7M07155 Digital energy systems: generation, distribution and consumption of electricity

By the decision of the Academic Council of the Bukhara Civil Engineering Institute (Bukhara, Republic of Uzbekistan) dated November 18, 2022 No. 6, the head of the department "Energy and non-traditional energy systems", Doctor of Philosophy PhD, Associate Professor Turymbetova Gulzuhra Dzhurbekovna was awarded the Diploma of Honorary Professor.
Certificate of Doctor of Philosophy PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Energy and Non-traditional Energy Systems Turymbetova Gulzuhra Dzhurbekovna for the successful conduct of classes (lectures and practical classes) on the module "Electrical Networks and Systems" at the Department of Energy Audit of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, 2022.
Doctor of Philosophy PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Energy and Non-traditional Energy Systems Sakhmetova Gulmira Edilovna, by the decision of the editors of the journal "Bilim shyny - gylym syry" No. 011 dated May 5, 2016, was awarded the badge "Kazakh elinіn uzdik ұstazy".
Doctor of Philosophy PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Energy and Non-traditional Energy Systems Sakhmetova Gulmira Yedilovna, by the decision of the Board of Directors of the Kazakhstan Electric Power Association dated November 11, 2022, was awarded the title of "Honored Power Engineer" with the award of a badge.
Certificate of Doctor of Philosophy PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Energy and Non-traditional Energy Systems Sakhmetova Gulmira Yedilovna for the successful conduct of classes (lectures and practical classes) on the module "Electrical Networks and Systems" at the Department of Energy Audit of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, 2022.
Certificate of Participation Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Energy and Non-traditional Energy Systems Uralov B.K. at the 19th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Global science and innovation 2020: Central Asia", Nur-Sultan, 2020.

Certificate of participation in the training of Turymbetova Gulzukhra Dzhurаbekovna, head of the department "Energy and non-traditional energy systems", Doctor of Philosophy PhD, associate professor in preparation for accreditation of pilot programs in the framework of the KAZDUAL project "Implementation of a dual system in Kazakhstan", which took place from March 2 to March 3 2023 in Astana.
Certificate of participation of the Doctor of Philosophy PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Energy and Non-traditional Energy Systems Turymbetova Gulzukhra Dzhurаbekovna in the special project “Auezov University 100 Zhana Esimi” held at the South Kazakhstan University named after M.Auezov.
Certificate of participation Doctor of Philosophy PhD, associate professor of the department "Energy and non-traditional energy systems" Turymbetova Gulzukhra Dzhurаbekovna in the II International teacher-innovator’s forum: "Modern Education: Challenges, Trends and Strategies", 2019.
Certificate of advanced training at the Bukhara Civil Engineering Institute in the amount of 72 hours on the topic "Energy Saving" Doctor of Philosophy PhD, Associate Professor of the Department "Energy and Non-traditional Energy Systems" Turymbetova Gulzukhra Dzhurаbekovna, 2022
Certificate of advanced training at the Bukhara Civil Engineering Institute in the amount of 72 hours on the topic "Energy Saving" Doctor of Philosophy PhD, Associate Professor of the Department "Energy and Non-traditional Energy Systems" Sakhmetova Gulmira Edilovna, 2022
Certificate of candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department "Energy and non-traditional energy systems" Ilyasov R.M. on passing advanced training (internship) in the amount of 72 hours according to an individual plan of scientific and practical work on "Studying methods for the efficient use of electrical equipment" on the basis of "Electroapparat Plant" LLP, 2020.

Patents of scientific scientists of the department "Energy and non-traditional energy systems" (Ilyasov R.M., Turymbetova G.D., Sakhmetova G.E.)

Internship by undergraduates of the MIT-20-5nr group of EP 7M07150 "Electric power industry" in the laboratories of AUPET named after Gumarbek Daukeev within the framework of the concluded cooperation agreement with the Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after Gumarbek Daukeev (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan), 2021

For undergraduates of the Department of Energy and Non-traditional Energy Systems to pass professional (research, production) practices, contracts were concluded with the leading energy enterprises of the city of Shymkent: KEGOK JSC, Ontustik Zharyk Transit LLP, Electroapparat Plant LLP, etc.

Leading professors of the Namangan Civil Engineering Institute delivered lectures to students of the Department of Energy and Non-traditional Energy Systems within the framework of a cooperation agreement, December 2022

Within the academic of the department of teaching staff "Energy and non-traditional energy systems" of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology (Bukhara, Republic of Uzbekistan), November 2022