
Chief of the university museum

 Abdikhanova Аliya Zhangaziyevna

Address: Main building, 1st floor

Теl.: 8-(7252) 21-15-26

Keeper of fund of the museum

 Tokbergenova Tamаshа Ubaydayevna

Address: Main building, 1st floor

Теl.: 8-(7252) 21-15-26

Schedule of work of the museum


MONDAY – FRIDAY                     - 09.00 – 18.00

Dinner-time              - 13.00 – 14.00


Museum of the M. Auezov South- Kazakhstan state university.

The museum of the M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan state university was educated on the basis of merge of two university museums:  the museum of the South-Kazakh University of Technology and the museum of the M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan Humanitarian University in 1998.   

The museum of the South-Kazakh University of Technology was open, those years at the  Kazakh Institute of Chemical Technology, on the eve of 40th - anniversary of institute in 1983.  At the museum Council of the museum which the rector Moldabekov Shayakhmet Moldabekovich directly directed was at once created.  Dmitriyenko G. V., Kshumanova L.A., Krivtsova L.D. were the first heads of the museum.                                                                                    

To the created museum allocated audience No. 256 on the second floor of the main educational buildings of KazIChT. A lot of work was carried out by Council of the museum for collecting materials and museum registration.

Alumni Meeting of the Kazakh Institute of Chemical Technology. Museum of KazIChT, 1983

The museum of the M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan Humanitarian University is created in 1996 under the leadership of the rector E.U.Medeuov and the vice-rector L.Tashimov. The head of the museum it was appointed Tsoy A.A.

In 1998 after merge of SKTU to SKSU and formation of the M. Auezov South- Kazakhstan state university it was decided to unite two museums in one.

In 2003 rector of university corresponding member NAS of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Dr.Tec.Sci Professor V. K. Bishimbayev suggested to reconstruct completely the museum in modern style and original design. For the new museum the new room on the first floor of the main building was taken away. The design-project of the new museum is created by the chief architecture M. Sapargaliyev from the Kyzylorda region. A big contribution in creation of new shape of the museum employees of the museum of Dzhabagiyev Z.A., Tungatayeva A., Eskendirov G. K. etc.

Updated museum was opened in honor of the 60th - anniversary of the University

Opening of the museum of university.2003


On the eve of the 70th - anniversary of M.Auezov SKSU, on the initiative of the rector of Dr.Tech.Sc., Prof. ZH.U. Myrhalykov was reconstructed museum. The exposition was replenished with new unique items. Great contribution to update exposure and decoration works made ​​by a group of painters and designers of the Department "Design", "Art", "Architecture" and museum professionals. At the completion of exposure with new exhibits were take part all staff of the university.

Design a beautiful and spacious museum of the history and development of the university opened its doors on the eve of the solemn event

Now the museum collects studies, research documents and preservation of museum materials having educational, scientific and cultural importance. Funds of the museum are the basis for building exposure. Documents, photographs and exhibits presented in the museum, allow us to estimate the big changes that have occurred at the university for more than 70 years.

Some expositions are devoted to student's life; small assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, to student's construction groups, sporting, scientific achievements, etc.

These materials are used by students and teachers for carrying out curator hours, reports at conferences to subjects: «History of university", "Graduates of university", etc.

Now the museum is the major link in educational process, in ideological work, is the center of moral, esthetic, ethical education of students and all staff of university.

          From the date of opening the museum was visited by a huge number of guests. Among them: president of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev, M.Shakhanov, M. Zholdasbekov, N.Nadirov, Murat Auezov, G. Rudov, M.Otebayev, Absattar-kazhi Derbesali, deputies of parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, graduates of last years, and also numerous guests from others world camp: Iran, Spain, India, France, Ukraine, South Korea, etc. which expressed the admiration of the richest history of university, elegance museum registration.

Their responses are left in the book "For Guests of Honor".



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