6B11210 Life safety and environmental protection
Planning of teachers' professional development is carried out on the basis of an individual teacher's work plan, compiled for each academic year. The advanced training section is coordinated with the supervising department of the university in accordance with the strategic development plan, annual and long-term plans and other indicators of the university.
Teaching staff of the department are covered by advanced training in the real sector of the economy. The improvement of educational programs is carried out within the framework of the CPC. Also, in order to improve educational programs, scientific and methodological seminars are regularly held aimed at teaching and introducing modern teaching technologies and means of activating the cognitive activity of bachelors and undergraduates.
All conditions have been created at the university to provide opportunities for the teaching staff to improve and develop their pedagogical skills and professionalism. The University annually signs contracts with organizations and leading universities of Kazakhstan for advanced training courses of teaching staff. In the 2021-2022 academic years, there was a full coverage of advanced training of teaching staff, which was carried out and continues according to the plan of advanced training of teaching staff of the department, teaching staff also underwent advanced training outside the plan. All certificates of teaching staff in scanned and paper versions are available at the department, and are also handed over to the monitoring department to take into account key performance indicators (KPIs) for the corresponding academic year.
Implementation of research under the grant project AR 08053015 "Complex processing of tailings of the Balkhash processing plant and limestone by high-temperature synthesis with the production of cement clinker and associated extraction of zinc sublimates" for young scientists for 2020-2022. GU MES RK with financing in the amount of 21,932,865 tenge for 2022. (Scientific supervisor – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor A.S. Kolesnikov)
Implementation of research under the grant project AP15473389 "Development of innovative technology for processing technogenic waste of lead production with the production of non-ferrous metals and improving the level of life support" Competition for grant funding of research of young scientists under the project "Zhas Galym" for 2022-2024. GU MES RK with financing in the amount of 2,897,238 tenge for 2022. (Scientific supervisor – teacher Bagova Z.I.)
Implementation of research under the grant project AR 15473446 "Development of biotechnology of feed protein from plant raw materials" Competition for grant funding of research of young scientists under the project "Zhas Galym" for 2022-2024. GU MES RK with financing in the amount of 2,034,128 tenge for 2022. (Supervisor – teacher Makhatov Zh.B.)
1.1.1 Research topics performed on state budget topics:
During the reporting period, according to the thematic plan of the department, state-budgetary research was carried out in the direction 04 "Problems of ecology and environmental protection. Life safety. Renewable energy sources":
1) B-16-04-03 Investigation of the risks of the manifestation of flood-mudflow-prone areas on the territory of Shymkent (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assoc. Naukenova A.S.);
2) B-16-04-04 Development of a system to reduce the negative effects of defects and adverse processes on the water bodies of Shymkent (PhD, Assoc. Kashkarov A.A.);
3) B-16-04-04 Investigation of the current state of coastal territories, buildings and structures subject to destruction under the influence of erosion and landslide processes in the territory of Shymkent (PhD, Assoc. Dosybekov S.K.);
4) B-16-04-05 Development and creation of an environmentally safe technology for processing technogenic waste of phosphorus and lead-zinc production to obtain target products. (hand. Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Zhantasov K.T.).
1.1.2 The subject of research carried out under international grants – no.
1.1.3 The subject of research carried out under economic contracts – no.
1.1.4 Actual financing of research – 26,864,231 tenge
1.2 Participation in scientific competitions and exhibitions
- AP15473389 "Development of innovative technology for processing technogenic waste of lead production with the production of non-ferrous metals and improving the level of life support" Competition for grant funding of research of young scientists under the project "Zhas Galym" for 2022-2024. (Scientific supervisor – teacher Bagova Z.I.)
- AR 15473446 "Development of biotechnology of feed protein from plant raw materials" Competition for grant funding of research of young scientists under the project "Zhas Galym" for 2022-2024. GU MES (Supervisor – teacher Mahatov Zh.B.)
- AP19175875 "Obtaining multi-purpose thermal insulation products based on natural raw materials and man-made waste" Competition for grant funding of young scientists under the project "Zhas Galym" for 2023-2025. Scientific supervisor – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor E.N. Kocherov, Scientific consultant - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor A.S. Kolesnikov.
- AR19667587 "Complex processing of silica as a raw material component in the production of cement clinker and dry construction mix". Competition for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2023-2025 (Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan). Scientific supervisor - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor A.S. Kolesnikov.
- BR18574143 "Development and implementation of groundwater purification technology and provision of drinking water to the population and animals of an agricultural enterprise" for 2023-2024. Program-targeted financing of the State Educational Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (Scientific supervisor – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Sataev M.I.)
Corresponding member of the International Academy of Ecology and Safety of Man and Nature, Professor of the Department "Life Safety and Environmental Protection" Kolesnikov took part in the 9th International specialized exhibition "AgriTekShymkent'2022" (09-11.11.2022)
1.3 Information and publishing activities. Publication of monographs, textbooks and teaching aids
- Kolesnikov A.S., Daurenbekov K.K., Zhakipbayev B.E., Zhanikulov N.N., Kolesnikova O.G. Utilization by the method of complex waste processing of the Balkhash processing plant - Monograph: Kyzyl-Orda: Bolashak University, 2022 -216c.
