6B07513 Мetrology
2.Educational program (EP)
One of the indicators of the quality work of the PPS department is the assessment of their activities by various stakeholders - the business community, authorized bodies in the field of standardization, certification and metrology, the leadership of the university and the city, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Thus, for the contribution to the development of national standardization systems, ensuring the uniformity of measurements and technical regulation, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Tulekbaeva Aizhamal Konisbaevna, was marked by letters of thanks, diplomas of the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Republic of Kazakhstan, mayor of Shymkent, university leadership.
A young scientist, Doctor PhD Azimov Abdugani Mutalovich in 2022 became the owner of the grant "The best teacher of the university in 2021," a diploma of the 1st degree "Қazaқstan Respublikasynyң eңbek sіnіrgen қyzmetkerі," a scholarship holder of the international program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashaқ."
Aitolkyn Yerkinovna, Senior Lecturer, Master of SMS Otunshieva, won an international scholarship to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashaқ" and completed a scientific internship from 07.02-07.05.2022 in the field of standardization, certification and metrology at the Belarusian State Technical University in Minsk, the Republic of Belarus at the Department "Physicochemical Methods of Product Certification."
4.Professional development of teaching staff
Teachers of the department annually improve their qualifications in the field of standardization, certification, metrology and quality management at industrial enterprises of the city, in authorized bodies in the field of standardization and metrology, research institutes and departments of universities in this area, according to the Prospective and annual plans for advanced training, the results of which are introduced into the educational process.
Advanced training provides for theoretical and practical training in the amount of at least 72 hours in readable disciplines. For the period from 2021 to 2023, the department, according to the Plan for Advanced Training, trained 10 teachers with certificates.
5.Proceedings and projects of teaching staff
According to the results of the research and development in 2022, the PPS of the department performs 4 scientific projects, 4 patents were obtained, 2 textbooks and 1 textbook were published, more than 45 scientific works were published, of which 10 articles in journals with impact - a factor included in the SCOPUS/WOS database, 14 articles in journals of the Higher Attestation Commission and others, 21 articles of works at international, republican and regional conferences.
PhD, Azimov Abdugani Mutalovich
Environmental monitoring of underground water supply sources in the southern region of Kazakhstan and recommendation of optimal water treatment technology.Topic: Environmental monitoring of underground water sources in the southern region of Kazakhstan and recommendation of optimal water treatment technology
Head: PhD, teacher of the Department of Standardization and Certification, head of the research laboratory "Innovative water treatment systems", Azimov A. M.
Project goal: Environmental assessment and forecasting of the state of drinking water in the southern region of Kazakhstan, development of a methodological recommendation for regime and design parameters of water treatment technology.
Scientific novelty: As a result of the project implementation, a recommendation will be prepared for a promising technology for drinking water purification, which will provide not only a direct economic effect, but also at least 10% of the environmental effect on a regional scale, for specific deposits. The developed methodological recommendation will cover the choice of optimal technologies (settling, filtration, flocculation, coagulation, adsorption, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, chemical disinfection) and regime parameters for drinking water purification.
Practical significance: The obtained scientific results will become the basis for the development of methods for calculating energy and resource-saving technologies and equipment for the purification of drinking water from the deposits of the Turkestan region, will open up the possibility of creating a scientific base for technological complexes that are actually used at water treatment enterprises, which will both reduce the costs of enterprises and improve the environmental and social environment. The target consumers of the obtained results are water treatment plants.
Doctor PhD, Smailov B.M.
A scientific project is being carried out under the leadership of Dr. PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of Standardization and Certification B.M. Smailov. Financing of the scientific project at the expense of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the competition for grant financing of young scientists under the Zhas ғalym projects for 2022-2024, on the topic AP14972664 "Development of technology for obtaining humate-containing fertilizers to increase soil fertility and crop yield."Head: PhD, Academician of MAIN, Head of the NIL "Petrochemistry and Composite Polymer Materials" Research Institute "ETN" YUKU named after M. Auezov, Smailov B. M.
