8D07240 Innovative technologies in the production of functional foods

№ |
Name |
service |
Code and name of the professional development specialty |
Place of professional development, term |
1 |
Shingisov A.U. |
c.t,s., professor |
6В07240-Technology of food products |
JSC"Shymkent-may" September-December 2020. |
2 |
Abishev M.Zh. |
c.t,s., docent |
6В07240-Technology of food products |
JSC"Shymkent-may" September-December 2020. |
3 |
Yerkebayeva S.U. |
c.b,s., docent |
6В07240-Technology of food products |
"Gulmayra" March-May 2019. |
4 |
Khamitova B.M. |
c.t,s., docent |
6В07240-Technology of food products |
Madlen-KZ LLP September-November 2018. |
5 |
Taspoltaeva A.R. |
c.t,s., docent |
6В07240-Technology of food products |
Shymkent LLP"Karavay" January-March 2022. |
6 |
Kaldybekova Zh.B. |
c.t,s., docent |
6В07240-Technology of food products |
Republic Of Uzbekistan, Tash.HTI, September-December 2018. |
2. Topics of fundamental, applied and risk research funded by Ministries and development institutions.
At the Department of "Technology and Safety of food products" in 2022, the IRN project "Development of technology for the production of innovative functional bioxide dairy products with probiotics and antioxidants" in the amount of 44,941,536.60 thousand tenge was won in the competition for grant funding of young scientists for scientific and scientific-technical projects for 2022-2024, announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Project manager: PhD, senior lecturer A.A. Utebaeva
2022. an application was submitted for participation in the competition for grant financing of scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects 2022-2024 on the topic "Processing of secondary raw materials of tomato production in the development of technology of innovative natural meat products" in the amount of 68,154,686.00 thousand tenge.
An application was submitted in November 2022 for the IRN project: AP19679729 for grant funding for scientific and scientific-technical projects for 2023-2025, announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the following title: "Development of technology of semi-smoked sausage from a vegetable meat substitute for functional purposes", project manager Zheleuova Zh.S.
An application was submitted in November 2022 for the IRN project: AP19675874 for grant funding for scientific and technical projects for 2023-2025, announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the following title: "Technology of complex processing of vegetable oils to obtain an environmentally friendly product of high quality", project manager Kaldybekova Zh.B.
The department "Technology and safety of food products" conducts research in the direction of the project PCF of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2021-2023 in the amount of 41005947.00 tenge on the topic: Development of technology for processing promising varieties of fruit, berry crops and grapes of domestic selection in order to obtain biologically active substances and fruit and berry powders for use in the food industry. Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.U. Shingisov.
Also, the teaching staff of the department participate in research topics funded by the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, assigned to other departments.
PCF project of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
"Development of technology for processing promising varieties of fruit, berry crops and grapes of domestic selection in order to obtain biologically active substances and fruit and berry powders for use in the food industry", 2021-2023, total amount: 41.005.947.00 tenge, head Shingisov A.U., executive officer Alibekov R.S.
Patent work
In total, in 2022, the Faculty of the department received 7 security documents (patents and inventions):
No. Name Nature of work Output data Volume
Full name of co-authors
1. Kazak khalkynyn ulttyk tagamdaryn zhangyrtu barysynda balalar tamaktanuyna arnalgan suly zharmasy kosylgan askabak yezbesi conservisinin technologiyasyn zhasau Copyright Certificate of entry of information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright - No. 26396 dated May 23, 2022 3 Tulybek M. A., Taspoltaeva A.R., Zheleuova Zh.S., Koshtaeva G.E.
2. Method of production of oriental sweets Patent for utility model Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 7532 dated 10/28/2022 5 Alibekov R.S., Imanbayev A.Zh., Utebayeva A.A., Abish.Zh.A.,
Batyrova E.A.
3. A method for obtaining extracts containing bioflavonoids. A patent for an invention. Application for the grant of a patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 2022/0074.1 dated 07.02.2022 5 Shingisov A.U., Alibekov R.S., Yerkebayeva S.U., Gabrilyants E.A., Mailybayeva E.U., Tastemirova U.U.
4. "ArysKaun" ondirisi negizinde zhalbyz kosylgan kokonis shyryndaryn conservileu technologiyasyn zhasau
Copyright Certificate of entry of information into the State register of rights to objects protected by copyright - No. 26382 dated May 23, 2022 5 Arapbaeva A.T., Kaldybekova Zh.B., Utebaeva A.A., Sadyrbaeva I.R.
5. Kazak khalkynyn ulttyk tagamyn zhangyrtu ayasynda kauynnan zhasalgan "Kauynkurt" oniminin technologiyasyn zhasau
Copyright Certificate of entry of information into the State register of rights to objects protected by copyright - No. 26369 dated May 23, 20224
Madiyar B.M., Shingisov A.U., Yerkebayeva S.U., Khanzharov N.
S. 6. Method of production of oriental sweets Utility model patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 7532 dated 10/28/2022 5 Alibekov R.S., Imanbayev A.Zh., Utebayeva A.A., Abish.Zh.A.,
Batyrova E.A.
7. A method for obtaining extracts containing bioflavonoids. A patent for an invention. Application for the grant of a patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 2022/0074.1 dated 07.02.2022 5 Shingisov A.U., Alibekov R.S., Yerkebayeva S.U., Gabrilyants E.A., Mailybayeva E.U., Tastemirova U.U.
In accordance with the schedule of the educational process approved for the 2022-2023 academic year, 1st-year doctoral students studying in the scientific and pedagogical direction are scheduled for pedagogical practice, which will take place on the basis of the department from 30.01.2023 to 07.04.2023.
№ |
Group of educational programs |
Group |
full name |
Full name of the place of practice, a copy of the contract / name of the department |
Head of Practice |
8D07240 - "Innovative technology for the production of functional food products" |
DLP-22-5p |
Berdembetova A. Shynalieva A. Abish Zh . Ablaeva A. Zhuman Zh . |
Food technology |
Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent Taspoltaeva A.R. |
In accordance with the curriculum and schedule of the 2022-2023 academic year, it is planned to conduct a scientific internship of doctoral students studying in the scientific and pedagogical direction within the framework of innovative technologies in the production of functional food products – 8D07240
№ |
full name and surname of the doctoral student |
Form of study (grant/paid) |
Dissertation topic |
Group |
Date of internship |
Place of internship |
1. |
Gulnur Yerkinbayevna Islamova |
grant |
Development of technology of combined minced meat products using tomato processing products |
DLP-21-5p |
29.05.2023-28.06.2023 |
ITMO University (Russia) |
2. |
Kaysarova Arailym Almasovna |
grant |
Development of technology of combined meat chips with a reduced content of table salt. |
DLP-21-5p |
29.05.2023-28.06.2023 |
ITMO University (Russia) |
3. |
Aitbayeva Aigerim Zhumagalievna |
grant |
Development of technology of national fermented milk products enriched with secondary raw materials of corn processing |
DLP-21-5p |
29.05.2023-28.06.2023 |
Putra University Malaysia (Malaysia) |
4. |
Duisebaev Shyngiskan Yergalievich |
grant |
Development of condensed camel milk technology enriched with a combined extract from vegetable raw materials |
DLP-21-5p |
15.05.2023-14.06.2023 |
Moscow State University of Food Production (Russian Federation) |