1.5.1 The publication of research results, participation in conferences:
Publications of the department are presented in Appendix P, in particular, has the following publications:
scientific articles in rating journals with impact factor - 19;
in journals approved by the Committee for Control in the Field of education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 3;
scientific articles in journals of far and near abroad -11 ;
scientific articles in the journals of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 4;
participation of teaching staff in international conferences of the far and near abroad – 11;
and the Republic of Kazakhstan – 5;
republican and regional conferences of the Republic of Kazakhstan– 3.
1.5.2 Promotion of research work, publications in the media
1) Professor of M. Auezov UCU as a scientific expert took part in monitoring the implementation of scientific projects (05 -09.11.2022)
(https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj2vLKPNRJ7/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D )
2) Professor of the M. Auezov UCU as a scientific expert took part in monitoring the implementation of commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities (02-04.11.2022) (https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckqf68zKP3c/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D )
3) Corresponding member of the International Academy of Ecology and Safety of Man and Nature, Professor of the Department "Life safety and environmental protection" at the 9th International Specialized Exhibition "AgriTekShymkent'2022" (09-11.11.2022)
(https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck8q5TMKqE7/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y )
The most significant scientific and creative results
- The grant Project AR 08053015 "Complex processing of tailings of the Balkhash processing plant and limestone by high-temperature synthesis with the production of cement clinker and associated extraction of zinc sublimates" for young scientists for 2020-2022 has been completed and completed. GU MES RK with financing in the amount of 21,932,865 tenge for 2022. (Scientific supervisor – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor A.S. Kolesnikov)
- The AP15473389 Project "Development of innovative technology for processing technogenic waste from lead production with the production of non-ferrous metals and improving the level of life support" for 2022-2024 was won. GU MNiVO RK with financing in the amount of 15,255,930 tenge. (Scientific supervisor – teacher Bagova Z.I.)
- The Project AR 15473446 "Development of biotechnology of feed protein from plant raw materials" Competition for grant funding of research of young scientists under the project "Zhas Galym" for 2022-2024 was won. GU MES RK with financing in the amount of 18,757,512 tenge. (Scientific supervisor – teacher Makhatov Zh.B.)
- The Project BR18574143 "Development and implementation of groundwater treatment technology and provision of drinking water to the population and animals of an agricultural enterprise" for 2023-2024 was won within the framework of program-targeted financing. GU MNiVO RK with financing in the amount of 323,000,000 tenge. (Scientific supervisor – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Sataev M.I.)
- The teaching staff of the department published 8 scientific articles in the first quartile (Q1) of the scientometric database WoS during the reporting period.
- Professor Kolesnikov A.S. winner of the republican award "Best Researcher" in 2022 in the direction of "Engineering and technology".
- Professor A.S. Kolesnikov was awarded a state scientific scholarship for leading scientists who have made a significant contribution to the development of science in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017-2022
Promotion of research work, publications in the media
1) Professor of the M. Auezov UCU as a scientific expert took part in monitoring the implementation of scientific projects (05 -09.11.2022)
(https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj2vLKPNRJ7/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D )
2) Professor of the M. Auezov UCU as a scientific expert took part in monitoring the implementation of commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities (02-04.11.2022) (https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckqf68zKP3c/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D )
3) Corresponding member of the International Academy of Ecology and Safety of Man and Nature, Professor of the Department "Life Safety and Environmental protection" at the 9th International Specialized Exhibition "AgriTekShymkent'2022" (09-11.11.2022)
(https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck8q5TMKqE7/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y )
4) The defense of the doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of the teacher of the department "BRZIZOS" Bagova Zarina Ilesovna took place at the M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University. (https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/quality/documents/details/375528?lang=ru)
5) At the M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University, the defense of the doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by S.T. Makulbekova Gulnaz Orazbekovna, a teacher of the Department of "BRZIZOS", took place. (https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/quality/documents/details/375548?lang=ru)

Student mobility
Internationalization and academic mobility contribute to the development and renewal of educational programs, allow you to get away from the isolation of the education system, ensure transparency and recognition of competencies abroad.
The university successfully implements the program of outgoing and incoming academic mobility. It is designed for students and teachers. This program gives our students the opportunity to study at another university (domestic or foreign) during one academic period. At the same time, all the loans disbursed and the estimates received are re-credited without fail. Foreign citizens can study at our university under the incoming mobility program.
Teachers can participate in this program as guest lecturers. Every year our university is visited by guest lecturers from leading universities in Belarus, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Israel, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, the USA, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and other countries.
We invite domestic and foreign professors to cooperate within the framework of academic visits.
Academic mobility
The activities of the department in the field of academic mobility are implemented in the following areas:
- actively participates in the formation of regional and international university networks;
- develops international cooperation in the field of science and education;
- actively participates in international cooperation programs.
To solve the tasks set, the Department, as a structural subdivision of the University, cooperates and maintains scientific ties with leading universities of Kazakhstan, Germany, Russia, Uzbekistan: Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany), D.I.Mendeleev Russian University of Chemical Technology, St. Petersburg State Technological Institute, Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan.
There is experience at the invitation of leading foreign scientists for the exchange of experience and lectures on the problems of life safety and environmental protection. Teachers and students of the department participate in international scientific and practical conferences held both abroad and in various cities of Kazakhstan and publish scientific articles in journals in the far and near abroad.