7M04142 Finance

The faculty of the Department of Finance performs research work on the state budget topic: “Development of a mechanism for the effectiveness of financing and lending to an inclusive economy in Kazakhstan”, code GB-21-68-09.
For 2017-2022 the efficiency of preparing publications of the teaching staff of the educational program in journals with a non-zero impact factor (Scopus databases, etc.) has been actively increased. 13 articles were published in the journals: "International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences", 5(3) 2018. Analis da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias (2018), Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, Volume 21, Issue 3, 2018. The Current State of Supply Chain Management and Development of Rural Labor Resources in Kazakhstan. International Journal of Supply Chain Management.Vol. 8, no. 1, February 2019. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism. v11.3(43).12. 2020 Journal of Entrepreneurship Education Volume 23, Issue 2, 2020. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 23(2), Development of an innovation managers competency profile "Inderscience submissions", USA.2020. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism. Quarterly.Volume XIII. Issue 5(61).Fall 2022, ISSN 2068 – 7729.The following teachers have the h-index: c.e.s., associate professor Aitymbetova A.N. – 3, c.e.s., associate professor Issayeva G.K. - 3, c.e.s., docent Bigeldieva Z.A. - 2, doctor PhD, senior lecturer Zhusipova E.E. - 3, senior teacher Pazilov G.A., - 2, c.e.s., docent Maulenkulova G.E. – 3 for cited articles in the Scopus database.Over the years, work has been carried out to increase the degree and quality of the teaching staff of the department. In 2017, the senior teacher of the department Kulbay B.S. defended, in 2018 she defended herself, the senior teacher of the department Zhakipbekova D.S. Both received PhD degrees.Also in 2018, c.e.s. Issayeva G.K. received the academic title of associate professor of MES RK, in 2018 Issayeva G.K. also received the title of "The best teacher of the university" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2021, c.e.s. Aitymbetova A.N. received the academic title of associate professor of MES RK. According to the international program “Bolashak”, category “500 scientists”, candidate of economic sciences, ass.prof., head of the department "Finance" Aitymbetova Ainura Nurlanovna in the period from 01.06.-30.11.2022 will be studying at the University of Minnesota, USA. Head of the Department Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor A.N. Aitymbetova under the program "Bolashak" passed a scientific internship at the University of Minnesota, (USA), Database administration and Analysis training program.In the last 2021-2024, the completion of advanced training courses (72 hours or more) for teachers of the Department of Finance for advanced training is fully consistent with the profile of the its educational sphere.
In accordance with the plan for advanced training of teaching staff of the department, advanced training is carried out at leading universities, research institutes, organizations and enterprises near and far abroad.
85% of the department’s training program covers advanced training in a specific sector of the economy. In particular, the SF RMM of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Home Credit Bank JSC, RBC Bank JSC, Bal Tekstil LLP, State Revenue Department, Government agency Sairamsky District Department of Economics and Finance.
The department has dynamic professional development at the international level.
Head of the Department of Finance, Candidate of Economic Sciences Aitymbetova A.N., PhD, senior lecturer Kulbay B., PhD., senior lecturer Pazilov G.A., senior lecturer Kalbaeva N.T. advanced training courses were completed on the basis of the international educational platform “Coursera”. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Finance Isaeva G.K. under the international program “Bolashak” 01/11/2021-01/31/2022. Graduated from the University of Leeds (91st place in the QS World University Rankings) in the UK.
Head of the Department of Finance A.N. Aitymbetova under the international program “Bolashak 500 scientists” 06/01/2022-12/01/2022. completed an internship at the University of Minnesota, USA.
Docent of the Department Mashirova T.N., Docent Bigeldieva Z.A. senior teacher Shoraev B.A., senior teacher Kalbaeva N.T., senior teacher Zhoshibaeva D.A., and senior teacher Saparaliev T.Zh. underwent an internship at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
Teachers of the department have completed advanced training courses on innovative teaching methods, as well as on the use of the online platform Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Webex Cisco. In November 2023, teachers of the department completed the course “Digital literacy and online learning methodology” (72 hours), in January 2024 “New trends in the development of management and marketing in modern conditions” (90 hours) and “Green economy and sustainable development of regions "(72 hours), took part in 2 international winter schools and received a certificate, 2024.

