6B07510 Standardization and Certification (by industry)



Name of the EP

6В07510 Standardization and Certification (by industry)

Code and Classification of Education

6В07 Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries

Code and Classification of Areas of Training

6В075 Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry)

Group of educational programs (EP)

B076 Standardization, Certification and Metrology (by industry)

Language learning

Kazakh, Russian

The complexity of EP

240 credits

Distinctive features of EP


Partner University (JEP) -


Purpose of the EP


Preparation of competitive bachelors who are able to competently choose and apply various approaches to studying problems in the field of standardization, conformity assessment (certification), accreditation, testing and quality management, based on the knowledge of national, regional and international standards, able to apply the acquired knowledge, evaluate and analyze modern the state of development of technical regulation, standardization and certification, to formulate and make effective solutions to production problems

Name of the degree awarded

Bachelor of Engineering and Technology

Field of professional activity

Training competitive bachelors who are able to competently select and apply various approaches to studying problems in the field of standardization, confirmation of conformity (certification), accreditation, testing and quality management, based on knowledge of national, regional and international standards, who are able to apply their knowledge, evaluate and analyze the current state of technical regulation standardization development and certification, formulate and take effective solutions to production problems character

Learning out comes

LО 1 Communicate freely in the professional environment and society in Kazakh, Russian and English, using the methods of scientific research and academic writing, the principles and culture of academic honesty.

LО2 Demonstrate natural science, mathematical, social, socio-economic and engineering knowledge in professional activities, methods of mathematical data processing, theoretical and experimental research, regulatory documents and elements of economic analysis.

LО3 Possess information and computational literacy, the ability to generalize, analyze and perceive information, set goals and choose paths when designing tools and technologies for quality management, accreditation, standardization and certification.

LO4 Organize the development of various methodological documents on the management and control of the quality and safety of products (services), plan work on standardization and certification at the national and interstate levels, verification (updating) of regulatory and technical documentation used at enterprises and organizations in all industries.

LO5 Ensure the fulfillment of tasks to improve the quality and safety of products / services, develop programs and methods for testing, planning and testing a new or improved type of product / service, improve the system of technical regulation and standardization, develop and revise regulatory and technical documentation.

LO6 Assess the level of defective products and analyze the causes of its occurrence, using qualimetric and statistical methods for assessing the level of products. of products.

LO7 To form proposals for the creation of a TC, applications for joining the TC, the goals of projects (programs) for the application of standardization methods, the principles of total quality management, confirmation of the conformity of products and services.

LO8 To carry out an examination of product quality, calculations and evaluation of the economic efficiency of work on standardization, certification and implementation of international management systems.

LO9 Analyze the state and dynamics of product quality, evaluate its technical level, implement quality systems for food safety, environmental management, labor protection and safety management, social management, assess risks using standardization and certification methods.

LO10 Develop plans, programs, recommendations and methods for conducting certification tests, declare conformity, quality control and safety of products based on statistical, qualimetric, innovative methods and principles of general quality management.

LО11 Use research and entrepreneurial skills in the control and evaluation of modern tools and techniques in the face of uncertainty.

LО12 Work effectively individually and as a team member, demonstrating self-education skills, a healthy lifestyle.

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