7M04140 Finance



Nameofthe EP


Code and Classification of Education

7M04 "Business, management and law"

Code and Classification of Areas of Training

7М041 Business and Management

Group of educational programs (EP)

М 074 Finance, banking and insurance


Kazakh, Russian, English

The complexity of EP

120 credits

Distinctivefeaturesof  EP


Partner University (JEP) -


Purpose of the EP


Training of highly qualified undergraduates of scientific and pedagogical direction with conceptual knowledge in the field of finance and mechanisms of anti-crisis financial management.

Name of the degree awarded

Master Economic  Science  

Field of professional activity

The sphere of professional activity is the field of economics and finance of the country, institutions and organizations of education and science

Learning out comes

LО1 demonstrate a high level of proficiency in a foreign language in order to fully obtain professional information from scientific sources

LО2 To have the developed skills of interpretation of information and computing components necessary for research in the professional sphere

LО3 To be able to analyze and comprehend the realities of modern theory and practice based on the methodology of natural scientific knowledge and apply these teaching methods in practice

LО 4Apply the elements and features of the mechanism of anti-crisis financial management, including personnel, information, control components and anti-crisis tools. To be able to implement the consistent application of preventive or anti-crisis procedures, to own operations and methods of influencing the financial condition of the organization within the framework of a clearly defined strategy

LО5 Analyze and process information on the current financial condition and prospects for the development of financial and economic activity of the enterprise, in accordance with Kazakhstan and international (IFRS, GAAP US) financial reporting standards

LО6 Training in the methodology for calculating the financial result, the formation of reserves for improving the efficiency of modern organizations and making financial decisions that consider changes in the market environment to ensure and increase competitiveness.

LО7 Have control and taxation skills for building various financial schemes in order to improve the financial performance of enterprises and organizations

LО 8  Conducting scientific research in the field of the functioning of financial markets, developing methodological programs and practical recommendations on the use of technologies and methods for mobilizing sources of financing, as well as areas and methods of investment and bringing them to the attention of specialists and non-specialists.

LО9Own methods of crisis forecasting in terms of calculating indicators of the crisis field (the importance of which is determined by expert), including the dynamics of equity capital, assets, short-term liabilities, receivables, revenues, and the prediction of the state of the system of formation and distribution of financial resources in a strategic perspective, based on the criteria for the effectiveness of the organization as a whole

L10 Use research, entrepreneurial skills and skills in the face of uncertainty

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