7M07176 Oil and Gas Processing Technology



Nameofthe EP

7М07176  – «Oil and gas processing technology»

Code and Classification of Education

7М07 – «Engineering, manufacturing and Civil engineering»

Code and Classification of Areas of Training

7М071 - «Engineering and engineering trades»

Group of educational programs (EP)

М097 -«Chemical engineering and processes»


Russian, kazakh, english

The complexity of EP

120 credits

Distinctivefeaturesof EP

Double degree

PartnerUniversity (JEP) -

Federal State Budgetary Education Institution of Higher Education "Samara State Technical University"

Purpose of the EP


Training of highly qualified personnel who are able to carry out scientific and pedagogical activities, who possess modern approaches to the organization of production and enterprise management, technological design.

Name of the degree awarded

Master of Technical Sciences

Field of professional activity

Industrial enterprises for oil and gas processing, transportation, compounding, storage of gas, oil and petroleum products; higher education institutions; research and design institutes.


LO1. Analyze and summarize scientific and technical information with the involvement of information resources, applying knowledge of a foreign language.

LO2. To design and carry out comprehensive and interdisciplinary research based on a holistic system scientific worldview using knowledge in the field of history and philosophy of science.

LO3. Plan and perform scientific and pedagogical activities, using individual creative abilities to implement research and pedagogical tasks.

LO4. Manage scientific and production departments using the principles and methods of management psychology, showing creativity and logical thinking in non-standard production situations.

LO5. Organize and monitor the operation of technological facilities for the preparation and processing of oil and gas, petrochemical synthesis in compliance with safe working conditions and the creation of conditions providing for the complete exclusion or minimization of the harmful impact of production on the environment.

LO6. Develop measures to improve the quality, improve and update products, equipment and technology, to reconstruct and modernize existing installations, to create fundamentally new competitive products.

LO7. Organizes and conducts its own experimental research and design development, with presentation of the results to a wide audience and further commercialization and implementation of the results in the practical activities of oil refining and petrochemical companies.

LO8. perform calculations of technological equipment and devices, develop technological schemes for the preparation, processing and purification of oil and gas, petrochemical synthesis, and hydrogen production; monitor compliance of components, raw materials, and commercial products produced by installations with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.

LO9. Based on the use of in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge, select catalytic systems taking into account the specifics of certain processes of oil and gas processing, additives for fuels, oils, lubricants.

LO10. Have the training skills necessary to continue further training in refining and petrochemicals on their own.


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