On February 8, 2019 on the basis of the M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University was held a briefing with the participation of the representative of JSC «Center for International Programs» Nurmanov Altay Nurlanuly.

On February 8, 2019 on the basis of the M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University  was held a briefing with the participation of the representative of JSC «Center for International Programs» Nurmanov Altay Nurlanuly. The aim of carrying out the briefing is clarifying the conditions and rules for submitting documents for the participation in the competition for international scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Bolashak» in 2019 for graduate courses students, teachers and research staff of the University. During the meeting, Altai Nurlanovich met with the Vice-rector for strategic development and internationalization of SKSU M. Auezov T. P. Raimberdiyev and discussed issues related to the problems of scientific training and training abroad of teaching staff and students.

During the briefing representative of JSC «Center for International Programs» introduces the briefing participants with the order of the competition, the main selection criteria, changes and novelties of the program of this day, the purpose of the program and the deadlines for the completion of documents in detail. Nurmanov A.N. noted that in this year made a number of changes and additions to the regulatory legal acts relating to the receipt of documents for participation in the competition for the international scholarship «Bolashak».

JSC «Center for international programs» in addition to the scholarship «Bolashak» engaged in intergovernmental grants, grants from foreign universities partners. Also, the main novelty is the changes in the rules relating to the implementation of working of graduates. All information about the contest and novelties can be found on the official website of JSC «Center for International Programs»: www.bolashak.gov.kz

Also, Nurmanov Altay told the students about the grant programs of the Russian Federation, that within the framework of intergovernmental agreements for Kazakhstan citizens provide about 10 thousand grants for training in more than 30 higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

Annually students and teaching stuff of our university take an active part in the competition for the international scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Bolashak» and go to the world's leading universities by the programs of master degrees and scientific internships.

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