7M07133 Logistics of transport systems



Nameofthe EP

7М07133 – Logistics of transport systems

Code and Classification of Education

7M07- Engineering, manufacturing and Civil engineering

Code and Classification of Areas of Training

7M071- Engineering and engineering trades

Group of educational programs (EP)

M104 Transport, transport equipment and technologies

Language learning

Kazakh, Russian, English

The complexity of EP

120 credits

Distinctive featuresof EP


Partner University (JEP) -



training of competitive master's degrees in transport logistics and scientific and pedagogical personnel who meet the requirements of the labor market and are able to make optimal decisions in professional activities.

Name of the degree awarded

After the successful completion of this EP, the graduate is awarded the degree of master of Technical Sciences on Educational programs «7M07133 - Logistics of transport systems».

Field of professionala ctivity

• transportation services;

• science;

• education.

Learning out comes

LO1 Confidently communicate in a foreign language in scientific and professional activities, in public speaking, using the skills of fluency in business written and oral speech.

LO2 Analyze and structure the main ideological and methodological problems in science based on the provisions and categories of the philosophy of science.

LO3 Apply the methodology of scientific research in scientific and professional activities using innovative educational technologies of higher education and academic integrity skills.

LO4 Design transport and logistics systems using economic and mathematical methods, models and modeling of logistics processes.

LO5 Analyze the socio-psychological conditions in the organization and the features of management activities to create a psychological climate in the team, contributing to the optimization of production processes.

LO6 Conduct comprehensive marketing research with the development of logistics strategies, feasibility studies of innovative projects, the use of advanced IT technologies, digitalization and gamification, as well as the principles of brand formation in transport logistics, to assess the competitiveness of enterprises and the industry.

LO7  Apply scientific and professional knowledge, skills and methods of engineering calculations to make management decisions, including when servicing and ensuring reliable operation of high-speed highways (HSH).

LO8 To offer solutions to professional tasks and means of achieving them to optimize production processes, improve the quality of transport services, environmental safety and economic efficiency of transport infrastructure.

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