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As a public figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, prose writer, publicist, literary scholar, translator Gerold Belger said: “Translation is a living art, standing at the junction of linguistics and literature, this is an art in which the rate of reproduction and the rate of artistry must be organically merged and united. This is an art that is in close contact with ethnography, history, the whole sphere of human culture. ”It is not an easy task to transmit in one language all the works written in another. Each translator has a peculiar style and own vocabulary.
Transmission in a native language of a work written in a completely different language requires the translator to have a profound education, a wide range, to be the owner of an exceptional and unique talent, as well as to be a virtuoso who owns all the countless subtleties of the native language fluently. In this regard, there are some people from the teaching staff of the SKSU named after M. Auezov who are engaged in translation and have achieved significant success in their level.
On April 24, 2019, the Department Development of Languages held the competition “Best Translator” among colleagues. The main aim of the competition was to identify and encourage teachers from the number of teaching staff of the SKSU named after M. Auezov who are capable of carrying out literate translation between English-Russian and Russian-English; development of their creative initiative; motivation of teachers who are fluent in several languages.
The competition was held in four stages where participants were provided with texts on economics, chemistry, education and language policy and they had to translate in writing. The volume of translation was 0.5 page in A4 format for each topicand they were given 3 hours to make the translation. It was permitted to use industry-specific terminological dictionaries, however, to use cell phone, tablets, and other electronic means was strictly prohibited.
At the competition 6 teachers tested their luck whose works were evaluated according to the following criteria for evaluating the quality of translation: translation completeness, adequacy, translation of the article title, translation of abbreviations, translation of proper names, translation of the name of foreign companies, etc.
The teachers' works were analyzed and evaluated by translators and specialists of the Language Development Department. According to the results of the competition A.O. Kalikulova teacher of the department “Foreign language for humanitarian specialities” of the Faculty of Philology became the owner of the 1st place, 2nd place was awarded to A. Beissenbayeva teacher of the department "English linguistics" Faculty of Philology, the 3rd place – to E.A. Alzhanov senior teacher of the Agrotechnology department of the Higher School of Agricultural Sciences. Accepted as the best teachers awarded letters of thanks and valuable prizes. Other participants were received special letters of thanks. Our congratulations to the winners and wish them great success in their work!