7M04122 Management

Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing Kydyrova Zhamila Shafkhatovna, born on 06/04/1972, according to the minutes of the meeting of the Republican Commission for Training Personnel Abroad 21-32-3.21 dated 12/24/2021, was awarded the international scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak" for training in the country of the Russian Federation with a degree in Management in Education and Science (Strategic Management and Leadership in Higher Education. University Management) under the Internship program.
Kydyrova Zhamilya Shafkhatovna completed an internship at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Russian Federation.
Study period: from 03/01/2022 to 05/31/2022.

The teaching staff of the Department of Management and Marketing underwent advanced training at SCU named after. M. Auezov for 72 hours on the topic: “Digital literacy and online learning methods.”

The teaching staff of the Department of Management and Marketing from February 5 to February 17, 2024 From February 19 to March 2, 2024
completed an advanced training course “Innovative methods of marketing and management in public administration” in the amount of 72 academic hours.

Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing Kydyrova Zhamila Shafkhatovna, born on 06/04/1972, according to the minutes of the meeting of the Republican Commission for Training Personnel Abroad 21-32-3.21 dated 12/24/2021, was awarded the international scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak" for training in the country of the Russian Federation with a degree in Management in Education and Science (Strategic Management and Leadership in Higher Education. University Management) under the Internship program.
Kydyrova Zhamilya Shafkhatovna completed an internship at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Russian Federation.
Study period: from 03/01/2022 to 05/31/2022.

Undergraduates during a foreign internship.
City of Granada, Universidad de Granada.

Master students of the specialty "Management" and "Marketing" undergo research and industrial practice on the basis of enterprises that correspond to the profile of the specialty
On the basis of contracts within the framework of the UNPK (NurAdil LLP, BioAgro SEC, Asel LLP, ProdGroup LLP, Perizat - 2030 LLP). Undergraduates and teaching staff of the department conduct joint scientific research, introduce scientific results into the production process, submit joint applications for participation in grant proposals. Undergraduates undergo industrial and research practice on the basis of UNPK, teaching staff scientific industrial internship. Representatives of the UNPK participate in the formation of the MEP, the work of the SAC, make proposals for improving the educational process. As part of the UNPK, highly qualified specialists from enterprises are invited to give lectures and conduct class

Bases of practice: Smarter Kazakhstan LLP Outsourcing company, KTZ-freight transportation-Shymkent branch, LLP «Абу-М», LLP “TECH-KREP KZ”, LLP “Coffee Boom”
Our bachelors undergo pre-diploma internship in these organizations, and our master's students undergo research.

Within the framework of the AP09261075 project "Formation of a model of a regional
food hub as a horizontally integrated structure in order
to ensure food security (using the example of a meat cluster
Turkestan region)" under the agreement No. 219-4 dated April 15, 2021.
The research group is Professor D.A. Kulanova and PhD Esbolova
A.E. completed a scientific internship at the Technical University of Darmstadt.
Period: 18-22.09.2023 During this period, the researchers established
cooperation in scientific and academic activities.
During the stay on the research topic, information was collected on
the production and deep processing of meat and meat products,
infrastructure facilities for the formation of a cluster. The scientists
also visited the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, where
cluster initiatives in the German agricultural sector were studied. They
met with colleagues Dr. Ulrike van der Schaaf and Professor
Heike Karbstein and discussed the creation of a food
center and its benefits for developing countries.
In the future, the research group plans to cooperate in
fields of economics and management in agriculture with
the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.