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Head of accreditation department

Bakhytkul Abdizhapparova
Candidate of technical sciences, associated professor
Address: Tauke khan 5 , Shymkent city,
Republic of Kazakhstan, 160012,
M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University,
main building, room 211.
Phone number: +7252 301129
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The task of the department:

  • coordination of the processes of accreditation and post-accreditation monitoring of educational programs and the university, focusing onensuring the quality of educational services, in the agencies included in the register of recognized accreditation bodies.

Functions of the department:

  • providing faculties (higher schools) and structural divisions with information and methodological materials on issues of institutional and specialized accreditation aimed at assessing the quality of educational services;

  • organizing and conducting seminars on accreditation and re-accreditation for faculty and university staff;

  • gathering, processing and analysis of information on the university and educational programs;

  • analysis of self-assessment materials provided by faculties(higher schools), departments and working groups for the accredited / re-accredited program and the university;

  • organization of external audit for institutional and specialized accreditation/reaccreditation;

  • organization of post-accreditation monitoring of the university and educational programs;

  • control for the implementation of regulatory documents on the profile of the department.

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160012, Shymkent City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


(8-725-2) 21-01-41



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