7M07222 Metallurgy



Name of the EP

7М07222 - «Metallurgy»

Code and Classification of Education

7М07 - "Engineering, Manufacturing and  Civil engineering

Code and Classification of Areas of Training

7М072 - "Manufacturing and  processing"

Group of educational programs (EP)

М117 –  Metallurgical  Engineering

Language learning

Russian, Kazakh, English

The complexity of EP

120 credits

Distinctive features of EP


Partner University (JEP) -


Purpose of the EP


Training of highly qualified specialists with in-depth scientific and pedagogical knowledges, who are able to plan and perform scientific and educational and production activities in the field of non-ferrous and ferrous metals metallurgy.

Name of the degree awarded

«Master of technical sciences»

Field of professional activity

The scope of professional activity is the field of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, incl. processes of ore processing with the aim of obtaining concentrates, processes of obtaining metals and alloys, metal products, complex processing of natural, man-made and secondary raw materials.

Learning out comes

LO1 Analyze and summarize scientific and technical information with the involvement of information resources, applying knowledge of a foreign language; planning and carrying out complex and interdisciplinary research based on a holistic systemic worldview and knowledge in the field of history and philosophy of science.

LO2 To carry out pedagogical activity on the basis of innovative technologies, means and methods of vocational training, possessing practical skills and abilities, applying scientific knowledge in the educational process.

LO3 Implement advanced technologies equipped with efficient equipment with a high degree of process automation based on an analysis of the current state of the metallurgical industry.

LO4 Independently solve current and future scientific and production problems in the metallurgical industry, using advanced methods of scientific and applied research.

LO5 To create waste-free technologies at a professional level with the implementation of the global principle of a single technological raw material, using mathematical and thermodynamic modeling of metallurgical processes.

LO6 Possess algorithms and trajectories of creating innovative technologies in ferrous and non-ferrous metals metallurgy, providing for theoretical, applied, experimental design work with commercialization and implementation of the created technologies in a new environment.

LO7 To evaluate the technical and economic efficiency of metallurgical innovative technologies from the perspective of integrated use of raw materials.

LO8 Systematize and analyze the results of scientific research, summarizing them and promptly communicating information, ideas, conclusions, problems and solutions to both professional specialists and specialists in related fields.

LO9 Effectively manage production, economic, financial and economic activities, using knowledge in the field of psychology of human resource management.

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