6B01550 Biology



Nameofthe EP

6В01111Practical Psychology

Code and Classification of Education

6В01Pedagogical Sciences

Code and Classification of Areas of Training

6B011 Pedagogics and Psychology

Group of educational programs (EP)

6В001 Pedagogics and Psychology


Kazakh, Russian

The complexity of EP

240 credits

Distinctivefeaturesof EP


PartnerUniversity (JEP) -




Training of competitive educational psychologists with professional competencies in the field of psychological sciences and psychotechnologies that are in demand on the labor market.

Name of the degree awarded

Bachelor of Education


- area of education;

- provision of psychological services;

- socialsphere;


LО1 Shows a civic position on the basis of a deep understanding and scientific analysis of the basic laws of social sciences, revealing the ideas of public figures of world culture.

LО2 Assesses trends in various areas of interpersonal, social and professional communication, applying knowledge of the socio-cultural development of the individual, demonstrating an ideological, civic and moral position.

LО3 Possesses the professional competencies of a future teacher, demonstrating legal and environmental culture, analyzing trends in the social development of society, modernizing public consciousness, the creative heritage of prominent figures of culture and science, demonstrating anti-corruption self-awareness.

LО4 Builds communication in oral and written forms in Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages, using modern information technologies in all spheres of life, demonstrating the ability to work with various documentation, scientific research outlook.

LО5 Draws up individual programs of psychological and pedagogical support for the processes of socialization, learning, development of normotypical children and children with special needs, observing the requirements of a comfortable and safe educational environment, ethics and principles of providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to participants in the educational process.

LО6 Carries out a comprehensive psychodiagnostics of the characteristics of students with the selection of appropriate methods, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students, processing the results of the diagnosis, applying a psychocorrectional program for personality development;

LО7 Applies methodological diagnostic and developmental tools of various psychological schools, directions, scientific theories of personality, taking into account the methodology of general psychology in the organization of the educational process to solve applied problems of psychology.

LО8 Compiles individual support programs in overcoming difficulties in learning and development of students, using current trends in practical psychology, applying methods to reduce the risks of various forms of destructive behavior of minors and participants in the educational process.

LО9 Knows how to differentiate the sources of psychological, bio-psycho-social causes in the difficulties of training, development and education of students, taking into account physiological difficulties in mastering general education programs, using methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the student's abilities.

LО10 Provides the necessary psychological support to students, teachers in crisis periods of development and personality formation, carrying out measures for psychoeducation, psychoprophylaxis and psychocorrection of social maladaptation.

LО11 Uses various psycho-diagnostic techniques to identify and psycho-correct psycho-emotional difficulties, demonstrates professional skills, providing conditions for the formation and development of students' personal growth.

LО12 Provides psychological assistance to social groups and individuals who find themselves in a difficult life situation, developing developmental and psycho-correction programs, conducting individual and group psychotherapy in organizations of various fields of activity

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