6B01532 Computer Science and robotics
Nameof the EP |
6B01532 Computer Science and Robotics |
Code and Classification of Education |
6В01Pedagogical Sciences |
Code and Classification of Areas of Training |
6В015 Teacher training in natural science subjects |
Group of educational programs (EP) |
B011 Computer Science teacher training |
Language learning |
Kazakh, Russian |
The complexity of EP |
240 credits |
Distinctive features of EP |
- |
Partner University (JEP) - |
- |
Purpose of the EP
Training of specialists with knowledge, practical skills and competencies that guarantee the high quality of their professional activities in the field of computer science and robotics education. |
Name of the degree awarded |
Bachelor of Education |
Field of professional activity |
- area of education; |
Learningoutcomes |
LО1 Free to communicate in a professional environment and society in Kazakh, Russian and English, taking into account the principles of academic writing and the culture of academic honesty. LО2 Demonstrate socio-cultural, professional development based on the formation of ideological, civic, spiritual and social responsibility, methods of scientific and experimental research LО3 To make plans and conduct lessons taking into account the characteristics and needs of students, defining appropriate teaching methods and tools for evaluating students' academic achievements. LО4 Plan and make changes to the content of training taking into account new pedagogical technologies; LО5 Possess the skills of solving problems of school computer science and mathematics, apply various teaching methods in their professional activities. LО6 Able to develop programs and projects in modern programming languages in the field of robotics using digital technologies and robotics systems LО7 To study information about modern information technologies for the creation of robot control algorithms. LО8 Be able to formulate and practically solve problems in the field of robotics, using information technology in the field of professional activity LО9 Design and implement computer systems using network resources and software tools. LО10 Manage the behavior of students, motivating their educational and cognitive activities using the methodology of educational work, modern concepts of education LО11 To use research, entrepreneurial skills and skills of working in conditions of uncertainty. LО12 To work effectively individually and as a team member, to plan professional continuing education in formal, informal, informational forms |