manage and follow-up research projects to their logical conclusion in the form of finished technology, material or product;
- prepare potentially commercialized projects for submission to JSC “Science Fund0” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, JSC “NATD”, Stimulation of productive innovations, as well as various sectors of the economy;
- carry out targeted research to identify and solve problems that arise in specific sectors of the economy;
- promote the interaction of scientific structures and chairs of the university in order to integrate science and education;
- develop commercial structure of the university in order to transform it into entrepreneurial university.
Contact information of the director
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Khojibergenov Dauletbek Turganbekovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Director Address: 160012, Shymkent, Tauke-khan avenue, 5 Republican state enterprise on the right of economic management “M. Auezov SKSU”, 16th building, room 222 Office phone: 8 7252 21 07 81 Е- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |