Center of Career and Employment Support

Director of the Center of Career and Employment Support

Almaz Bakhitovich Kaldybaev

 Master of technological machines and equipment, senior teacher

For correspondence: Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, 160012,

Tauke Khan Ave.-5, Auezov South Kazakhstan University named after M.

Main building, room 206.

Work phone: (7252) 21-38-07,




  • Organization and control of work on the employment of university graduates

  • Planning, organization and improvement of professional practice and ESPC at the university.

  • The main goal of the C and ESC is to create an effective system for facilitating the employment of young professionals and adapting to the modern labor market, providing methodological assistance in the implementation of international standards for building the career of future graduates and developing interaction with employers.

  • Cooperation with enterprises and organizations that are potential employers for University graduates;

  • Interaction with local executive bodies of the city and region;

  • Formation of a database of graduates, conducting an analysis of the need for personnel;

  • Organizing and holding university-wide career events: job fairs, master classes, seminars, trainings, etc.;

  • Planning, organization and improvement of professional practice and ESPC at the university.
  • The main goal of the C and ESC is to create an effective system for facilitating the employment of young professionals and adapting to the modern labor market, providing methodological assistance in the implementation of international standards for building the career of future graduates and developing interaction with employers.
  • Cooperation with enterprises and organizations that are potential employers for University graduates;
  • Interaction with local executive bodies of the city and region;
  • Formation of a database of graduates, conducting an analysis of the need for personnel;
  • Organizing and holding university-wide career events: job fairs, master classes, seminars, trainings, etc.;
  • Consultation of students and graduates on employment issues, as well as on the current situation on the labor market;
  • Establishing, maintaining and developing links with alumni to track their careers;
  • Implementation of preparation for employment and assistance in the employment of graduates.
  • Organization and coordination of the work of faculties, higher schools to provide practice and ESIC;
  • Maintaining documentation and preparation of reporting data on the organization and conduct of practices and ESIC;
  • Ensuring effective coordination of the work of the departments in organizing and conducting the practice of university students.
  • Organization and control of the practice in accordance with the working curriculum of the specialty and the schedule of the educational process;
  • Together with the graduating departments, it determines the bases of practice for students, controls the timely preparation of orders for the assignment of students to the bases of practice and their leaders from the departments;
  • Organization of the implementation of course and diploma projects (works) of educational, research work of students on topics related to the solution of research and design and production tasks facing the enterprise;
  • Organization and coordination of the work of the departments on the conclusion of contracts with bases of practice with the possibility of subsequent employment of students; 




  • Organization and control of the activities of the educational-scientific-industrial complex of the university departments;
  • Implementation of a set of measures to develop the system of employment of students and graduates of the University, its financial and staffing, preparation of relevant methodological and regulatory documentation;
  • Representing the interests of the University in third-party organizations on issues of assistance in employment and career development of students;
  • Cooperation with departments of the university, employment services and career centers of other educational institutions on the development of the system of employment of graduates; 
  • Carrying out career events: career days, master classes, company presentations, round tables and other events for students and graduates of the University; 
  • Solving issues with all structural divisions of the University related to employment; 
  • Implementation of information support for students, graduates of the University, employers through the website, social networks and other means of communication and communication; 
  • Providing the administration of the University, faculties / higher schools and other interested parties with up-to-date information on the current state and trends in the labor market; 
  • Acceptance of students who apply to the CESC for help in finding a job, advice on compiling resumes, receiving and sending out completed resumes; 
  • Preparation of an electronic directory for employers with resumes of graduates of the current academic year; 
  • Development of informational, methodological manuals to assist in the employment of graduates and building a future career; 
  • Providing and maintaining "feedback" with graduates;
  • Development of additional services of the Center.




  • Individual approach to everyone;
  • Professionalism; personal interest. 
  • Center staff:


Center  staff:


Taslima Serikovna Aubakirova

PhD dactor,

"Career supporting and job placement" center deputy of director

For correspondence: Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, 160012,

Tauke Khan  5.,

South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov,

work phone 8707 741 52 55



Musayeva Kenzhegul Rakhimovna

Chief specialist of the center

For correspondence: Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, 160012,

Tauke Khan  5.,

South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov,

Main building, office 206

work phone 21-38-07

email address:

Artaeva Ulzhan Makhambetova

Chief specialist of the center

For correspondence: Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, 160012,

Tauke Khan 5., South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov,

Main building, office 206

work phone 21-38-07

Kalymbetova Kalamkas Nasyrovna

Specialist of the highest level of qualification

For correspondence: Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, 160012,

Tauke Khan 5.,

South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov,

Main building, office 206

work phone 21-38-07

Orynbekova Zhadyra  Abayevna

Specialist of the highest level of qualification

For correspondence: Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, 160012,

Tauke Khan 5.,

South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov,

Main building, office 206

work phone 21-38-07

Turdybekova Dilfuza Abdashimovna

Specialist of the highest level of qualification

For correspondence: Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, 160012,

Tauke Khan 5.,

South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov,

Main building, office 206

work phone 21-38-07

Tagay Gulnur

Specialist of the highest level of qualification

For correspondence: Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, 160012,

Tauke Khan 5.,

South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov,

Main building, office 206

work phone 21-38-07






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