6B06141 Virtual Reality Modeling and Construction
Congratulations to the grant holders of the 500 Scientists program! The 500 Scientists program was approved in accordance with the instruction of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in order to develop the professional competencies of domestic scientists in the leading scientific centers of the world. In accordance with the decision of the Republican commission for training personnel abroad dated December 20, 2023, 16 teachers of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University became holders of a scholarship under the 500 Scientists program.
In particular, the senior lecturer of the ICT department, Turganbekova Madina Myrzabekkyzy, became the recipient of the International Bolashak Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Madina Turganbekova will undergo a scientific internship in the USA, at the Office of Global Education and Training (GET) of the University of Illinois, Illinois.
The scientific internship program focuses on research in the field of specialization "Information technologies and systems: Big Data Analytics, predictive analytics by industry". The program introduces the fellows to exceptional leaders at Illinois in the areas of Data science, visualization, and machine learning. The theme of the program is Data science and machine learning.

Congratulations to the winners of the scholarship under the 500 Scientists Program!
According to the decision of the Republican Commission for the Training of Personnel Abroad dated December 23, 2024, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University became the winners of the scholarship under the Toktarova Aigerim Bastarbekkyzy, Master, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies. "500 Scientists" for a scientific internship at leading universities in Germany and the USA.

The faculty of the "Information and Communication Technologies" department completed an 80-hour professional development course at "Askar" Professional Development Center LLP in Temirtau on the topic "Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks: Creating Texts and Creative Content."
The teaching staff of the Department "Information communication technologies" underwent advanced training at SCU named after. M. Auezov for 72 hours on the topic: “Digital literacy and online learning methods.”
The teaching staff of the Department "Information communication technologies" underwent advanced training at SCU named after. M. Auezov for 72 hours on the topic: “Inclusive education and university studies.”
The teaching staff of the Department "Information communication technologies" underwent advanced training at SCU Kazah Imternational university named al-Farabi for 72 hours on the topic: “Information communication technologies.”
The teaching staff of the Department "Information communication technologies" underwent advanced training at Sinergia university for 72 hours on the topic: “Information communication technologies.”
The teaching staff of the Department "Information communication technologies" underwent advanced training at SCU named after. M. Auezov for 72 hours on the topic: “Methodology of subject-language integrated teaching (CLIL).”
The organization and implementation of academic mobility of the department "Information communication technologies" is carried out on the basis of the Rules for organizing the educational process on credit technology of education, as well as the Concept of academic mobility of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, QMS SKU PR 7.11 - 2024 "Organization of academic mobility of students". The Center for the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility of the M. Auezov SKU ensures the participation of students and teaching staff of the department in academic exchange or mobility programs.
Academic mobility is one of the strategic directions for the development of the Higher School of Information Technology and Energy. Currently, the higher school "IT and E" is successfully implementing programs for external and internal academic mobility.
Students and undergraduates studying in educational programs "6B06141 Virtual Reality Modeling and Construction", take regular active part in seminars, information days, as well as qualifying exams for participation in academic mobility programs.
The department has close ties with universities that are in the top of the world QS World University Ranking, the University of Putra Malaysia (№ 123 in QS World University Rankings 2024), from where lecturers are annually invited to give lectures for teaching staff and students in the educational programs of the department. Also, according to academic mobility programs, students and undergraduates study every year at partner universities of domestic and foreign universities, such as:
- Almaty Technological University, Almaty
- Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Astana
- Lublin University of Technology, Poland
- Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
- HOF University, Germany
- Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
- Lodz University, Poland
- Putra University Malaysia, Malaysia
- Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
- Halic University, Turkey
- Vilnius Technical University, Lithuania
The chair constantly expands the base of practice. Places of practice:
The main objective of the practice is to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained by students in the learning process at the University on the basis of in-depth study of the organization, institution or enterprise, where the practice and industrial skills and methods are acquired.
In accordance with the state educational standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the following types of practices are provided: educational, training, industrial and others.The purpose of educational practice is to familiarize students with the educational programs implemented by the University, the activities of the University, profession, tasks and activities of future professional activities.
Leading teachers of the Department are appointed by the University as the head of the educational practice. In the case where the training practice is defined as a continuation of the study of the discipline, it is carried out by teachers of the Department in this area.Leading teachers of the Department (professors, associate professors, senior teachers) are appointed as heads of industrial and pre-diploma practice.Practice bases:
- LLP " Builder" - the enterprise for the provision of construction services (Shymkent,);
- LLP "Zhomart-Kamkor" - the enterprise for the provision of construction services (Shymkent),);
- LLP " INNOVA Corporation company " is the company computer services;
- LLP " Assad construction " the enterprise for the provision of construction services (Shymkent,);
- LLP " Employee SB " - (Shymkent,);
- LLP «Sfera-f» the enterprise for rendering construction services (Shymkent,);
- LLP " IT Invest Group " computer services company (Shymkent,);
- Scientific center " Theoretical and applied mathematics» ;
- LLP «Energo pulse training center» (Shymkent);
- Committee on legal statistics and special records of the General Prosecutor's office of the Republic of Kazakhstan Shymkent;
- 11. LLP "Tabys-E" (Zhetysay)
- LLP "Balance Service" (Shymkent);
- State Institution Land Relations of the Otrarsky district, Turkestan region
14.LLP " Bal textile " (Shymkent );
15.JSC "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy" - enterprise for the provision of railway services(Shymkent),);
- LLP «RCKU-Shymkent» (Shymkent);
- The office of the akim of the Abai district, Shymkent
- 18. LLP " Asia IT Service " (Shymkent);