6B06140 Mathematical and computer modeling



Name of the EP

6В06140- «Mathematical and computer modeling»

Code and classification of the field of education

6B06 Information and Сommunication Тechnologies

Code and classification of areas of study

6B061 Information and communication technologies

Group of educational programs

В057 Information technologies

Language learning

Kazakh, Russian

The complexity of EP

240 credits

Distinctive features of EP


Partner University (JEP) -


Purpose of the EP


Training of highly qualified and in-demand specialists with critical thinking and advanced knowledge in the field of IT, capable of analyzing, forecasting, modeling and solving applied problems in accordance with the needs of society, the state and business.

Name of the degree awarded

«Bachelor in information and communication technologies»

Field of professional activity

- public, private enterprises and organizations that develop mathematical and computer models, implement and operate information technologies in various fields of human activity.

- research and design organizations that develop mathematical and computer models of various processes.

Learning out comes

LO1 Communicate freely in the professional environment and society in Kazakh, Russian and English, taking into account the principles of academic writing and the culture of academic honesty.

LO2 Apply natural science, mathematical, social, socio-economic and engineering knowledge in professional activities, methods of mathematical data processing, scientific and experimental research, regulatory documents and elements of economic analysis.

LO3 Analyze and summarize information when building models, setting goals and choosing ways to achieve it.

LO4Determine initial and boundary conditions, initial data, obtain and evaluate results in the process of mathematical and computer modeling.

LO5 Programming in the following environments: C++ - for resource–intensive technologies and problem solving on devices with minimal performance; Java EE, PHP - when developing interactive products for the Internet; iOS, Android, WP, Tisen - when developing mobile applications, planning and managing cloud resources, designing cloud solutions taking into account the business requirements of the organization.

LO6 Develop mathematical and computer models and their components in various fields using modern research methods, ensuring corporate interests and compliance with corporate ethics.

LO7 Plan and conduct experimental studies, process data with interpretation of the results obtained on the basis of modern modeling methods and computer technologies.

LO8 Administer information security tools in computer systems and networks, ensure the protection of information during their operation, select optimal methods of technical protection of information in the implementation of information processes on various devices, the introduction of information security systems in the IS.

LO9 Create projects by using the resources of mathematical and computer models with a preliminary feasibility study of design calculations.

LO10 Design and administer databases, including big data, taking into account modern methods, ensure the storage of big data, create software tools for data processing, manage information processes, maintain hardware and software complexes.

LO11Be able to work effectively individually and as a team member, demonstrate self-education and self-education skills and lead a healthy lifestyle.


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