6B07140 Heat power engineering



Name of the EP

6В07140 - Heat Power Engineering

Code and Classification of Education

6B07 - Engineering, processing and construction branches

Code and Classification of Areas of Training

6B071 – Engineering and engineering business

Group of educational programs (EP)

В063 – Electrical engineering and energy


Kazakh, Russian, English

The complexity of EP

240 credits

Distinctive features of  EP


Partner University (JEP) -


Purposeof the EP


Тraining of competitive specialists who meet the needs of the labor market, who have an integrated system that ensures professional activities in the field of heat power engineering.

Name of the degree awarded

«Bachelor of Engineering and Technology»

Field of professional activity

The branch of technology that includes the research, design, construction and operation of technical means for the production, conversion, application of heat and control of its flows.

Learning outcomes

LO1 Communicate freely in the professional environment and society in Kazakh, Russian and English, understanding the principles and culture of academic integrity.

LO2 Demonstrate natural science, mathematical, social, socio-economic and engineering knowledge in professional activities, methods of mathematical data processing, scientific and experimental research, regulatory documents and elements of economic analysis.

LO3 Demonstrate information and computer literacy, digital technology, and application software.

LO4 Select the water-chemical mode of heating networks, boiler units, heat engines and superchargers, the mode of regulation of thermal processes.

LO5 Apply methods of analysis and calculation of thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer processes to improve efficiency in heat and power devices and apparatuses.

LO6 Apply the basic laws of electrical and magnetic circuits, methods of production, transmission and distribution of electrical energy, technical means for measuring heat and electricity installations.

LO7 Produce technical and economic calculations for the selection of heat and mass transfer apparatus, automatic control of thermal power plants and ways of solving environmental problems of thermal energy.

LO8 Perform design, operation and installation and commissioning of thermal power facilities through modeling and optimization of thermal equipment, based on the analysis of the technical performance of turbines and auxiliary equipment.

LO9 Conduct tests, organize and carry out repairs, operation and maintenance, corrosion protection of thermal power and thermal process equipment.

LO10 Make decisions in non-standard situations, assess risks, using research, entrepreneurial skills.

LО11 Demonstrate skills of self-education, self-education, healthy lifestyles, and teamwork.

LO12 Collect and interpret information to form judgments with social, ethical, and scientific considerations, in terms of worldview, civic, and moral positions.

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