International Winter School Auezov University -2022 M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University
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International Winter School Auezov University -2022 M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University
Topic: "Innovative solutions in modern energy"
The Center of the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility and the Higher School of Information Technology and Energy at the M. Auezov SKU organized the International Winter School Auezov University -2022. The purpose of the winter school is to introduce students to innovative scientific achievements in the field of traditional and non-traditional energy sources. The students will get acquainted with the current trends in the development of the energy industry, with new scientific developments in the field of intelligent and digital energy technologies. The event is implemented in the following areas: intelligent technologies of heat and electricity supply to consumers based on the use of traditional and alternative energy sources; technologies for creating intelligent electric power systems, energy saving technologies in the field of energy production and transmission, as well as in the transport sector Speakers of Auezov university -2022 are professors and specialists in the field of heat and electric power engineering from leading research centers and educational institutions of different countries: University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (Republic of Bulgaria) — 1, SRU "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" (Russian Federation) - 5, Samara State Technical University (Russian Federation) – 2, Non-profit joint stock Company "Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after G.Daukeev (Republic of Kazakhstan) – 3, L.N.Gumilev Eurasian National University (Republic of Kazakhstan) – 2, Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University (Ukraine) – 4, Research Institute "Scientific and Production Center of Agroengineering" (Republic of Kazakhstan) -1, Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov (Kyrgyz Republic) – 2, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology (Republic of Uzbekistan) - 2, University "Czestochowa Polytechnic", (Poland), National University "Lviv Polytechnic" (Ukraine) – 1, Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S.Seifullin (Republic of Kazakhstan) - 4, Institute for the Development of Digital Technology and Artificial Intelligence (Republic of Uzbekistan) - 1, Non-profit joint stock Company Auezov South Kazakhstan University (Republic of Kazakhstan) – 4. Winter School is a great opportunity for specialists and students to replenish their knowledge, complete modern courses and increase the number of credits in their graduation diplomas. The event is held in an online format based on the Zoom platform for two weeks - from February 21 to March 4, 2022. After graduating from the winter school, students will receive certificates and transcripts in the amount of three credits. In the future, the winter school will positively affect the expansion of the geography of cooperation and the development of joint educational programs, linking universities of different countries, students and young scientists with creative ideas for the emergence of new projects.
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