Over the past 5 years, the teaching staff of the Department of Finance has developed: a textbook - 36, a monograph - 65, guidelines - 113, cases - 12, a collection of tasks and business games - 8, electronic textbooks - 2, lecture notes - 36.The teaching staff of the department received 117 acts of implementation in the educational process, 68 acts in production, 15 copyright certificates.
Educational-methodical publications of teaching staff
Publishing activities |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
Tutorials |
3/-/- |
-/- |
1/- |
-/- |
Tutorials and manuals |
4/1/1 |
6/- |
4/1/1 |
12/3/3 |
Lecture notes |
3/2 |
3/8 |
5/10 |
2/3 |
Methodical instructions |
6/18/8 |
13/9 |
10/12/8 |
15/12/2 |
Cases |
1/1 |
2/1 |
2/3 |
1/1 |
Business games |
1/1 |
1/1 |
2/2 |
-/- |
Total |
50 |
44 |
61 |
54 |
In total, for the period 2018-2022, the teaching staff of the department had more than 10 teaching aids, including 3 textbook, 1 monograph in English, 1 textbook on which there are copyright certificates.
№ |
Edition name |
Authors |
Output |
Certificate of authorship |
1 |
Financial Analysis in Commercial Banks |
Aitymbetova A.N. |
Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019. – 140 p. |
Approved by NARHOZ December 2017 |
2 |
Introduction to Finance |
Aitymbetova A.N. |
Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019. – 304 p. |
3 |
History of Economic Doctrines |
Issayeva G.K. |
Almaty: CCK, 2019.- 196 p. |
Certificate of authorship № 2949 by 21.09.2018 |
4 |
Securities Market |
Issayeva G.K. |
Shymkent: M.Auezov SKSU, 2018. – 240 p. |
Certificate of authorship № 4775 by 6.08..2019 |
5 |
Finance of Foreign Countries |
Issayeva G.K. |
Shymkent: M.Auezov SKSU, 2018.- 200 p. |
Certificate of authorship № 4806 4775 be8.08.2019 |
6 |
Public-Private Partnerships in Higher Education of Kazakhstan: Current State and Development Priorities. |
G.K. Issayeva, A. M. Yessirkepova |
Monograph. Shymkent, 2017. - 151 p. |
Certificate of authorship № 2359 by 18.07.2018 |
7 |
Туризм саласын және туристік фирмаларды оның коммуникативтік ішкі жүйесін жетілдіру негізінде дамытуды жандандыру тетігі *copyright certificates with students |
Сабенова Б.Т., Маширова Т.С. |
GOLDYES. Shymkent, 2020 |
Certificate of authorship №13346 by 19.11.2020 |
Certificates of state registration of rights to an object of copyright
1 |
Finance of Foreign Countries |
Свидетельство о внесении в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом № 4775 от 6 августа 2019 г. |
2 |
Securities Market |
Свидетельство о внесении в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом № 4806 от 8 августа 2019 г. |
3 |
Қаржылық жоспарлау және болжау |
Әдеби туындыға авторлық құқықпен қорғалатын объектілерге құқықтардың мемлекеттік тізілімге мәліметтерді енгізу туралы Куәлігі 13.12.2019 жылғы № 7066 |
4 |
Қазақстандағы жоғары білім беру саласының дуальды оқыту жүйесінде мемлекет-жеке меншік әріптестікті салықтық ынталандыру: қағидалары мен жүзеге асыру механизмдері |
Ғылыми туындыға авторлық құқықпен қорғалатын объектілерге құқықтардың мемлекеттік тізілімге мәліметтерді енгізу туралы Куәлігі 20.12.2019 жылғы № 7163 (Авторлар: Исаева Г.К., Есиркепова А.М.) |
5 |
Налоговое стимулирование государственно-частного партнерства в системе дуального обучения в сфере высшего образования Казахстана: принципы и механизмы реализации |
Свидетельство о внесении сведений в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом № 7160 от 20.12.2019 г. на произведение науки (Авторы: |
Makhatova Aruzhan studied at the Lublin Polytechnic University (Lublin, Poland) in the 2019-2020 academic year under the academic mobility program.
In the 2021-2022 academic year, Aymakhan Aruzhan Kadyrkhanovna studied at Turiba University in Riga, the capital of Latvia, under the academic mobility program. Bekibaeva Didara Anuarovna studied under the academic mobility program at the Russian University of People's Friendship in Moscow.
In the 2022-2023 academic year, Seitomar Moldir is studying at the University of Granada, located in the city of Granada, Spain, on academic mobility, in the 1st year of his master's degree.
Master's student of the MEF-21-5pk group Myrzaly A. prepares a report on production practice
Master's student of the MEF-20-5pk group Oralbay zh at the place of internship at the state enterprise in the city of Zhetysai, Turkestan region.

Master's student of the MEF-21-5nk group Aimakhan Aruzhan Zhusan Bank JSC during the course of research practice

Master's student of the MEF -22-5nr group Makhatova Aruzhan "KF BANK HOME CREDIT JSC“ during the course of research practice
Makhatova Aruzhan studied at the Lublin Polytechnic University (Lublin, Poland) in the 2019-2020 academic year under the academic mobility program.
In the 2021-2022 academic year, Aymakhan Aruzhan Kadyrkhanovna studied at Turiba University in Riga, the capital of Latvia, under the academic mobility program. Bekibaeva Didara Anuarovna studied under the academic mobility program at the Russian University of People's Friendship in Moscow.
In the 2022-2023 academic year, Seitomar Moldir is studying at the University of Granada, located in the city of Granada, Spain, on academic mobility, in the 1st year of his master's degree.
The teachers of the department are also actively involved in international cooperation projects in the form of scientific internships and academic training in foreign universities. So, according to the international program “Bolashak”, category “500 scientists”, candidate of economics, associate professor, head of the department “Finance” Aytymbetova Ainura Nurlanovna in the period from 01.06.-30.11.2022. Studied at the University of Minnesota, USA.
In addition, according to the international program "Bolashak", the direction of study is a master's degree, c.e.s., associate professor studied at the University of Leeds, UK.