The goal of the project is to develop a technology for obtaining humate-containing fertilizers based on coal waste to increase soil fertility and crop yield.
Based on the results of research work, the following new parameters were determined:
- thermodynamic characteristics of decomposition of carbon waste in hydrochloric acid solution were determined using the OutokumpuHSC6 software complex;
- the optimal parameters of the process of decomposition of coal waste from the Lengerskoye deposit in nitric acid solution were established using the method of mathematical planning of experiments;
- kinetic regularities of coal waste decomposition process in nitric acid solution to obtain humic acids and humates are determined. The value of the "apparent" activation energy calculated by the Arrhenius Ekage equation. = 12.33 kJ/mol indicates that the process proceeds in the diffusion region;
- It has been found that the obtained humate-containing fertilizer is characterized by a high content of humic substances that participate in the structure formation of the soil, the accumulation of nutrients and trace elements in a form accessible to plants, and contribute to the regulation of geochemical metal flows in aquatic and soil ecosystems.
Practical significance: Development of technology for the disposal of man-made waste with the production of humate-containing fertilizers, which allows restoring soil fertility and positively impacting the yield of plants.
A scientific project is being carried out under the guidance of Doctor PhD, Senior Lecturer of the Department "Standardization and Certification" Smailov B.M. Financing a scientific project at the expense of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the competition for grant funding for young scientists under the Zhas Galym projects for 2022-2024, on the topic AP14972664 "Development of a technology for obtaining humate-containing fertilizers to increase soil fertility and crop yields".
Young scientists at an international conference
Holders of the grant "Zhas Galym" Azimov A.M. and Smailov B. took part in the international conference on the topic "Water from pollution to purification" at the Mahatma Gandhi University of India. At the conference, the head of the project "Environmental monitoring of underground water sources in the southern region of Kazakhstan and the provision of optimal water treatment technology" Azimov Abdugani Mutalovich made a presentation on the topic "Underground and groundwater treatment using nanofiltration technology." Scientists from Great Britain, Canada, Poland, Korea, France, Japan, USA, Spain and Kazakhstan took part in the conference.
PhD, associate professor Kaldybayeva B.M.
The use of integrated technologies to reduce environmental pollution and improve the energy efficiency of industrial territorial complexesTopic: The use of integrated technologies to reduce environmental pollution and improve the energy efficiency of industrial territorial complexes
Project leader: PhD, associate professor Kaldybayeva B.M.
The aim of the project: is to simultaneously optimize the use of heat recovery, cogeneration of heat and electricity, renewable energy sources and fossil fuels, reduce the level of environmental pollution from industrial emissions and increase the energy efficiency of industrial complexes.
Objectives: The theoretical approach to solving the indicated problem is to apply the fundamental laws of energy and mass momentum transfer, to draw up a balance of forces acting on a gas bubble emerging from a nano-, micropore. The study of the hydrodynamic parameters of the bubbling layer will be carried out on the basis of the momentum balance with the determination of the energy dissipation intensity.
An algorithm for grouping regional resource-supplying enterprises has been developed to manage the distribution of communal resources (energy and water) between objects. Surplus and deficit at different objects and clusters are compared and, if possible, combined. The development of the regional scheme is carried out using the tools of the P-graph software package. Then, by the method of "Branching" and "Connections", the structure is optimized for the system being developed.
The novelty of the project: it consists in the development of a common methodology (based on a joint process approach), numerical modeling and joint analysis of the resource supply scheme at the regional level, in order to assess the optimization potential, in terms of increasing resource efficiency and reducing the anthropogenic impact on the environment to determine a science-based strategy development of the region at all hierarchical levels of the system and the development of specific recommendations for all its elements.
