6B07270 Pharmaceutical production technology



Name of  the EP

6В07270 – Pharmaceutical production technology


Code and Classification of  Education

6B07- Engineering, Manufacturing and Civil engineering

Code and Classification of Areas of Training

6B072- Manufacturing and processing

Group of educational programs (EP)

В072- Pharmaceutical production technology

Language learning

kazakh, russian, english

The complexity of  EP

240 credits

Distinctive features of  EP


Partner University (JEP) -


Purpose of the EP


Preparation of demanded bachelors in the field of pharmaceutical production, focused on the labor market

Name of the degree awarded

«Bachelor of engineering and technology»

Field of professional activity

•pharmaceutical field of production of medicines;

•biotechnological production;

•technical control departments;

•central factory laboratories;

•laboratories for standardization and quality control of medicines.

Learning outcomes

LO1 Demonstrate socio-cultural, professional development based on the formation of ideological, civil, spiritual and social responsibility, methods of scientific and experimental research;

LО2 Communicate freely in a professional environment and society in Kazakh, Russian and English, taking into account the principles of academic writing, a culture of academic honesty;

LО3 Demonstrate natural science, mathematical, engineering knowledge, possess information and computational literacy, the ability to generalize, analyze and perceive information, set a goal and choose ways to achieve it, master the methods of mathematical data processing, methods of scientific and experimental research, regulatory documents and elements of economic analysis;

LО4 Conduct marketing research in the pharmaceutical market in order to expand the range of medicines, as well as medicinal and excipients;

LО5 Organize the technological process for the manufacture of medicines in industrial production in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of healthcare and Good Manufacturing Practice(GMP);

LО6 Design pharmaceutical production with the choice of a rational technological scheme of production and instrumentation of processes with the calculation of the main and auxiliary equipments;

LО7 Analyze medicines, raw materials and excipients using modern standardization and certification devices in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation;

LО8 Determine the need for consumables (substances of medicinal substances, excipients and material, packaging material) for the continuity of the production process;

LО9 Develop technologies and methods for quality control of natural and synthetic medicines, taking into account the patterns of the relationship between the structure of medicinal substances and their physical and chemical properties;

LО10 Formulate goals, plan and carry out research work using modern scientific research in the field of pharmaceutical production of drugs;

LО11 Use the principles of construction of technological schemes of pharmaceutical production in the creation of waste-free and environmentally friendly technologies;

LO12 Demonstrate teamwork, develop self-education and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


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