Today, the staff and students of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University gathered to celebrate International Women's Day on March 8. The event was attended by faculty members, staff, and students. The Chairman of the Board and Rector of the university, Darkhan Ahmed-Zaki, congratulated all the women of the university.

"The kindness, wisdom, and love that fill your hearts are truly remarkable. The contributions of strong, hardworking women have shaped the history of our country. There is a saying: 'With one hand, a woman rocks the cradle, and with the other, she nurtures the world.' Beyond raising children, our women actively participate in social and political life and the progress of our nation," said the Rector.

Following his speech, Darkhan Zhumakanovich presented Mukhtar Auezov badges of honor, certificates of merit, and letters of appreciation to women who have contributed to science and education.

Auezov University is proud to have 1,878 women among its faculty and staff, including 20 Doctors of Science, 251 Candidates of Science, 53 Professors, 127 Associate Professors, 83 PhD holders, 550 Master's students, 506 Senior Lecturers, and 364 Lecturers.

The celebration concluded with a lively concert program, featuring beautiful songs and energetic dance performances that filled the air with joy and excitement, making the event truly memorable.

We congratulate all women on this wonderful spring holiday and wish them joy, success, and endless smiles!

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