Results obtained: Two designs of devices were developed using a membrane module made of ceramics. An updated concept for assessing the mutual influence of water and energy resources is proposed based on the creation of symbiotic schemes that take into account the minimization of resource consumption and the reduction of anthropogenic impact on the environment. Modeling of interactions and reuse of resources in terms of energy, exergy and their cost was carried out using mathematical programming. A basic model has been developed, which includes the main resources (water and energy). Using the P-Graph technique, a model has been developed that allows solving the problems of optimal distribution of energy flows between sources, the type of distribution network and the characteristics of the location and organization of consumers.
Practical significance: the results are in the possibility of optimizing resource consumption and assessing the possibilities of integrating the considered technical solutions
Scope: Various enterprises of the chemical, oil refining, food industry and production of building materials.
1 article was published in the journal, which is included in the Scopus database with a percentile of 38, Q2: Tatyana Gil, Mariia Ilchenko, Botagoz Kaldybaeva, Anton Mironov, Stanislav Boldyryev. Economic Assessmentof Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit Options Based on Historical Data of Energy Price Trends. Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 88, 2021.-P.343-348. https://doi.org/10.3303/CET2188057
A patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 6233 “Apparatus with a regular structure of the adsorbent” was received and others according to the application No. 2021/0123.2 of 07/16/2021
1 article was published in the collection of proceedings of the international conference, which is included in the Scopus database: Kuznetsov M., Kaldybaeva B., Tsibulskiy S., Boldyryev S. Optimization of heat energy distribution in Tomsk City by inter-cluster connections model implemented in P-graph environment. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable technologies - SpliTech-2021, Split, Croatia. DOI 10.23919/SpliTech52315.2021.9566473
2 articles were published in the proceedings of the international conference:
1.Kuznetsov, Stanislav Boldyryev, Botagoz Kaldybaeva, Alisher Khusanov.Syngas Production by The Recycling Of CO2 And Utilization Of The By-Product Of The Fischer-Tropsch. Proceedings of 9th Global Conference on Global Warming 2021 – GCGW-2021, Croatia, pp 65-68.
2.Alisher E. Khusanov, Doskhan M. Kenzhebekov, Botagoz M. Kaldybaeva, Maksadbek A. Yusupov, Lazzat I.Ramatullaeva MODELING OF THE DISTRIBUTION SCHEME OF THERMAL ENERGY AND HOT WATER BETWEEN SOURCES AND CONSUMERS IN THE P-GRAPH SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENT// Proceeding VIII International Conference "Industrial Technologies and Engineering" ICITE - 2021, Volume II - R. 22-26.
6. Student mobility
In accordance with order No. 27 on holding the Winter School "Auezov University 2020" at the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov from 13.01 to 17.01.2020, students of the MMG-16-6k1,2 group participated Sairambay D.B., Tuleshova A.M., Asanova A.O., Adilbekova K. B., Amangeldy Zh. in the period from 02/01/2021 to 02/12/2021, a student of the group MMG-18-6r Khalmetova K.B. studied online on the ZOOM platform at the North Kazakhstan University named after Manash Kozybayev from 01/25/2021 to 05/31/2021 in accordance with order No. 9.
As part of external academic mobility, the Department of Standardization and Certification, Faculty of Oil and Gas Business, for the 2022-2023 academic year, 3rd year students of the educational program 6B07510 Abdikhan Akniet and Abdigaliyeva Balgul began their studies at Turiba University in Riga, Latvia.
Studying at one of the prestigious universities in Latvia will allow students to improve the level of English, as the training is conducted in English and to study modern management systems. Gaining competence to increase their competitiveness in the future in the labor market.

To coordinate joint training activities to improve the effectiveness of training and research, testing and using the results of scientific research in various organizations and industrial enterprises in the field of SMS, advanced training of employees of the enterprise and teachers of the department, as one of the forms of integration of education, science and production departments operate 5 Educational and scientific and production complexes on the basis of contracts on UNPK on the basis of FTS RSE "Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Metrology," LLP OPS SM Turan Business Group, DDEK LLP, LLP, SC Sapa Standard KZ and El-Standard LLP.

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